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Chapter 2084 Don’t give up, don’t abandon

Chapter 2084 Don’t give up, don’t abandon

The muscles on Ma Yuancheng's face were trembling.

He felt like his heart was going to explode at this moment.

Shen Lin was here to encourage morale, but he did not expect that not only would some of his subordinates jump out to sing the opposite, but they would also...

Shameless, extremely shameless!
If he could now, he could not wait to swallow Li Xueqian in one gulp.

A trace of timidity flashed in Li Xueqian's eyes.

Obviously, he also knew that it was wrong for him to say such words at this time.

But after a moment of hesitation, he said in a deep voice: "Ma Yuancheng, everyone has their own ambitions. I don't want to do it anymore, can't you let me do it?"

"I just don't want to waste time, I just don't want to do meaningless things."

Looking at Li Xueqian who was scratching his neck, Ma Yuancheng didn't know what to say for a while.

At this moment, Shen Lin said: "Li Xueqian, right? I don't think this is the reason for your resignation."

"You resigned because you were invited by Juying Company."

Li Xueqian was not a good liar in the first place, but when Shen Lin told him what was on his mind, he was at a loss.

But he still said: "Director Shen, I...I didn't get any invitation. I'm just telling a fact."

"Don't make false accusations against others at will."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Li Xueqian, it doesn't matter whether you admit it or not."

"According to the agreement we signed before, we can agree to your resignation."

"But you have to follow our agreement."

"After you resign, we will pay you a severance compensation equivalent to one year's salary. The condition of this compensation is that within this year, you cannot engage in the same or similar job as the job you are currently engaged in!"

When Shen Lin said this, he looked at Li Xueqian and said, "We have signed a confidentiality agreement. I hope you won't make a mistake."

Don't mistake a few words. Shen Lin didn't speak loudly, but listening to Shen Lin's words, Li Xueqian's heart felt a little cold.

As one of the researchers of the MiKe II operating system, he naturally knows that the research and development of the MiKe III operating system is advancing rapidly.

If he cannot join Juying within a year, his value will be exhausted.

by that time……

"Dr. Shen, what if I don't want this compensation and don't accept this restriction?" Li Xueqian's eyes widened, filled with madness.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Li Xueqian, the confidentiality contract is legally binding."

After saying this, Shen Lin looked at the researcher below and said, "I know that this incident has made some people want to leave."

"I won't stop anyone from finding another way out."

"However, as the person in charge of the company, I don't think I can feel sorry for you. Therefore, I also hope that you will not use the company's secrets in exchange for your own interests."

"In that case, the company will never let it go."

"I believe everyone knows what price everyone will pay when the time comes."

"Finally, I would like to say that this difficulty is only temporary, and we will be able to get out of this predicament soon."

"We will still not stop researching and developing the MiKe [-] operating system, and we will still not give up!"

Listening to Shen Lin's calm words filled with determination, a burst of warm applause rang out quickly.

And most people looked at Li Xueqian with even more contempt.

As employees of MiKe Operating System, they are filled with anger at the unfair treatment received by the company.

And the betrayers are even more looked down upon by them.

Ma Yuancheng looked down at his companions who were inspired to fight again, with a hint of excitement flashing in his eyes.

In addition to worrying about the development of the company, what he fears most is that his colleagues in the research institute will lose their fighting spirit.But although he was worried, he couldn't think of a good solution.

Now Shen Lin took action and solved the problem.

"Yuan Cheng, make arrangements. Let's have a dinner together today." Shen Lin said this and said to Shi Congyun who was not far behind him: "Congyun, please help me contact Mr. Bai Mingfu and ask him to help us." Prepare a batch of good wine.”

"Tell Mr. Bai not to save money for me."

Shi Congyun looked at Shen Lin and knew that Director Shen was serious, so she immediately said: "Okay, Director Shen, I will make arrangements right away."

Hearing that Shen Lin had arranged for a dinner party, the morale that had already been raised by Shen Lin became even higher at this moment.

"Director Shen, wait a moment and we will give you a toast."

"After today's drink, I won't go back. I won't go home until the MiKe [-] operating system is developed."

"Haha, brother, you are just a bachelor and it doesn't matter if you live in our research institute every day, but we can't!"


Listening to everyone's discussion, Shen Lin had a smile on his face.

At this moment, Shi Congyun came over and gently told Shen Lin that Chief Engineer Qi was back.

Shen Lin had placed a lot of hopes on Chief Engineer Qi.

After all, this person is not only a master in technology, but also highly respected and has a huge say in the computer field.

This time he went there, Shen Lin felt better than him.

Chief Engineer Qi had just sat down in the office when Shen Lin came over. His expression was a little tired, but his whole person gave people an extremely exciting feeling.

Seeing Shen Lin approaching, he quickly stood up and said, "Director Shen, I was talking about going to find you..."

Shen Lin said eagerly: "Mr. Qi, how are you doing this time?"

"Director Shen, I have reported our basic situation. The superiors attach great importance to this and said they will do their best to support us."

"If we need anything, feel free to ask."

"In addition, the above also stated that we can support us in all aspects of the computer field."

"Also, if we need funds, they can help us coordinate loans."

"In addition, the above also instructed the relevant departments to actively help us solve the problem."


Listening to Mr. Qi's words, Shen Lin felt that Mr. Qi's action this time was very fruitful, and he received strong support from all aspects.

"Great!" Ma Yuancheng banged the table with his palm, and said with excitement: "With this support, we will be more confident in winning."

"No matter how shameless the people at Juying Company are, they can't swallow up our entire market."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Qi, your hard work has really paid off this time."

"You take a rest first, and I'll give you two toasts later."

Chief Engineer Qi said: "Director Shen, although we have full support from above, I think you still can't take it lightly. After all, Juying Company also has a lot of support."

"This lawsuit is not easy to fight!"

Chief Engineer Qi said that it was difficult to type, and his expression was extremely serious.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Qi, I have a plan for this."

"Juying Company is difficult to deal with, but we will have more and more allies in the future, so don't worry."

"No matter how powerful Juying Company is, it is only the strength of one family."

"And we will have more helpers next time!"

(End of this chapter)

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