Chapter 2093

Shen Lin always had a faint smile on his face.

After Boss Li finished speaking, Shen Lin said: "Boss Li, thank you very much for your concern for me."

“But I’m not planning to sell the MiKe operating system!”

"I believe that in the future, the MiKe operating system will be able to achieve great success in my hands."

Shen Lin's refusal was not beyond Boss Li's expectation.

After all, it’s hard to let go of good money!

According to Boss Li's sharp eyesight, he can certainly see how much profit is hidden in the MiKe operating system.

The reason why he persuaded Shen Lin was entirely because he was entrusted by others.

"Director Shen, I understand what you mean."

"But as a brother, I think you might want to change your perspective and reconsider."

"We can earn some money with peace of mind, but with some money, I think it's better to be careful."

"After all, when we are at this stage, there are many things that need to be considered from many aspects. Only by being careful can we sail the ship of ten thousand years!"

Boss Li said with a smile: "Director Shen, you are a smart man. I think you should put yourself in his shoes and think about it."

Shen Lin said lightly: "Boss Li, what you said was brought up to me directly."

"I thought about it very clearly at the time."

"Moreover, I am very confident about this battle."

After hearing what Shen Lin said, Boss Li coughed lightly and said, "Director Shen, since you are confident in this matter, I won't say more."

"I hope Director Shen will have smooth sailing this time."

Although the conversation was not speculative, Boss Li still enthusiastically invited Shen Lin to have lunch.

Shen Lin also happily agreed to Boss Li's kind invitation.

After a luxurious banquet, Shen Lin said goodbye to Boss Li and left.

And just after Shen Lin said goodbye and left, Mr. Li asked his father tentatively: "Daddy, did he... did he refuse?"

"Yes, I refused. I refused without any hesitation."

Boss Li said calmly: "Young people today are really very confident!"

Father's emotion caused a flash of anger in Mr. Li's eyes.

In the eyes of Mr. Li, his father is like a god. His ability to persuade Shen Lin with such a low profile has already given Shen Lin a huge amount of face.

Shen Lin is so disrespectful now, this is simply...

"Daddy, I think he is just being shameless!" Mr. Li said bitterly.

The reason why Boss Li came forward this time was also due to his contribution.

Originally, he thought that he could consolidate the resources in his hands by relying on this matter, but he did not expect that Shen Lin actually refused.

And he refused so simply!
Listening to his son's words, Boss Li's face showed a trace of solemnity.

He said calmly: "Oze, please don't pay attention to this matter!"

"Also, remember this sentence, business cannot be done without righteousness!"

"Shen Lin is not an ordinary person. Even if he stumbles this time, with Mi Ke Electronics, he is not something you can compare to."

"I tell you, don't bring your emotions into business. That will not be beneficial to your future development."

"As for you, you still have a lot to learn!"

"At least, the gap between you and Shen Lin is not that big now."

Although he was still a little dissatisfied in his heart, Mr. Li could only hide his dissatisfaction.Who could tell that the person who said this was his father!
What's more, he is not the only successor to his father.

After Shen Lin and Boss Li said goodbye, they began to make a series of arrangements for the company. After completing all this, Shen Lin boarded the plane to Europa.

At Shen Lin's position, it was naturally impossible for him to fly economy class.

He and Zhang Yuqing both bought first-class seats, but because the adjacent seats were no longer available when they checked in, they sat separately.

Sitting in the comfortable first class cabin, Shen Lin took out a book and started reading casually after the plane calmed down.

Although notebooks have appeared at this time, they are very inconvenient to use and do not have many functions except for processing work.

So Shen Lin's main way of passing time is reading.

After reading more than 100 pages of a novel, Shen Lin felt a little uncomfortable in his eyes.

Just when he was about to close his eyes and take a rest, he heard someone say: "Sir, can I read your book?"

Hearing this voice, Shen Lin turned around and saw that the person chatting with him was a young woman next to him who looked to be in her 20s and wearing sunglasses.

Shen Lin handed the book over casually and said, "Just read it."

While talking, he closed his eyes and began to rest his mind.

Just when Shen Lin was about to fall asleep, someone suddenly pushed Shen Lin.

This time, Shen Lin was very unhappy.

After all, he was about to fall asleep, but someone pushed him to wake him up. This kind of thing would not make anyone happy.

"Brother, you go and sit in the back, this is mine." The speaker was a young man who looked about 30 years old, not tall, but very well-dressed.

He did not apologize at all for his behavior of waking up Shen Lin.

Shen Lin was feeling angry at the moment. He finally fell asleep and was pushed awake.

Not only did he not know the person who woke him up, but he was also so rude, which made Shen Lin feel angry.

"Do I know you?" Shen Lin said coldly.

Hearing Shen Lin's words, the young man's expression changed. He snorted and said, "This lady and I are friends."

"The two of us have something to say. You have never heard of a saying called the beauty of a gentleman."

While talking, the man suddenly took out a check from his pocket and handed it directly to Shen Lin: "This is ten thousand, I will buy your seat."

Shen Lin casually took the check and saw that although 1 yuan was clearly written on it, it was not a dollar bill, but Xiangjiang's money.

He smiled and said: "Your Excellency, I thought you were giving me a beautiful knife, but you are a bit short."

How could the young man not hear Shen Lin's teasing? A fierce light flashed in his eyes for a moment.

"Boy, do you want to extort my money? Why don't you go find out who I am? Our Feng family..."

Hearing the Feng family, Shen Lin suddenly felt that this young man looked familiar.

Yes, when this young man got married, his father and father-in-law invited him, but he was a little busy at the time, so he didn't attend.

But I didn't expect that I would meet him here.

But this woman wearing sunglasses doesn’t seem to be his wife!

Shen Lin thought about the topic about this young man, and most of it was already clear in his mind. He said calmly: "Young Master Feng, why are you running out alone without accompanying your newlywed wife?"

"Go back to your seat quickly, or I will call your father or your father-in-law to see what you want to do?"

Young Master Feng, who was originally ready to lose his temper, was so frightened by Shen Lin's words that he was speechless.

He ran out this time under the guise of discussing business. If his father knew that he was chasing a woman, he would not have his arm broken.

(End of this chapter)

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