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Chapter 2085 Cooperation with different intentions

Chapter 2085 Cooperation with different intentions
Hong Kong!

The brightly lit Victoria Harbor is full of prosperity and hustle and bustle!
In a hotel full of Western style, Jamie is drinking coffee!

Opposite him sat a middle-aged man who looked to be in his 40s.The man's blond hair had been reduced a bit too quickly, giving him the impression of premature aging.

However, Jemisi did not dare to look down upon this person at all.

Because this person is Pi Dan, the head of Ruike Company, their main rival of Yingte Company.

"Mr. Pidan, what do you think of this gathering convened by MiKe Electronics?" Jamiexi took a sip of coffee and asked with a smile.

Pi Dan said calmly: "I'm not too optimistic about this."

A trace of sarcasm flashed in Jemisi's eyes. If you don't like it and you come here, who are you trying to fool?Do you think I'm being fooled?
"Hahaha, I'm not too optimistic either." Jemisi said with a smile.

Looking at Jamiexi who looked like he was joking, Pidan said calmly: "Mr. Jamiexi, the main reason why I am not optimistic about it is that Juying Company has received support."

As he spoke, Pidan pointed his finger upward.

Jemisi naturally understood what Pidan meant.

He also knew that what Pidan said was true.

It is precisely because of this support that Juying Company is unscrupulous.

Even fellow businessmen, whether it was Yingte Company or Ruike Company, felt that Juying Company's methods were a bit unacceptable.

"In the invitation submitted to us by York Hansen, he said that not only Shen Lin of MiKe Electronics will come in person this time, but he also has important things to announce to us."

Pidan changed the subject and said: "Dear Jemisi, everyone has always said that you are extremely wise. What do you think is this important?"

Jamiexi picked up the coffee cup and took a sip, then said with a smile: "I don't know."

Upon hearing this answer, Pidan's eyes flashed with a sneer.

I don’t know, don’t you have any guesses?

"Do you think Shen Lin wants to sell MiKe Operating System?"

Jemisi hesitated.

He guessed in his mind that Shen Lin came to him this time, most likely to sell the MiKe operating system.

If you can buy the MiKe operating system, it will be worth it even if you spend a lot of money.

After all, the operating system is so important to future computers.

It can be said that whoever masters the operating system will be able to take the initiative.

Pi Dan in front of him should have guessed it.

"I think it's very possible?" Jamiexi said with a smile: "Mr. Pidan, we may become competitors by then?"

Listening to such teasing, Pidan smiled and said: "Mr. Jemisi, we both feel the same."

"I think in this competition, it is best for us to cooperate and not give Shen Lin too much advantage."

"Otherwise, we will be two tigers fighting each other, and in the end we will only be able to help others."

Jemisi picked up the silver spoon and stirred the coffee in front of him, and then said: "Of course I agree with cooperation, but how should we cooperate?"

"Our company does not want to give up on the MiKe operating system."

At this moment, Pidan's tone of voice also became a little stiff: "Mr. Jemisi, tell me something you don't like to hear. In this matter, we are also bound to win."

"Although your company's current profits are good, compared with us, you still have some gaps."

"I'm going to say something bad, you can't eat this MiKe operating system."

Jemisi chuckled and said, "Mr. Pidan, we can't take it, but we can find partners." "Also, if you take the MiKe operating system, we can also cooperate with Juying Company."

"I believe that Mr. Yabo from Juying Company also wants to cooperate with us for you who have obtained the MiKe operating system."

There was originally a harmonious atmosphere, but with the words of the two people, there was a feeling of tit-for-tat for a while.

At this moment, both Pidan and Jemisi's expressions became a little grim.

But in this stiff environment, Pidan suddenly laughed.

"Mr. Jemisi, we just said that we should work together and not let Shen Lin get too much advantage."

"But now, we are directly confronting each other tit for tat. I think the final result of this is to give others an advantage."

"So, I think we should be more sensible."

Hearing the words of Reason, a smile appeared on Jamie's face again.

"Let's do this. Let's work together to lower the price to Shen Lin." Jemisi said in a deep voice: "As for the final ownership of the MiKe operating system, we can discuss an agreement and handle it in accordance with the agreement."

"This way we can take into account the interests of both our families, what do you think?"

Pidan smiled and said: "Mr. Jemisi, what you said is actually what I thought."

"Why should we be so tit-for-tat?"

The two people seemed to have become old friends again after not seeing each other for many years, but both of them knew very well that the conflicts between the two people could not be reconciled in a short time.

Who can win the MiKe operating system next depends on their own abilities.

"Mr. Pidan, Mr. Jemisi, I'm really happy to meet you two here!" Just as the two people were talking, a tall, gray-haired middle-aged man walked away holding a wine glass. He came over with a faint smile on his face.

Looking at this middle-aged man, Pidan and Jemisi both had a hint of gloom in their expressions.

But in an instant, they all smiled and said, "Mr. Hesai, I'm really happy to see you!"

"I didn't expect to see Mr. Hesai here."

Mr. Hesai felt that the attitude of the two people was very normal. He said with a smile: "You two, I am really happy to see you."

"Haha, I am here to seek cooperation this time. I hope that we can also become cooperative partners."

Jemisi chuckled and said, "Mr. Hesai, your idea is also our wish."

"It's just that cooperation is easy to talk about, but I don't know how Mr. Hesai plans to share the MiKe operating system with us?"

Mr. Hesai said: "It is still too early to say this now."

"But we can reach an agreement, that is, no matter what happens next, the three of us will advance and retreat together."

"In this case, I believe we can take the initiative in this gathering."

"What do you two think?"

Jemisi and Pidan looked at each other, then smiled and said at the same time: "Mr. Hesai's idea is very good, we agree."

"But we hope that it won't be Mr. Hesai himself who breaks this agreement!"

Mr. Hesai just smiled at the two people's distrustful words.

He said calmly: "It will be more beneficial for us to cooperate. Otherwise, if we argue, the final profit will go to Shen Lin."

"In that case, we will be the ones who are cheated."

(End of this chapter)

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