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Chapter 2100 Dark clouds cannot cover the sun

Chapter 2100 Dark clouds cannot cover the sun

"Cong Yun, tell Shen Lin that he should take care of himself and not be under too much pressure."

"Besides, I don't have to worry about him."

Listening to Lu Xiaorong's calmer voice, Shi Congyun's worries gradually decreased a lot.

She knew that what Director Shen was most worried about was Lu Xiaorong.

After all, Lu Xiaorong was still pregnant at this time. Although Lu Xiaorong's parents were around, they would still be worried when hearing such things.

"Sister Xiaorong, don't worry, there are many of us here and we will definitely take good care of Director Shen."

Shi Congyun said: "Dr. Shen is full of confidence in returning. You must not hurt yourself because you are worried about him..."

After talking to Shi Congyun for a few minutes, Lu Xiaorong hung up the phone.

At this time, Lu Xiaorong walked calmly towards the living room as if nothing was wrong.

"Xiaorong, whose phone number is it?" Chen Hongying came out with a bowl of chicken soup and asked Lu Xiaorong with concern.

Lu Xiaorong said casually: "It's a call from Shen Lin."

"Well, did Shen Lin say when he would be back?" Chen Hongying asked casually, not knowing what happened.

Lu Xiaorong smiled and said: "As I said, the things he went to do didn't go very smoothly this time, so he has to wait for a while."

"This Shen Lin doesn't know how to live in peace."

"Tell me, it's been a few months and he's still running out."

"It's not like MiKe Electronics doesn't have people. Whether it's Cheng Zhenyuan or Lian Shaofeng, both of them are talented people."

"Can't he let others do it?"

When Chen Hongying said this, she placed the chicken soup in front of Lu Xiaorong and said, "Drink it quickly. I've been boiling it for several hours."

Although Lu Xiaorong was unwilling to drink this bowl of soup, she knew that at this time, she must not have any problems.

So after a slight hesitation, Lu Xiaorong picked up the soup.

"Mom, this soup is quite fresh." Lu Xiaorong took a sip and said casually to Chen Hongying.

Chen Hongying said with a smile: "That's natural. I put a lot of good things in it?"

"By the way, I also added some ginseng. I heard people say this is wild ginseng that is more than 100 years old?"

Lu Xiaorong was stunned for a moment when he heard his mother's words.

She seemed to have thought of something and said, "Mom, where did you buy this ginseng?"

"I didn't buy it, it was given as a gift." Chen Hongying said, "It's just... a friend of Shen Lin."

Hearing what Chen Hongying said, Lu Xiaorong immediately said with a solemn expression: "Mom, don't accept other people's valuable things at will. This is not good."

Seeing Lu Xiaorong's appearance, Chen Hongying originally wanted to make a few excuses.

She didn't know what she was thinking of, but she finally said: "Okay, okay, mom will listen to you."

"I won't care about your affairs from now on."

Lu Xiaorong smiled and said, "Mom, Shen Lin's business is getting bigger and bigger, so we have to be more careful in future matters."

Just as the two people were talking, Lu Dashan walked in.

He nodded towards Lu Xiaorong and turned on the TV in the living room.

"Xiao Rong needs to be quiet. If you want to watch TV, go to another place to watch TV." Chen Hongying saw the TV turned on and ordered Lu Dashan very directly.

Just as Lu Dashan was about to turn off the TV, he heard the voice on the TV: "...famous entrepreneur, Shen Lin, chairman of MiKe Electronics..."

Upon hearing this, Lu Dashan's movements suddenly stopped.

His eyes quickly looked at the screen.

A picture of Shen Lin appeared on the TV screen, and behind the picture, there was a flurry of sound. "... We are extremely angry at this kind of behavior that confuses right and wrong!"

"...We believe that when dark clouds cover the sun, justice will never be defeated!"

", we..."

It took a full minute for the picture on the TV to change.

After Chen Hongying was stunned for a moment, she turned to Lu Xiaorong and said, "Xiaorong, what is said on TV...are these all true?"

In fact, Chen Hongying did not need to ask this question at all.

In fact, she already had the answer in her heart.

Facing his mother's question, Lu Xiaorong hesitated for a while and then nodded heavily.

She knew very well that even if she lied, she could not deceive her parents.

Looking at Lu Xiaorong who nodded, Lu Dahai said, "Is Shen Lin okay this time?"

"It shouldn't be anything serious. Shen Lin had someone call and said he would be back in a while." Lu Xiaorong smiled at Chen Hongying and said, "Mom, don't worry."

Lu Dahai wanted to speak, but under Chen Hongying's gaze, he finally swallowed the words in his heart.

Chen Hongying said: "Xiao Rong, I don't think you need to feel too much pressure on this matter."

"Since Shen Lin said this matter is not difficult, I think he will be able to solve it."

"The most important thing for you now is to take good care of your body and don't worry about the baby in your belly."

Lu Xiaorong nodded and said, "Mom, I know what to do."

When Lu Xiaorong drank chicken soup and went back to the room to rest, Lu Dahai said in a deep voice: "You... weren't you talking nonsense just now?"

"If Shen Lin's matter wasn't a big deal, why would it have been on the news for so long?"

Chen Hongying tapped Lu Dahai with her hand and said, "Tell me, you have a wooden head."

"You can see things that you think I can't see."

"I'm telling you, you don't even know what time it is."

"Can you make Xiaorong anxious?"

Lu Dahai suddenly felt sweat on his forehead. He said in a deep voice: "I understand, something will happen next time. I will discuss it with you carefully."

Chen Hongying snorted and said, "Okay, go do your thing quickly."

"Let me tell you, Shen Lin is not at home now. You have to think carefully about everything you do."

Lu Dahai didn't want to listen to his mother-in-law's nagging, so he went to do his own things, but before he could sit down, his cell phone rang.

"Lao Lu, what's going on with Director Shen? I was just watching TV, why..."

Hearing the voice of an acquaintance on the phone, Lu Dahai said: "Old Suntou, don't listen to the wind or the rain. Shen Lin is fine, so don't worry."

Lao Suntou on the other end of the phone said: "Lao Lu, we are friends. If you need help with anything, just tell me directly."

"Let me tell you, I can't help with big things, but I can still help with small things."

"You, please don't be polite to me."

It took Lu Dahai a full five minutes to hang up the phone on Lao Suntou.

But just when he breathed a sigh of relief, the PHS ring rang again.Lu Dahai deliberately didn't answer, but he was afraid of missing an important call, so after a slight hesitation, he answered the call.

"Lu Dahai, is there something wrong with Director Shen? I just watched TV and found out that something is wrong with Director Shen. Let me tell you, don't take it too seriously. Director Shen is not an ordinary person."

"Such a small thing can't trouble him."

After hearing this comfort, Lu Dahai said: "Okay, I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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