Back to 84: Getting rich from collecting rubbish

Chapter 2092 We must go with the trend

Chapter 2092 We must go with the trend
At the airport, Shen Lin waved gently to Mr. Pidan who was walking towards the boarding gate.

Mr. Pidan was the last partner Shen Lin sent away.

In the past few days, as the details were finalized one by one, Mr. Pidan and others began to leave one after another.

After all, they are the general manager or person in charge of the company. Everyone has very important things to do and cannot stay here forever.

With their departure, the MiKe Operating System Alliance will soon be made public.

In fact, if Shen Lin hadn't asked for the postponement, they would have held a press conference after this gathering.

"Dr. Shen, let's go back." Shi Congyun asked in a low voice after Mr. Pi Dan could no longer be seen.

Shen Lin nodded and said, "Let's go, but let's not go back to the hotel now. Let's go visit Boss Li."

Shi Congyun carefully looked at today's schedule and found that there was no option to visit Boss Li.

It seems that this is a temporary decision made by Director Shen.

"Then I'll make an appointment with Boss Li now." Shi Congyun said quickly.

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "No need, I've already called Boss Li."

"Just go directly to Boss Li's house."

In just over 20 minutes, Shen Lin was already sitting in the living room of Boss Li's villa.

In his own home, Boss Li, wearing a suit, gives off a solemn feeling.

Being able to have Boss Li behave like this naturally shows the importance of Shen Lin as a guest.

"Chairman Shen, welcome!"

Boss Li's face was full of smiles.

Next to Boss Li, stood his son, Mr. Li.Although Young Master Li is about the same age as Shen Lin, at this time, he can only stand obediently beside his father, quietly looking up at this man of the same age as himself.

"Ozawa, Director Shen and I are friends, you should call Director Shen Uncle Shen."

Boss Li said to his son after Shen Lin sat down.

Young Master Li saw that Shen Lin was even younger than him, and he was really speechless. He felt that he couldn't scream.

After all, this Uncle Shen is too young!
It's too embarrassing to call someone younger than you uncle.

But in the Li family, the old man always sticks to his word.

Mr. Li didn't dare to resist what he said.

"Shen... Shen..."

Before he could speak, Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Oze, we are about the same age. I think we should each have our own names."

"Just call me Director Shen."

Mr. Li breathed a sigh of relief, and he could accept calling Shen Lin uncle.

After all, his status in the world is not worse than that of his father.

Even MiKe Electronics, which is in full swing, has the possibility to surpass its father.

As a big boss, Shen Lin is certainly qualified for juniors like himself to look up to him.

"Director Shen, the rules cannot be broken. We are two equals, and he is the junior." Boss Li waved his hand towards Shen Lin, and then glared at Mr. Li fiercely.

Under the authority of his father, Mr. Li, who had been careful for many years, naturally did not have the courage to resist his father.

"Uncle Shen!" Mr. Li took a breath and greeted Shen Lin in a deep voice.

Shen Lin smiled helplessly and said, "Boss Li, I heard that Ozawa is getting married soon?"

"Yes, the partner is pretty good." Boss Li said with a smile: "Director Shen, I will send you an invitation when the time comes, so you must come."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "As long as I have time, I will come over."

The two chatted for a while, and then Boss Li said to his son: "Oze, go and get a document from my desk."

Young Master Li knew his father very well. After hearing his father's instructions, he knew that he had something to discuss with Shen Lin.Although he was very curious in his heart about what his father and Shen Lin were talking about.

But he didn't dare to neglect his father's instructions at all. He agreed and left quickly.

After his son left, Boss Li said: "Director Shen, I came to you this time because I was entrusted by someone else!"

"Actually, I don't want to pay attention to their affairs, but I can't avoid it because of some face. Please forgive me, Director Shen."

Hearing what Boss Li said, Shen Lin had some clarity in his heart. He could think of someone who could make Boss Li unable to escape.

He smiled and said, "You tell me."

"Director Shen, I don't have any friendship with Mr. Yabo, but I have been working with a shareholder of their company for many years."

Boss Li frankly stated this relationship first.

For Boss Li, his honesty is in his best interest.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "When you are in the world, you can't help yourself."

"We people, maybe we will encounter something like this sometime."

Boss Li picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea, then continued: "When Mr. Yabo told me about this matter, my original idea was to mention it to Director Shen casually."

"You can listen if you want. It doesn't have anything to do with me if you don't."

"But I thought about this matter carefully, and I think I should talk to you."

"Brother Shen, you are a genius, I can't compare to you!"

Boss Li's words seemed like a compliment, but his expression was full of sincerity.

With his status, there are really very few people who can be truly complimented by Boss Li.

He was able to speak like this at this time, and naturally Shen Lin really impressed him.

Just when Shen Ling wanted to be humble, Boss Li already said: "Director Shen, excessive humility is pride, not to mention what I said is the truth."

"If you weren't a genius, how could you have achieved what you have now!"

Having said this, Boss Li continued: "Director Shen, but this person's power is still limited after all."

"Take me for example. It looks very glamorous, but in fact, I have also encountered a lot of difficulties."

"There are even times when we are just one step away from bankruptcy."

Having said this, Boss Li said sincerely: "I have summarized the lessons I have learned in doing business over the years. The most important point is that you must not go against the trend."

"Director Shen, going against the trend will make us pay a heavy price."

Although Boss Li didn't explain clearly what the trend was, Shen Lin knew very well what Boss Li's counter trend was.

He smiled and said nothing.

He wanted to wait for what Boss Li was about to say to finish.

"Director Shen, although Mr. Yabo's methods are a bit uncomfortable, there is one thing you can't change, and that is that he has the general trend in his hands."

"He doesn't want to give you a life-and-death situation now, so he gave you preferential terms."

Boss Li saw Shen Lin reacting so calmly and sighed inwardly. It was reasonable for Shen Lin to achieve what he has achieved today at such a young age.

After pondering for a moment, he continued: "I know you are very unwilling to do this."

"After all, this industry can last a lifetime."

"And it's still a lifetime of high returns. However, when we do business, we must master the willingness to give up. Of course, the so-called willingness to give up, of course, only when you give up, you will get something."

"Only in this way can we go far!"

"Ten years from now, maybe when we look back at this experience, we will feel that it was worth it to give up today."

(End of this chapter)

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