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Chapter 2083 The bigger the storm, the more courageous it is to move forward.

Chapter 2083 The bigger the storm, the more courageous it is to move forward.
Shen Lin is here!
These four words were like a magic needle that calmed the sea. Suddenly, the frightened research institute became calmer.

This is not only because Shen Lin is the boss of the research institute, but also because of the prestige represented by the word Shen Lin.

Therefore, everyone is willing to believe Shen Lin.

Therefore, when they heard these four words, they all became quiet.

Some people even rushed to the conference room as quickly as possible after hearing the news about Shen Lin's meeting.

No matter who is in the meeting, those who can hide in the back will never lean in the front.

But this time, almost everyone walked forward.

For them, this incident is related to their own future destiny, so they are extremely concerned.

"What will Director Shen say this time?"

"Who knows this? It won't tell us that MiKe Electronics is ready to give up!"

"It's unlikely. Maybe they will tell us that MiKe Electronics is ready, but when we believe it, MiKe Electronics..."

Just when everyone was talking about it, someone heard someone say: "Director Shen is here!"

Following these words, Shen Lin, Ma Yuancheng and others walked into the conference room.

The conference room was not too big, so it seemed a bit crowded. Some people even stood in the corridor because there were no seats.

Shen Lin glanced at the rostrum, but did not sit on it. Instead, he said casually: "When I came here this time, I found that everyone is a little low in energy!"

"Did everyone not sleep well last night, or do you think that our MiKe operating system cannot continue and will be dismantled soon?"

Shen Lin's serious teasing made the surrounding area quiet for a while, but in the end someone still muttered: "Director Shen, we all believe in you very much."

"But what's happening now, we..."

When the man said this, he sighed helplessly and said: "Dr. Shen, the current situation is that people are going astray, and we...we have nothing to do!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Juying Company copied our MiKeYi operating system. It can be said that the evidence is conclusive, but we lost."

"The current Juying operating system is obviously not as good as our Mihuer, but they are trying to beat us up and sue us for plagiarism. Now it is us who are at a disadvantage!"

"Everyone who encounters this kind of confusing right and wrong will feel aggrieved! Anyone who encounters it will want to yell!"

"But everyone here knows in their hearts that spitting can't kill people, and can shouting and swearing solve the problem? If you reason with a scoundrel, condemn him, and inspire him, that's not playing the piano to a bull!"

"What we rely on to solve the problem, apart from relying on our confidence, depends more on our own strength."

"Only our products are far ahead. As long as the level of our Juying operating system is much higher than that of Juying Company, then we will definitely win!"

Having said this, Shen Lin glanced at Ma Yuancheng and said, "If we ourselves have lost hope, if we ourselves feel that we are not good enough."

"If we don't do anything and just sit in the office and complain about everything, what will be our final result?"

At this point, Shen Lin's words became more and more powerful: "There is only one final result, and that is our complete failure!"

"After a period of time, as Juying's operating system is accepted by more and more people, we will naturally become a plagiarist in the eyes of consumers."

"Becoming a shameless person!"

Shen Lin looked at the subordinates below and said with great sadness: "Are you willing to accept such a result?"

"Are you willing for your achievements to be shamelessly appropriated by others, while we ourselves become plagiarists?"

The conference room, which was originally a bit messy, was now completely silent.

Almost all eyes were looking at Shen Lin!

For a moment, the atmosphere in the conference room gave people a solid feeling.

"I don't want to!"

someone shouted.And accompanied by this shouting, there was a burst of noise!

"Yes, we don't want to!"

"we can not accept!"

"Director Shen, what do you think we should do?"


Ma Yuancheng's face turned red. At this time, there seemed to be a fire burning in his heart.

He couldn't accept what Shen Lin said!
He couldn't just watch the fruits of his labor being shamelessly possessed by others.

He couldn't accept that he was obviously a victim, but someone else turned the truth upside down and became a shameless plagiarist.

He can't accept it!
"Yeah, we can't accept it!"

"So, we must fight this battle well!"

"The combatants in this battle include me and everyone. My task is to safeguard everyone's rights and interests, and everyone's task is to produce more research results that can prove our own strength."

"I believe the more results we come up with, the greater the pressure they will face."

"When they lose all their credibility in this regard, it is extremely detrimental to them."

In one breath, Shen Lin said a lot of words.

As Shen Lin's words fell, the atmosphere in the conference room began to rise.

But at this moment, someone said: "Director Shen, is it really possible for us to win?"

"Although what you said is good, I don't think it's possible for us!"

Hearing this, Ma Yuancheng was the first to look over.

What Shen Lin just said made him and his subordinates very motivated.

Just when he was about to take this opportunity to let his subordinates do something big, he didn't expect that he would encounter such a thing.

Under such circumstances, someone actually stood up and poured cold water on me.

This made Ma Yuancheng's expression extremely ugly.

But Shen Lin was not angry at this time. He looked at the speaker and said with a smile: "You are a bit too pessimistic. Why do we have no chance of winning?"

"The thing we won may be true but not fake. They plagiarised us."

"More than our efforts, there is also the support of countless MiKe operating system users!"

"I believe we will win this time."

Before Shen Lin could finish speaking, the person who asked the question had already stood up. He was in his 30s and wore a pair of glasses, which gave people a stiff look.

"Director Shen, although what you said is very good, I still don't have high hopes."

"I think instead of wasting time here, we should do something useful.

Having said this, he said in a deep voice: "Both Director Shen and President Ma are here. I am very grateful to you for your training in me."

"But I quit!"

Ma Yuancheng's face became extremely ugly. He originally thought that the next step would be a matter of working together and uniting as one, but he did not expect that what he encountered turned out to be such a thing. He thought that we could work together to help each other, but at this time Resign.

This made Ma Yuancheng extremely angry.

"Li Xueqian, if you want to resign, we can agree to it, but you can propose your resignation privately to me and Director Shen. What did you propose to resign at today's meeting!"

(End of this chapter)

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