Chapter 2089 New Alliance
How does Shen Lin make money?

For an open source system, it is basically difficult to make a profit by selling the operating system!

And if Shen Lin and MiKe are not profitable, then everyone will doubt whether MiKe Electronics can continue with this project.

It can be said that this has become the last suspicion of Jemisi and others.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "We have also thought about this way of making profit."

"At that time, the system we launch will include several computer software that comes with MiKe Electronics."

"These software, if customers use them, can pay us some fees."

"Of course, if you don't like it, you can uninstall it directly."

The entire MiKe operating system was directly open sourced, developed with everyone, and then just added a few of its own software to the system.

Is this too much?
In the eyes of many people, this is completely normal.

Not too much at all!

Jemisi and others looked at each other quickly and thought quickly about Shen Lin's profit model.

They have thought of several things, but these don't seem to have much impact on them.

So in this regard, there was no need for them to reject Shen Lin.

"Director Shen, I have no problem."

As Jemisi sat down, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Hesai, Mr. Pidan, and everyone else, if you have any questions about this cooperation, feel free to ask them."

"I think our cooperation must at least be open and honest."

"Only open and honest cooperation can last long."

Mr. Hesai did not speak, but Pi Dan smiled and said: "Director Shen, we support the establishment of this alliance unconditionally."

“But I feel like our companies alone seem to have a little less.”

"I think in the future, companies that are more suitable can still be attracted."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Pidan, you are right, I completely agree with your opinion."

“As long as we meet a suitable company, we will definitely recruit it.”

Mr. Hesai said: "Director Shen, you have already stated the purpose of our alliance, but we still need to have a code of cooperation."

"This is how we can make this alliance last for a long time."

Shen Lin came to Zhang Yuqing's side and said, "Mr. Hesai, let me introduce to you. This Ms. Zhang Yuqing is our company's legal advisor."

"Lawyer Zhang is not only very professional, but also proficient in business cooperation. I believe that with Lawyer Zhang helping us in this aspect, nothing will be a problem."

"Wait a minute, I'll ask Lawyer Zhang to come up with a cooperation draft first."

"If you have any opinions then, feel free to mention them."

Having said this, Shen Lin sighed and said, "But after signing this cooperation agreement, I really have some things to trouble everyone."

"I believe everyone has seen the situation of our MiKe operating system."

"I have been subject to a lot of restrictions on this matter, so if I want to solve the problem, I need everyone's help."

"I think everyone doesn't want it. Our MiKe operating system has just been open sourced and will eventually be snatched away by others."

Shen Lin's words made everyone present look serious.

The MiKe system becoming an open source system will naturally be of great benefit to them.

But if they want to take action, they will have to face Juying Company.

Juying Company is not that easy to mess with.But looking at Shen Lin's smiling face, they knew they couldn't escape this matter.

As Shen Lin said, they do not want the MiKe operating system to be completely open sourced just because of Juying's complaint.

"Director Shen, our company has long been filled with indignation over this matter."

"Juying Company's actions are really unjust and shameless."

"Don't worry, we will never let this matter go unchecked."

Mr. Hesai was the first to stand up and said: "Our company will not only support the MiKe operating system, but our experts will also support our MiKe operating system."

"Juying Company must not be allowed to confuse right and wrong."

If the MiKe operating system belongs to Shen Lin, they don't care about watching the fun.

But now, this MiKe operating system belongs to everyone, so there is no such thing as watching the fun.They all have to contribute.

Mr. Pidan said: "We have cooperation with famous computer experts in our company."

"I think they will make a righteous voice, and we will help contact Director Shen about this matter."

"And our company!" When Jamiexi heard Pi Dan and the other two people expressing their opinions, he smiled and said, not to be outdone, "Director Shen, our company will not stand idly by in this matter."

"We will never allow those who confuse right and wrong to plagiarize things that do not belong to them."

Shen Lin was filled with contempt for the statements made by Mr. He Sai and others. He said to himself that you are all righteous now, so what have you done?

If you had stood up earlier, I wouldn't have taken this step!

But there are some words that can be tacitly understood by each other, but they must never be spoken out.

Shen Lin said with a smile: "Thank you for your strong support. I believe that with your support, our MiKe operating system will definitely go further."

Having said this, he said to Mr. Pidan and others: "Everyone, since the MiKe operating system has chosen to be open source, your respective manufacturers can also add some unique functions of their own!"

"and also……"

Shen Lin did not talk about the lawsuit next, but talked about the changes to the MiKe operating system. Listening to these words, the faces of everyone present became excited.

For them, this opened their eyes to a whole new opportunity.

As Shen Lin was talking happily, Shi Congyun came over with a PHS.

There was a hint of anxiety in her expression.

"What's going on?" Shen Lin glanced at Shi Congyun and asked in a low voice.

"Director Shen, we have received a notice that you will go to the court in person." Shi Congyun said a little anxiously: "When Mr. York Hansen conveyed the news just now, he said that you cannot go under any circumstances!"

Shen Lin looked at the red-faced Mr. Hesai and others around him, pondered for a moment and said, "Cong Yun, I understand."

Shi Congyun was just about to leave when she heard Shen Lin say: "I have someone help me prepare. Let's go back."

Shi Congyun's expression suddenly changed.

She never thought that Shen Lin, who just said he knew, would go now.

This left her not knowing what to do for a moment.

After being stunned for a moment, she couldn't help but said to Shen Lin: "Dr. Shen, didn't this...Mr. York Hansen say, please don't go?"

"If you go, then... then..."

Shen Lin patted Shi Congyun's palm and said, "That was before, but it's different now."

(End of this chapter)

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