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Chapter 2088 Sharing can last long

Chapter 2088 Sharing can last long
"Director Shen, of course we understand the importance of the operating system!"

Mr. Hesai has always been very low-key and doesn't talk much, but at this time, he stood up and said: "So our company is also preparing to develop an operating system."

Shen Lin smiled at Mr. Hesai and said, "Mr. Hesai, it's not that I don't have confidence in you. You came in too late!"

"If you build an operating system now, you will eventually be defeated by Juying Company."

"As a friend, I would like to advise you not to waste your time on things like losing money and wasting effort!"

Mr. Hesai was not angry, and the smile on his face did not even diminish.

He looked at Shen Lin with a smile and said in a deep voice: "Dr. Shen, you said that my efforts will be in vain, I don't believe it!"

"Isn't your MiKe operating system just a short time ago?"

Shen Lin said: "Mr. Hesai, the reason why I said you are late is because our MiKe operating system and Juying operating system have already been released."

"Although the other party is a bit despicable, I have to admit that the Juying operating system has also been recognized by many consumers."

"In this case, it is indeed too late for you to join in now!"

Mr. Hesai didn't have much excuse for Shen Lin's words.

Although he still disagreed a little, he also felt that what Shen Lin said was not unreasonable.

After a period of silence, Mr. Pidan said: "Dr. Shen, you summoned us here not to pour cold water on us, right?"

"Everyone's time is precious. If Director Shen has any follow-up plans, please feel free to tell us."

“We can support you wherever possible.”

"Of course, if it's not feasible, we can't support it."

"Also, before talking about cooperation, I think Director Shen should face up to the situation you are currently facing."

Everyone present knew what situation Shen Lin was facing now.

MiKe Electronics seems to be about to be defeated by Juying Company due to unfair treatment.To save this kind of defeat, MiKe Electronics needs the support of everyone present.

But if he wanted this kind of support, Shen Lin would have to bleed.

Only if the people present are given enough benefits will they help.

It can be said that the reason why everyone present is so high-spirited is because they are certain that this time, they have almost defeated Shen Lin.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I'm inviting everyone here this time. Actually, I have only one purpose, and that is cooperation."

"It's just that my cooperation this time does not involve giving out shares of MiKe Operating System."

Jemisi didn't wait for Shen Lin to finish what he said, and stood up directly and said: "Director Shen, if your cooperation does not involve real money, then we will not feel your sincerity in cooperation at all."

"According to us, don't waste our and your time with this kind of unnecessary cooperation."

As he spoke, Jamie was about to walk out.

But Shen Lin had no intention of retaining Jemisi's departure, and looked like he was waiting for him to walk out.

Jemisi had already reached the gate, and Shen Lin was still smiling.

This time it was Jemisi's turn to not be calm. He had traveled thousands of miles to come here, and he didn't just leave just to show off his temper.

So he paused for a moment, and then looked at Pidan.

Although Mr. Pidan wished that Jemisi could leave at this time, he thought of the agreement between himself and Jemisi, so he still said: "Mr. Jemisi, I don't think you can be so impatient."

"Since Director Shen has said that he wants to give us an explanation, you might as well wait until he has finished speaking before leaving."

Jemisi glanced at Pidan, and before anyone else could speak, said: "Since Mr. Pidan said it, I will give you this face."

Pi Danxin said you don't have to give it to me, you can do whatever you want, but how could he say this?
Shen Lin saw this kind of double act between the two people, and felt a burst of contempt in his heart.He said calmly: "Everyone, I invite you all to come here this time for the MiKe operating system."

"Everyone knows that the operating systems of both us and Juying Company are closed."

"And once any of our companies' operating systems successfully occupy the largest market share, they will be accepted by all consumers."

"Then to put it bluntly, you will all be more or less restrained by us in your future production."

Shen Lin's words were so straightforward that everyone present looked gloomy.

Whether it is Jemisi or Pidan, they are very clear about this.

It is precisely because of this knowledge that they came here to attend the meeting of MiKe Operating System.The purpose is to get a share of this pie and save your company from being controlled by others in the future.

"Director Shen, you are right. This is what we don't want to see." Mr. Hesai said calmly.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "I was full of confidence in the promotion of this operating system."

"But what happened this time made me feel that I took it a little too much for granted."

Although Shen Lin didn't say this explicitly, everyone present knew what Shen Lin was talking about.

But none of them spoke.

“I’m inviting everyone here this time not to sell the MiKe operating system, but to announce a change in the MiKe operating system.”

“We are preparing to program the MiKe operating system as an open source system.”

"And I invite everyone to come because I hope we can cooperate with each other and form an alliance to jointly develop the MiKe operating system."

MiKe operating system becomes an open source system!

The expressions in the eyes of everyone present changed!
Especially Mr. Pidan couldn't help but stand up.

He knows very well that once the MiKe operating system becomes an open source system, the constraints on them will be greatly reduced.

It can even be ignored.

Also, Shen Lin invited them to jointly develop the MiKe operating system. This... this...

Thoughts flashed one by one, and a trace of heat appeared in Pidan's eyes.

You can join this alliance!

"Director Shen, if we join in joint development, what are the conditions?" Mr. Hesai looked at Shen Lin with a hint of eagerness in his voice.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "No conditions are required."

"It should be said that companies coming here do not need any conditions, because we are already the strongest company in the industry."

"We are the conditions."

Shen Lin's words made He Sai and others smile even more.

They are the conditions, and these words make them extremely happy!

Of course, what they value most is profit.

Once MiKe operating system becomes an open source system, the benefits they will gain are not 01:30 points.

At the very least, they won't be controlled by others.

"Director Shen, your company is so generous in making the MiKe operating system you researched into an open source system. Then I would like to ask, how do you plan to make profits?"

After taking a breath, Jemisi said in a deep voice: "We don't believe that Mr. Shen will give us these for nothing. After all, even if you sell the MiKe operating system to Juying Company, they will still You will be richly rewarded.”

(End of this chapter)

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