Chapter 21

Master Liu didn't come to his senses for a long time, he almost suspected that he heard it wrong!

600 yuan!
I obviously already bid [-], but Xiao Shen is so honest and kind. Not only did he promise to give him a three-year warranty, but he also took the initiative to lower the price to [-]. This guy is too kind.

Tell me, who else thinks they have a lot of money in their pockets, and who else is as rare as Xiao Shen!
Xu Ruibing was very envious of Master Liu buying the old color TV with 800 yuan for these few dollars.

But this Shen Lin, knowing that Master Liu must buy it, instead of taking advantage of the fire, he took the initiative to reduce the price.

This... this is so honest.

Lu Xiaorong didn't speak, but she looked at Shen Lin with a little more tenderness.

" is this so embarrassing?" Master Liu's wife rubbed her hands repeatedly.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Master Liu, listen to me."

"This time, I was able to resolve the misunderstanding so quickly, mainly thanks to the help of Director Song and Brother Ruibing. Since Master Liu and Brother Ruibing are friends, then I will give the price of a friend."

Shen Lin stretched out five palms and said, "Five hundred yuan, if it's less, I won't be able to do business in the future!"

Taking the initiative to drop from [-] to [-], Master Liu felt that his heart was about to burst out of excitement!

This little Shen, who is just of character, why is he so real!

Just when Master Liu was very moved, Xu Ruibing's heart was completely close. 100 yuan is equal to his salary for three months. For him, Shen Lin actually took the initiative to drop 300 yuan to Master Shen.

This moved him from the bottom of his heart.

This Shen Lin is so interesting!I just saw him off, and he was so grateful. You said, such a generous person, Xu Ruibing made this friend his friend!

"Mom, go and get the money!" Master Liu's son Xiao Liu was the most nervous about the color TV.

For him, this large color TV with exquisite picture quality is simply his dream. Although this color TV is second-hand, it is much better than the black and white TV both from the outside and the inside.

He had already planned to do everything possible to get his parents to buy this color TV, but he didn't expect that the price of this color TV was more than 100 yuan more than a small black and white TV.

And there is no TV ticket.

purchase!Don't miss this great opportunity!
Master Liu's daughter-in-law turned her head and walked into the house. She had to get the TV set quickly.Once you give up, you will pass through this village and you will not be able to find this shop.

"Don't worry, don't worry!" Master Liu waved his hands again and again, "Young man, I am also stubborn. I have never taken advantage of others in most of my life. The price you offered is too low, and I cannot agree."

While blocking his wife, Master Liu said to Shen Lin: "Xiao Shen, I know the price of this color TV in my heart. Since you are honest, I can't be foolish. I can't let you lose too much money."

"Old lady, hurry up and get 600 yuan to Master Xiao Shen."

Old Liu's wife was a little unhappy. After all, the eldest son got married, and all kinds of expenses were a little tight.

Wouldn't it be a great thing to be able to spend 100 yuan less?But this old man likes to be more serious!
However, when the head of the family spoke, no matter how painful she was, she would not dare to disobey him.

"Master Liu, to be honest, I want to keep my color TV at home to watch. If you insist on paying more, I won't sell it." Shen Lin said seriously.When Master Liu saw Shen Lin's determined face, he was really grateful and moved.

Hey, young man, what can you tell my old Liu to say!
"Master Liu, Shen Lin and I are friends. He can sell it to you at this price. I, Xu Ruibing, owe this favor!"

Xu Ruibing's words gave Master Liu a step. He came up and patted Xu Ruibing on the shoulder, and said solemnly: "Ruibing, Master Shen, I am really grateful this time. If you have anything to do in the future, just ask."

Normally, seeing other people earning 500 yuan in a short while, Xu Ruibing would definitely feel sore in his heart, but now, seeing Shen Lin holding a stack of great unity in his hand, Xu Ruibing is sincerely happy for him.

"Brother Xu, take me home." Shen Lin said with a smile.

Xu Ruibing started the Bisan motorcycle and said with a smile: "Okay, if you want to run fast, you still need to kick it! Hold on to the handrail, we will be there in a while."

Shen Lin smiled when he heard Xu Ruibing joke with him.

This time, he took the initiative to lower the price, not because Shen Lin didn't love money, but because he wanted to establish a good reputation for himself through this transaction.

Now, this reputation will spread to more people through Master Liu's mouth.And the extra 100 yuan I gave, I made friends with Xu Ruibing.


In the family home, the landlord, Aunt Chen, was chatting about Shen Lin with her wife while cooking.In Aunt Chen's view, Shen Lin has changed a lot now, and he is a good young man who has turned his back on a prodigal son.

However, the things that were found at Shen Lin's house, as well as the food and drink at Shen Lin's house these days, made Aunt Chen unable to let go of Shen Lin from her heart.

Shen Lin spends money lavishly, I'm afraid the source of the money is really a bit unfair!
"Old man, do you think Shen Lin really stole his things?" Aunt Chen asked Uncle Chen who was drinking water leisurely.

Uncle Chen's complexion was not very good, and he was lying on the reclining chair weakly, while gently shaking the cattail fan, he said, "Who knows about this?"

"But this kid, stewed ribs today and ate chicken yesterday, just because he doesn't have a job, I'm afraid the source of the money is not so righteous!"

Aunt Chen nodded heavily and stopped talking.

"Boom boom boom!"

A knock on the door broke the peace of Aunt Chen's house. When she opened the door, she saw Chen Hongying standing outside.

They all belonged to surrounding factories, and Aunt Chen and Chen Hongying knew each other.

"Hongying, you are here for the affairs of Xiaorong's family." Aunt Chen's first thought was that Chen Hongying came to find herself for the affairs of Lu Xiaorong's family.

Chen Hongying crossed her waist and said: "Aunt Chen, you give me the key to Xiaorong's house. That Shen Lin doesn't learn well. If our family smiles at him, then he fell into the fire pit. I will clean up Xiaorong's things for my family right now." ?”

Aunt Chen hesitated for a moment, and finally said to Chen Hongying: "Hongying, you need to pack your things, do you want to wait for Xiao Rong to come back?"

"What's more, I'm her mother, and it's all for his own good. If Shen Lin doesn't learn well, this marriage must be divorced." Chen Hongying said fiercely: "Aunt Chen, we have a good relationship. If you give me the key, I will remember you Love, if you don’t give me the key, I’ll smash the door today.”

Chen Hongying's voice was very loud, and after a while, many spectators appeared around.

ps: The new book sets sail, please support the bosses, and the favorite bosses will be collected on the bookshelf!
(End of this chapter)

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