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Chapter 2098 Thunder in the Sunny Sky

Chapter 2098 Thunder in the Sunny Sky
Shen Lin didn't take Zhang Yuqing's worries too seriously.

In his opinion, this was not a big deal, because it was all within his expectation.

It can be said that he came here this time because of this disaster.

According to the immortal cultivation novels he read in later generations, this catastrophe is a heavenly catastrophe. After surviving it, one can ascend in place.

Shen Lin patted Zhang Yuqing's shoulder and said with a smile: "Lawyer Zhang, you are not to blame for this matter."

"So, you don't have to feel guilty or anything."

"Don't worry, this matter won't trouble me."

After Zhang Yuqing, York Hansen and others left, Shen Lin called Shi Congyun over, who was a little flustered, and said, "Congyun, let's start."

As Shen Lin's secretary, Shi Congyun naturally knew what the beginning meant.

She hesitated for a moment, then nodded heavily.

After leaving Shen Lin's residence, Shi Congyun immediately made a phone call...

Although Dongzhou has not yet entered the twelfth lunar month, the atmosphere of the New Year is getting stronger and stronger.

Especially the area close to the Mihu Garden has a feeling of being blocked by water.

Everyone in Dongzhou knows that the employees of MiKe Electronics are the richest.

If business people want to make money quickly, the best choice is to open their store near the living area of ​​MiKe Electronics employees.

Only in this way can you make big money.

Therefore, MiKe Garden, where senior executives of MiKe Electronics live, has become the focus of businessmen.

Whenever I get off work at twelve o'clock, I would look at the Mihu Electronics employees pushing bicycles and the small traders doing business would be envious.

"Jujube cake, yellow rice jujube cake, good yellow rice..."

"Baozi, delicious mutton buns. Once you take one bite, your mouth will be full of oil. You will still want to eat it after one bite!"

"The mutton soup you just made, take a sip..."


All kinds of shouts came and went.

Some MiKe Electronics workers who were off work followed the shouts and walked towards the stalls one after another.

Fang Boyuan was sitting in front of the stall selling mutton soup. He had just finished his meal and was waiting for his wife who was still eating.

Fang Boyuan was reluctant to come here for shopping.A psychologist has analyzed it well: When do people, especially men, feel most frustrated?Of course, this is compared with the people you know well. Even if you hurry up and hurry up, you will always be one step behind.

For Fang Boyuan, he has such a reference in his heart.This reference point is the monster-like Shen Lin.This guy is so capable!So much so that Fang Boyuan felt that in his heart, this stinky guy was just a lingering shadow. No matter how capable he was, Fang Boyuan was still an insignificant role compared to him, Shen Lin.

But Fang Boyuan's wife likes it here, she likes the atmosphere of the world.Today, I still have to drag Fang Boyuan to come with me. Fang Boyuan, whose family status is a bit low, can only follow.

With nothing to do, he casually opened the newspaper that the stall owner had just brought and started reading it casually.

The newspaper had a lot of content, but Fang Boyuan only read the content that interested him.

In just a few minutes, Fang Boyuan had already flipped to the second half of the newspaper.

But when he saw the second half of the content, his expression suddenly changed.

"It's too much to deceive others, blatant plagiarism and frame-up!" 》

Looking at this topic, Fang Boyuan's heart moved.

He felt that there was an urgency in his heart at this time, an urgent urge to read the content of the report.

"... Juying Company plagiarized MiKe Electronics' MiKe secondary operating system and confused right and wrong, and... sued MiKe Electronics for plagiarizing their products..."

Looking at these contents, Fang Boyuan's heart was filled with anger.

As a young man, Fang Boyuan's heart was still filled with a sense of justice.

Although he and Shen Lin were not friends, or even enemies, he still felt very uncomfortable in the face of such a situation.

However, the content that made him even more uncomfortable was still below.

Lu Dongsheng of Mishell Electronics has been restricted in his activity area!

Shen Lin, who was going to court, was also restricted in his activity area before the court session!
What is this for!
If at the beginning, they just listened to and believed in the words of Juying Company, then now, they are simply going to the opposite side.

This is so bullying!For a moment, Fang Boyuan felt a surge of anger burst out from his heart.


Fang Boyuan's palm slapped the table hard, and his face was full of anger at this time.

Fang Boyuan's wife, who was eating, was startled. She then yelled at Fang Boyuan: "Why are you so crazy? Are you going to let everyone eat?"

"Shen Lin was... restricted by Europa... and the area of ​​activity was restricted!"

Fang Boyuan said in a sultry voice under his wife's intimidating gaze.

His words instantly stunned everyone who was looking at him.

Then many people put down their bowls!
"What do you think happened to Director Shen?"

"Young man, what happened?"

"Young man, tell me quickly, what's wrong with Director Shen?"


Fang Boyuan's wife, who was originally planning to get angry at Fang Boyuan, snatched the newspaper and said, "What? You should tell me quickly!"

Fang Boyuan immediately recounted the contents of the newspaper.

"This is too bullying. He stole our things and shamelessly called us thieves!" A middle-aged man who looked to be in his 50s said loudly: "Director Shen went to argue with them, they... They actually gave Director Shen to..., isn't this confusing right and wrong!"

"This is bullying!"

"We can't be bullied by them like this, we have to rescue Director Shen!"

"Yes, rescue Director Shen!"


Listening to the messy words around him, Fang Boyuan felt a surge of pride surge in his chest.

He said loudly: "Everyone is right, we can't just let it go. We also have to help Director Shen. We can't do anything else, but we can make our voice heard!"

"Young man, what do you say, count me in!"

"Count me in too!"

"If it weren't for Director Shen, we wouldn't have the good life we ​​have now. Count me in!"

But at this moment, the factory area of ​​MiKe Electronics, the workshop that should have been roaring, stopped at this time.

For the employees of MiKe Electronics, the name Shen Lin is a person they admire and respect greatly.

Because of Shen Lin's existence, they not only have jobs and can make money, but they can also earn more than other factories.

It is precisely because of Shen Lin's existence that they live a pleasant life. This sense of superiority really makes people feel proud and proud from the bottom of their hearts.

Originally, they thought that Director Shen of their family would live a high-spirited life, but they did not expect that not only were their products plagiarized, but Director Shen, who was in court, was actually restricted in his scope of activities.

In other words, getting Director Shen back is now a problem!
If having a work plagiarized is a painful experience, then what Shen Lin is going through now, to many people, is like a knife in their heart.

"We must save Director Shen!"

"We can't just watch Dong Shen suffer!"

"Damn it, I've lived for most of my life, and I've never seen such a shameless person!"


All kinds of indignant voices kept ringing in the workshop, and waves of anger began to surge in everyone's hearts.

"Everyone, calm down first and listen to the radio. Mr. Cheng is going to speak." The workshop director, who had already gone to the meeting, walked in and looked at the situation of his colleagues, feeling really mixed in his heart.

Many people became quiet when they heard that Cheng Zhenyuan was going to speak.

And more people rushed towards the workshop director and said: "Ma Tou, what is the above saying this time?"

"Ma Tou, will Director Shen be back soon?"

"Xiao Ma, please ask the higher-ups for instructions on what is needed to rescue Director Shen back. Whether it is donating money or materials, we will not hesitate!"

(End of this chapter)

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