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Chapter 2095 Almost, I believe it

Chapter 2095 Almost, I believe it

Seeing several men in work clothes striding away, Zhang Yuqing felt weak.


Good thing they're gone!

But what just happened really shocked her.

If possible, Zhang Yuqing really doesn't want this kind of thing to continue to happen.

But she knew that since Shen Lin came here, this situation could happen at any time.

Within ten minutes, Shi Congyun and others got off the plane and came to Shen Lin and Zhang Yuqing. After Zi said a few words, they walked towards the gate of the airport.

Outside the gate, someone was already waiting for them.

There were many people waiting, and some even held big signs in their hands.

“Welcome Mr. Shen from MiKe Electronics!”

"Produced by Mihu, it must be a top quality product!"

"The dark clouds cannot block the sun, justice will prevail!"


Looking at the signs raised one by one and the words on the signs, Zhang Yuqing felt a little confused.

What exactly is this situation?
Her eyes immediately fell on Shen Lin.After all, it seems that the only way to know the answer is to ask Director Shen.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Now that I'm here, I naturally have to come with a lot of fanfare."

"Making a big noise will make some people fearful."

Hearing Shen Lin's words, Zhang Yuqing nodded.

Since the other party has bad intentions and the news of Shen Lin's arrival will not be hidden from the other party, it is better to make a big splash than to be secretive.

"Director Shen, I admire your plan very much."

"But if Director Shen has anything to do in the future, please tell me in advance!"

After listening to Zhang Yuqing's words, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, I will definitely tell you what plans I have in the future."

Just as the two people were talking, someone heard cheering: "Director Shen is here."

"Director Shen, I am Luo Lisha, a reporter from Honest Daily. I would like to know what you think of this lawsuit?"

A female reporter who looked to be in her 20s, with blond hair and blue eyes, rushed towards Shen Lin almost immediately.

Regarding this question, Shen Lin answered directly in English: "I have only one answer to your question, and that is justice will prevail!"

"What's black is black, what's white is white."

"Everyone has a steelyard in their heart. I believe everyone has their own opinion on this matter."

Listening to Shen Lin's answer, Luo Lisha's face flashed with excitement.

And just when she was about to ask another question, someone already said: "Dr. Shen, as far as we know, your MiKe Electronics technology cannot research current operating systems at all."

"So I think there is no doubt that you plagiarized Juying Company's products."

"No matter how much you quibble, it's of no use."

Shen Lin looked at the person speaking to Cao Zhe and found that he was a middle-aged man in his 30s.This man's beard is somewhat long, and he has an artistic demeanor.

"Sir, based on what you said, can I conclude that you are a fake reporter?"

"After all, journalists are personable, truth-seeking people, and you and they are exactly the opposite."

"What do you say?"

Shen Lin's answer immediately caused a burst of laughter.

After all, most of these people were hired by York Hansen with money, so they naturally supported Shen Lin's words.

What's more, what Shen Lin said makes sense.

The middle-aged man who was originally attacking Shen Lin suddenly felt his face turn red.He never thought that the question he asked to make things difficult for Shen Lin would become a stone that would hurt him in the foot. "Director Shen, I would like to ask, what do you think of Juying Company and Mr. Yabo?"

This question is definitely provoking trouble.

After hearing this question, Shen Lin pondered for a moment and then said with a smile: "I have always felt that Juying Company is a large company that is fair and just and full of innovative capabilities."

"As for Mr. Yabo, he is a rare gentleman with virtues such as loyalty, wisdom, and selflessness."

Shen Lin's praise of the company and Mr. Yabo was very surprising.

After all, this doesn't fit in with his sharp-as-a-knife persona just now.

Just when everyone's hearts were filled with all kinds of surprises, they heard Shen Lin say: "But the facts prove that I was wrong."

Shen Lin's last words were like the finishing touch, with a hint of cold humor.

This kind of humor naturally caused a burst of laughter.

Along with this laughter, Shen Lin was already surrounded by many people.

In a corner of the airport, Mr. Yabo was in the car.

He could hear Shen Lin's words, but it was not easy to see Shen Lin through the black glass.

Mr. Yabo naturally heard Shen Lin's words clearly.

When Shen Lin praised him, Mr. Yabo felt that Shen Lin would never repay evil with kindness.

Sure enough, just when he was thinking about Shen Lin's purpose of flattering him, he didn't expect that Shen Lin would directly do this.

It can be said that this hand left him at a loss.

But while he was angry, he admired Shen Lin a lot more in his heart.

Being able to calmly say what I just said at this time means that I am really not as good as Shen Lin compared to him.

"Mr. Yabo, what should we do?" The subordinate sitting next to Mr. Yabo asked Mr. Yabo in a low voice.

The so-called master humiliated his ministers to death.

What Shen Lin just said made everyone present feel insulted, so they naturally wanted to get this place back.

Listening to his subordinate's request, Mr. Yabo waved his hand and said, "Do nothing."

"But Shen Lin is a little too much. He is like this..." the subordinate said angrily.

Mr. Yabo glared at his subordinates and said, "At this time, the more we do, the more mistakes we make."

"Don't worry about anything, everything will go according to plan."

Having said this, he said confidently: "In a while, you will rent this place."

"I hope Shen Lin will be here when he signs the compensation agreement for us."

As Mr. Yabo spoke, he pointed variously at the place where Shen Lin was speaking.

Although this finger is a bit light, Mr. Yabo's subordinates all understand what Mr. Yabo means. Mr. Yabo is tolerant here and there. This is simply...

The brief meeting of more than ten minutes ended quickly. After answering a few questions, Shen Lin got into the car prepared by York Hansen.

But when Shen Lin got in the car, York Hansen said eagerly: "Dr. Shen, I have reminded you in my letter to you that you should not come under any circumstances."

"But now, why do you just..."

Looking at the eager York Hansen, Shen Lanni said with a smile: "Mr. York Hansen, don't be anxious. Since I am here this time, I am sure of it."

"You can rest assured."

"Let's go, let's go see Lu Dongsheng first."

York Hansen looked at the confident Shen Lin and sighed in his heart. He was very experienced and knew that it was useless to complain at this time.

But he knew very well that danger had begun to approach them.

(End of this chapter)

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