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Chapter 2094 I can’t get used to the smell of perfume

Chapter 2094 I can’t get used to the smell of perfume
Mr. Feng left quickly.

And Shen Lin continued to close his eyes!
Although you may not be able to sleep, it is still more comfortable than keeping your eyes open.

But it's a pity that when this person is about to fall asleep, someone disturbs him and wakes him up. It will be very difficult for him to continue sleeping.

Shen Lin struggled for a while and finally opened his eyes.

"Hello, I just disturbed you." The woman sitting next to Shen Lin seemed to have been paying attention to Shen Lin's movements. At this time, she saw Shen Lin open his eyes and said softly to Shen Lin.

I don't know if it was out of politeness, but the woman also took off the sunglasses on her face.

When Shen Lin saw the woman, he immediately understood why the woman was being chased by Mr. Feng.

In the previous life, this person had a grudge with Mr. Feng, and finally got together.

Although he had seen the other party's photo, at this moment, when the other party took off his glasses, Shen Lin could not help but feel a sense of surprise in his heart.

"What's the matter?" Shen Lin didn't want to have any major entanglements with the other party, so he asked calmly.

"Sir, I'm really sorry for causing you trouble."

"I'm Tong Xiaoxin, nice to meet you."

When Tong Xiaoxin said her name, she felt very confident.

As her fame grew, more and more big names fell in front of her.

For example, this Young Master Feng.

Shen Lin said lightly: "Hello, it's nice to meet you too. If there's nothing else, I'll take a rest."

Tong Xiaoxin had already looked at Shen Lin carefully for a few times, and a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

But on the surface, she still pretended to be confused and said: "Sir, the flight time is too long, and I can't even get a rest even if I want to."

"I think we can have a chat."

Tong Xiaoxin has never been rejected for a chat that she actively invited.

Generally, people invited by her will talk about their knowledge in front of her to prove their abilities, just like a peacock with its tail spread.

But it's a pity that Shen Lin, who didn't want to have any trouble with her, said calmly: "I'm sorry, I'm a little tired now."

While speaking, Shen Lin closed his eyes.

Looking at Shen Lin who closed his eyes and said nothing, Tong Xiaoxin felt angry at first.

But randomly, she thought of this person's identity.

The big boss of MiKe Electronics!

The big boss who controls a series of industries such as MiKe Electronics, MiKe Electrical Appliances Store, and MiKe Operating System.

Some newspapers in Xiangjiang have already said that this person has great potential and has the potential to become a big boss.

No, it should be said that he is already a boss.

If you can marry yourself to this person, then you don't have to waste time on these second generations.

So Tong Xiaoxin, who had calmed down, quickly adjusted her state and looked at Shen Lin with an expression full of admiration.

She believed that with her own efforts, even men who no longer took her seriously would eventually fall under her skirt.

as if...

But it's a pity that although her thoughts were beautiful, Shen Lin didn't pay much attention to her along the way.

Even when she was about to approach Shen Lin, she found that as Shen Lin went to the bathroom, the person next to her had turned into a familiar lawyer.

Zhang Yuqing!
Lawyer Zhang's half-smiling expression made her feel ashamed.

There is even an urge to be shameless.

But in the end, as an actress, she put this shame aside.

It seems good to get to know Zhang Yuqing.As a top barrister in Hong Kong, he is very energetic in many matters.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he can call upon the wind and rain.

If he could make good friends with Zhang Yuqing, many things would be easier.

As thoughts flashed in her mind, she smiled and said, "Lawyer Zhang, why are you here?"

"Nice to meet you."

Zhang Yuqing smiled and said: "I don't know if this happiness is true or not, but I am a relatively honest person. If you say you are happy, then I will take it seriously."

Speaking of this, she smiled and said: "Someone couldn't get used to the smell of perfume, so they changed places with me, so I came over."

Listening to Zhang Yuqing's pun, Tong Xiaoxin felt helpless in her heart.

She pretended to be guilty and said: "Oh, I really don't know, I disturbed you..."

"Okay, it's better not to waste your words on me."

"For this person, you should give up on this. If they are willing, I will naturally not stop them. But they have already changed places with me, so don't look for spicy food for yourself."

Zhang Yuqing said with a smile: "You should know who Director Shen is."

Hearing these words, Tong Xiaoxin felt a chill in her heart.

She hurriedly said: "Lawyer Zhang, how dare I have any thoughts about Director Shen? I'm just grateful that he helped me block Mr. Feng. Alas..."

While speaking, Tong Xiaoxin looked very aggrieved again.

But this look is really of no use to Zhang Yuqing.

She looked at Tong Xiaoxin and said helplessly: "I told you, this method is of no use to me."

"You're just wasting your expression."

"Besides, I think Mr. Feng is also pretty good!"

Looking at Zhang Yuqing with a smile, Tong Xiaoxin suddenly felt that having a good chat with Zhang Yuqing was also a pleasant thing.

The day's journey is finally over.

After hearing the news that the plane had landed, Zhang Yuqing, who was originally smiling, became serious.

Although Shen Lin had told her that everything was going according to plan, she still felt a pressure on herself.

As a barrister who has worked with Shen Lin for many years, she feels that the burden on her shoulders is very heavy now.

There was even a feeling that Shen Lin's safety was on his shoulders.

"Lawyer Zhang, you said..." Tong Xiaoxin did not feel this change in Zhang Yuqing, and still smiled and chatted with Zhang Yuqing.

But Zhang Yuqing, who had been smiling at her just now, now turned cold.

"Our chat ends here. I have to work next, so if you have nothing to do, don't disturb me."

Having said this, Zhang Yuqing glanced at him and said, "I don't want to say it a second time."

I don't know why Zhang Yuqing's expression changed like this, but Tong Xiaoxin carefully hid her expression and responded obediently.

The plane stopped, and Shen Lin, accompanied by Zhang Yuqing, walked out of the first-class cabin of the plane.

It was already night at the airport at this time, and there was even a little bit of rain falling in the sky.

Zhang Yuqing looked at the weather and frowned slightly.At this moment, she saw several people in work clothes striding over.

Seeing these people, Zhang Yuqing's expression became more and more serious.

Shen Lin patted Zhang Yuqing's shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't be too nervous. Nothing will happen this time. Don't worry."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Zhang Yuqing breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, those people also came to the two people.

(End of this chapter)

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