Chapter 2099 Victory Will Be Us
Facing pairs of expectant eyes and eager faces, Lao Ma, the workshop director, couldn't help but think of the content of the meeting just now.

Without Director Shen, the factory cannot be in chaos!

Production cannot be stopped!
Otherwise, I would be sorry for Director Shen’s efforts!

I feel even more sorry for the entire MiKe Electronics!

"Everyone, the general manager just held a meeting for us. He said that the higher-ups are working on a solution at all levels regarding this matter."

Lao Ma coughed and said: "The superiors know that everyone is very concerned about this matter, know that everyone is worried about Director Shen, and know that everyone is eager to see Director Shen come back as soon as possible."

"But there is no point in rushing for this kind of thing."

"Right now, the only thing we can do, and what we should do the most, is to do our job well and improve the quality of our products."

"When people are united, mountains will move. Only when everyone is united and united can Mike Electronics prosper and continue to rise. Only in this way can we give the greatest support to Director Shen, and be able to become the final success of Director Shen's return. Strong support and guarantee!”

In one breath, Lao Ma said what he said.

After he finished speaking, the entire workshop fell silent.

I don’t know who it was, but it started to applaud. In an instant, the applause was deafening!
Listening to the applause, a happy smile appeared on Lao Ma's face.

At this moment, the workshop radio rang.

"Hello fellow workers, my name is Cheng Zhenyuan."

This mellow voice with a hint of hoarseness instantly attracted everyone's attention.

As the second-largest person in Mihu Electronics, Cheng Zhenyuan's existence can be said to have played a huge role at this time.

"I understand everyone's mood very well. In fact, when I just got the news, I was also full of anger."

"I can't wait to buy a plane ticket immediately, immediately, without stopping for a moment, and fly there to fight side by side with Director Shen."

"But, I can't!"

Cheng Zhenyuan paused and said, "The reason why I can't is because I can't let down Director Shen's trust, and I can't let down our MiKe Electronics."

"Why did those guys use such despicable means to deal with Director Shen? Isn't it because they want to defeat our MiKe Electronics?"

"If we all rush to support Director Shen but have no intention of engaging in production, then we have fallen into someone else's conspiracy."

"For those of us who stay in Dongzhou, the greatest support for Director Shen is to work seriously and work hard."

"Create greater production value and make our MiKe Electronics more brilliant!"

"Only in this way can we become Director Shen's most solid backing!"

"Only in this way can we let some people know that they are not only facing Director Shen, but also us who fully support Director Shen!"

"We must win!"

Although Cheng Zhenyuan's last voice was not too loud, his last voice was full of determination, confidence, and high fighting spirit!

"We must win!"

After Cheng Zhenyuan's voice fell, Lao Ma shouted loudly.

Following Lao Ma's shout, the people standing around him almost immediately shouted loudly: "We will win!"

"We must win!"

"We must win!"

Listening to the sound of victory, the expressions of everyone around him showed a trace of excitement.


Lao Ma waved his hand and said: "Everyone, please work harder. Today's task has been exceeded!"

In the past, although everyone would not object if a task was exceeded, they would always say something about bonuses.

But at this time, no one said anything about the bonus that Lao Ma said was excessive.

For a moment, the huge workshop was filled with the roar of machines!
...Mike City, the provincial capital, is extremely lively with customers coming and going.

While each salesperson was busy, the management staff of Mihu City had already gathered in the small conference room on the top floor.

Those who can become the person in charge of Mihu City are basically very capable.

Jiao Yongshou is Lan Weidong's old subordinate and is very capable, so the position of general manager of Mihu City, the provincial capital that everyone covets, falls on his shoulders.

He didn’t have much contact with Shen Lin and Jiao Yongshou.

But in his heart, he admired Shen Lin extremely.

As a person engaged in shopping mall management, he originally thought that the MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall was enough.

But the appearance of Mi Kecheng made him realize how big the gap between his eyes and Shen Lin's eyes was.

This time when he heard about Shen Lin, he was filled with surprise.

There is even a feeling of disbelief.

However, after confirming the news, he quickly calmed down and summoned important subordinates.

"I called everyone here this time just to talk about Director Shen."

"I believe everyone should already know the news."

Jiao Yongshou's words made the surrounding atmosphere solemn.

Someone even said in a deep voice to Jiao Yongshou: "Mr. Jiao, Mr. Shen, don't you have anything to ask for?"

"How could something happen to Director Shen?" Jiao Yongshou said in a deep voice: "I think since Director Shen dares to go there, Director Shen must be well prepared."

"These people will never succeed if they use intrigues."

"I just had a phone call with Mr. Lan. Mr. Lan's instruction to us is that we must not mess up our position at this time."

"Whether it is MiKe Electrical Mall or MiKe City, we must not only achieve our work goals as planned, but also exceed them."

"Only in this way can we show the greatest support of our team, Director Shen."

Having said this, Jiao Yongshou looked around and said, "Do you have any opinions on this?"

"Mr. Jiao, we also believe that Director Shen will not have any problems!" A young person in charge stood up and said: "In order to reassure Director Shen, our catering team on the second floor must complete the work target ten days in advance this time."

“Our garment area completed its work target twelve days ahead of schedule!”

"Our electrical appliances area..."

Listening to his subordinate's statement, Jiao Yongshou's face showed a smile.

He solemnly said: "Everyone, on behalf of Director Shen, I would like to thank everyone for your support."

"We won't say much else, let's watch the action!"

"Some people want to see our jokes because Director Shen is trapped. We must use our achievements to tell them that our Mihu Group will not be defeated."

"We need to go to the next level and completely shatter some people's ideas!"

"Go, go to work!"

Following Jiao Yongshou's wave, the managers gathered in the conference room walked out of the conference room one by one. Their eyes were full of fighting spirit and energy!
In MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall, in MiKe Electronics, in MiKe's transportation company, and in various research centers of MiKe Electronics, there are groups of people running towards their jobs with the same idea!
And while they were working hard, many people close to Shen Lin also got the news.

Lu Xiaorong got the news when he received a call from Shi Congyun.

After being frightened, Lu Xiaorong quickly regained his composure.

"How is Shen Lin?" Lu Xiaorong held the phone and asked Shi Congyun in a deep voice.

"Director Shen is only subject to some restrictions now, everything else is fine." Shi Congyun said: "Director Shen said you don't have to worry, he will go back soon."

(End of this chapter)

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