Chapter 2090 Not Alone
Not the same!

Chewing Shen Lin's words in his heart, Shi Congyun couldn't help but think of the meeting at this time.

Could it be that what Director Shen is talking about is this operating system alliance?

Although she was still a little uneasy, in the end Shi Congyun acted quickly according to Shen Lin's arrangement.

In just one day, the framework of the alliance has been drawn up.

Although there are still many issues that have not been settled, these are all minor matters and will not affect the overall situation at all.

The cooperation agreement drafted by Zhang Yuqing was recognized and signed by those present.

After completing the signing, the relationship between everyone took a step forward without realizing it.

Although they are not a company, in general, they have become their own people.

During the following cocktail party, everyone seemed extremely close.

As the convener of this gathering and the boss of MiKe Operating System, Shen Lin naturally received the greatest attention.

Although he controlled his drinking capacity, drinking glass after glass still made him a little dizzy.

"Director Shen, our company can play some role in solving the problems your company encounters." When Shen Lin was looking for a sofa to sit down and rest, Mr. He Sai came over.

He shook the wine glass in his hand and said, "Director Shen, in a while, we will speak out and express our support for Mihu Company."

"And we also have many industry giants who cooperate with us, and they will also voice their support."

After listening to Mr. Hesai's words, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr. Hesai."

"I'm going to go there myself this time."

Mr. Hesai was stunned for a moment, then suddenly gained a hint of understanding: "Director Shen, I understand what you are thinking."

"Come, let me toast you. I believe that your visit will go very smoothly this time."

Shen Lin raised his glass and clinked it with Mr. Hesai, then smiled and said: "Thank you Mr. Hesai for your support. I also believe that this time it will go smoothly."

After the reception lasted for two hours, most of the guests had dispersed.

As soon as Shen Lin returned to his hotel room, Shi Congyun walked in with Zhang Yuqing.

Today, Zhang Yuqing is wearing a black evening gown, which is in great contrast to how lawyers were dressed in the past.

Seeing the charming Zhang Yuqing, although Shen Lin was a little surprised, he still smiled and asked Zhang Yuqing to take a seat.

"Lawyer Zhang, thank you for your hard work this time." Shen Lin asked Zhang Yuqing to take a seat and said, "Although the basic agreement has been signed, there are still many areas that need to be improved."

"And to perfect these things, you need to be checked by Lawyer Zhang. How hard will you still have to work next!"

Zhang Yuqing took the coffee handed over by Shi Congyun and said solemnly: "Director Shen, I am your company's legal advisor. Since I earn your money, I naturally have to help you."

"This is what you are supposed to do, so why not do it hard?"

Having said this, Zhang Yuqing's eyes fell on Shen Lin and said: "But Mr. Shen, I am here mainly for our court session."

"I don't think you're suitable for going there."

"Don't worry, I can think of a way to have someone go there instead of you."

Shen Lin looked at Zhang Yuqing's expression and said with a smile: "Yu Qing, although you are not familiar with the operating system, you should be very clear about other aspects."

"After signing this agreement, I will not be fighting alone."

"For their own interests, they are absolutely unwilling to see MiKe operating system become the possession of Juying Company."

"So they will definitely help me."

"Although Juying Company is not a small company, the companies they have to face are no smaller than them, and they are all united."

When Shen Lin said this, he solemnly said: "What's more, I am not an ordinary person either."

Shen Lin said that he was not an ordinary person. Zhang Yuqing believed this statement very much. She knew very well that Shen Lin was not an ordinary person in any aspect.

Shen Lin's confidence in this aspect is not blind confidence.But she still felt a little worried in her heart.

"Lawyer Zhang, if I don't go this time, I'm afraid someone will take advantage of me."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "What's more, I'm very confident this time."

Listening to Shen Lin's words, Zhang Yuqing sighed. Although she believed what Shen Lin said, from her perspective, she still didn't want Shen Lin to take risks.

"Director Shen, it seems that I can't convince you."

"Then I can only accompany you for a while."

"Don't worry, I will do my best to protect your safety."

Shen Lin looked at Zhang Yuqing and said with a smile: "I have great faith in your ability, Lawyer Zhang."

After sending Zhang Yuqing away, Shen Lin looked at Shi Congyun.

Shi Congyun said quickly: "Dr. Shen, I think you must ask Lawyer Zhang to help you check this matter, so I told Lawyer Zhang."


"I know you're doing it for my own good. Okay, let's leave this matter as it is." As Shen Lin spoke, he picked up some materials and prepared to look at them.

Shi Congyun couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Shen Lin didn't blame herself.

To be honest, her heart was full of anxiety at this time.

"Dr. Shen, I'm leaving then." Shi Congyun lowered her head and said.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Go and do your work."

Not long after Shi Congyun left, the phone in Shen Lin's room rang.

Shen Lin picked up the phone and connected it, and heard Cheng Zhenyuan's voice coming from inside.

"Director Shen, did things go smoothly this time?" Cheng Zhenyuan's voice contained a hint of irritation.

As the vice chairman and general manager of MiKe Electronics, Cheng Zhenyuan can be said to be second only to Shen Lin among MiKe Electronics.

Although there have been more and more things on his shoulders in recent years, Cheng Zhenyuan's character cultivation has also gotten better and better.

Even with many pressing matters, he can remain calm.

But this time, he was really anxious.

Shen Lin could already hear something strange from Cheng Zhenyuan's words.However, Zhenyuan didn't mention the process, and he didn't mention it either. He just smiled and said: "This time it went very smoothly. The overall framework of the cooperation has been signed."

"The rest are just some fine details."

"This needs to be done slowly."

Having said this, Shen Lin said: "Mr. Cheng, as long as our Mihu Alliance is established, the promotion of our system will be faster."

"I believe it won't be long before the MiKe operating system can make us profitable."

Listening to Shen Lin's confident words, Cheng Zhenyuan said: "Director Shen, I am full of confidence in what you said, but there are many problems in the company."

"See if you can come back soon to coordinate these things."

"This will not affect the normal operation of our company."

Listening to Cheng Zhenyuan's request, Shen Lin couldn't help but smile and said: "Mr. Cheng, do you want to transfer me back?"

"Let me tell you, I don't have time right now. They ask me to go to court. I'll go there."

When Cheng Zhenyuan heard about it, Shen Lin took the initiative to talk about it without hiding it. He solemnly said: "Director Shen, you can't go there."

"If you go, you will be irresponsible to our company!"

(End of this chapter)

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