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Chapter 2087 A Large Piece of Fat Meat

Chapter 2087 A big piece of fat
Because he drank alcohol at night, Zhang Yuqing still felt a little dizzy when he woke up the next day.

But even so, she still forced herself to wash her face and brush her teeth, quickly adjusted her condition, and immediately became full of blood and resurrected.

After all, Director Shen is in a difficult period now. At other times, he could have neglected it, but not now.

She, Zhang Yuqing, is also a rule-abiding person.

After a quick cup of coffee, Zhang Yuqing arrived at the third floor of Shangri-La Hotel.

There is a small conference room here, and what Shen Lin said today was in the small meeting.

When Zhang Yuqing came to the small conference room, he found that many people were already sitting in the small conference room.

And most of them are foreigners.

As the head of a senior law firm, Zhang Yuqing is naturally a foreigner who has seen a lot.

But the situation at this time still surprised her secretly.

Because not only were these foreigners very distinguished, but there were several of them, she vaguely felt that she should have seen them in some magazine.

This Shen Lin seems to have caused quite a big thing, and he is still here to lie to himself that it is a trivial matter, but it is really...

Zhang Yuqing's arrival did not attract the attention of the foreigners. Some of them were talking, while others were silently thinking.

"Congyun, what is going on?"

Zhang Yuqing, who felt that he might have been misled by Shen Lin, happened to see Shi Congyun and hurriedly waved.

Shi Congyun had met Zhang Yuqing and knew the relationship between Zhang Yuqing and Shen Lin.

So at this time, she did not hide anything from Zhang Yuqing and said in a deep voice: "Lawyer Zhang, these are the guests invited by Director Shen."

"The main thing is to discuss the MiKe operating system."

"This is the president of Yingte Company, this is Mr. Pidan from Raycus Company, and this is..."

Listening to Shi Congyun's introduction, Zhang Yuqing felt a little confused.

I am not prepared enough!
If he had known that there was such an important thing today, he wouldn't have drank so much with Shen Lin yesterday.

This Shen Lin, isn't this delaying things...

Although he complained about Shen Lin in his heart, Zhang Yuqing quickly regained his composure.

"Is Director Shen planning to sell MiKe Operating System?"

This was Zhang Yuqing's first feeling. After all, there were so many big guys here, and it seemed that this was the only one that could attract them.

Shi Congyun shook his head and said: "Director Shen has no plans to sell MiKe Operating System!"

Seeing that Shi Congyun didn't look like he was lying, Zhang Yuqing silently thought about Shen Lin's idea.

At this moment, the door opened again, and Shen Lin, dressed in black casual clothes, strode in.

Shen Lin doesn't pay too much attention to the way he dresses. He has always been casual, free and free.

At this time, he came to the crowd of people in suits and ties. Although he looked a little out of place, he also gave people a fresh and refined feeling.

"Everyone, welcome, I am Shen Lin." As the host, Shen Lin naturally came to the main seat of the small conference room and greeted everyone with a smile.

In fact, everyone present was very clear about Shen Lin's situation.

Although most of them have never met Shen Lin himself, they have studied a lot of Shen Lin's photos and images.

When Shen Lin arrives, there will naturally be no one among them who cannot recognize Shen Lin.

"Director Shen, do you have any important decision to make when you summon us here this time?"

Pi Dan said with a smile: "We all can't wait to hear Director Shen's wise decision at this time!"

Pi Dan's words made everyone look at Shen Lin even more intensely.

Although MiKe operating system has encountered difficulties, for them, these difficulties are not insurmountable.Once these difficulties are overcome, MiKe Operating System will become a golden chicken that can continuously lay golden eggs.

Facing Pi Dan's question, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Pi Dan is right. I invite everyone here because I have an important decision."

"Before I talk about this, there is one thing I want to say."

"I believe everyone already knows that Juying Company sued us some time ago!"

"As an elite in the industry, even if I don't say who copied whom, I think everyone knows it."

Shen Lin's words caused a burst of laughter in the conference room.

But there was only laughter, but no one said anything.

The people present can become the top leaders of large companies, and naturally they all have their own extraordinary qualities.

Although they all feel that Shen Lin and MiKe Electronics are a little unfair, they will never support MiKe Electronics just because of a few good words.

After all, no one wants to do such an offending thing.

There are benefits, but that’s a different matter.

After the laughter dissipated, Jamiexi said: "Director Shen, we all know about your company's situation."

"So we will never take advantage of this incident."

"Don't worry, Mr. Shen, we will definitely give you a suitable price to buy your MiKe operating system."

Jemisi's words were beautiful, but how to do it was still in his mind.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Thank you Mr. Jemisi for your understanding, but what I want to tell Mr. Jemisi is that we are not planning to sell the MiKe operating system."

"Director Shen, you asked us to come here, and you don't want to sell the MiKe operating system. Do you want us all to come here to seek justice for you?"

Pi Dan stood up and said unceremoniously: "We can't do this kind of thing!"

"After all, this matter is already being tried."

Shen Lin looked at Mr. Pidan who was pretending to be angry, and said with a smile: "Mr. Pidan, everyone, please don't worry."

"When I finish what I want to say, if you think it's not worth your while, then I will definitely offer you a toast to apologize."

When Shen Lin said this, he smiled and said: "Everyone is engaged in the computer industry. I believe you all know that the era of the Internet and computers is coming!"

"This is a very big cake. You can imagine what it will be like when every family has a computer."

"How much money can we all make?"

No one spoke, because even if they didn't calculate, they all knew that this was a huge opportunity.

An opportunity for computer giants like them.

"And as computers enter ordinary people's lives, the importance of operating systems is self-evident."

"Ordinary people are not willing to use difficult DOS commands to operate computers. What they want is a convenient and simple operating system."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "So, whoever masters the operating system will earn the fattest piece of meat in the computer industry."

"Do you have any objections to my conclusion?"

Pi Dan and others naturally had no objection, because what Shen Lin said was something they could all see and foresee.

However, at this time, they did not respond, and each of them secretly speculated on Shen Lin's intentions.

Jamiexi picked up the tea cup and took a sip of water. He looked at Shen Lin at the main seat and felt that he had guessed what Shen Lin meant.

It seems that this young man wants to use the power of himself and others to resist the pressure of Juying Company.

(End of this chapter)

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