Chapter 22
The so-called family ugliness should not be publicized!
If ordinary people encounter such things as neighbors watching, no matter how big the conflict is, they are likely to choose to leave quickly.

But this time, Chen Hongying's goal was to make life difficult for Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong.

In Chen Hongying's view, these watching neighbors are her tools.

She not only wanted to discredit Shen Lin, but also wanted him and Lu Xiaorong to divorce as soon as possible.

Fang Boyuan was young and promising, and he was infatuated with Xiaorong. After passing this village, there is no such shop.

She couldn't let this opportunity slip away from her hands.

"Dear colleagues and neighbors, our family Xiaorong, this time he was really cheated. Not to mention marrying a bum who even lost his job, this bum has become a thief."

"How do you live this day!"

While speaking, Chen Hongying howled loudly.

Hearing Chen Hongying's howling, Aunt Chen was a little at a loss. She never thought that Chen Hongying, the mother-in-law, would do this.

It seems that the days of Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong are really coming to an end this time.

Hey, to be honest, Xiao Rong is a good kid, and it seems that he is really at a disadvantage if he lives with Shen Lin.But what Chen Hongying did was a bit too much!

"Aunt Chen, if you don't give me their keys today, you will push our daughter into the fire pit."

Chen Hongying directly aimed at Aunt Chen. At this time, she didn't care about other things, and said directly to Aunt Chen: "You are also a mother, you...why don't you understand my feelings?"

Aunt Chen looked at the aggressive Chen Hongying, and knew that she really couldn't resist this time, so she said to Chen Hongying, "Hongying, I'll get you the key right now."

Just when Aunt Chen turned around, someone said, "Hongying, is Shen Lin really stealing from others?"

"I also hope he didn't steal it, but the police station won't arrest him for no reason." Chen Hongying reached out and wiped the tears that were not there at all on her eyes, and then said in a heartbroken voice: "Who can Thinking of it, the old factory manager actually has such a son."

"Hey, I originally wanted to talk to the old factory manager about this matter, but you know, how can I bear the old factory manager's body!"

"Now, people in their family dare not even tell him about this."

Chen Hongying's words aroused a lot of discussion.

"I thought that Shen Lin was abnormal these two days. He didn't have a job, and he had a lot of money all day long. He didn't steal the money, or where did he come from."

"Thief, I didn't expect such a person to come out of our factory."

"It's still the son of the old factory manager. The wisdom of the old factory manager's life is over."

"Not necessarily. Although Shen Lin was a bit of a jerk before, I still don't believe that he steals things."

"It's no use if you don't believe it. Facts are facts. Chen Hongying, who is a mother-in-law, will frame her uncle."

Chen Hongying felt a little more complacent when she heard the messy discussion. She wiped away her tears and said, "It's a pity that my daughter is stubborn, and she's going to live with that bastard Shen Lin."

"As a mother, no matter what, I can't watch my daughter jump into the fire pit. This marriage must be divorced."

Several middle-aged women who had a good relationship with Chen Hongying also joined the crusade against Shen Lin.

"You can't live with that bastard Shen Lin. If you want me to say, divorce within two days, Shen Lin disagrees. I will accompany you to find the old factory manager."

"Although the old factory manager is not feeling well, I think the old factory manager is reasonable. The old factory manager will definitely explain this matter."

"Hongying, don't be anxious. There is nothing wrong with divorcing a second-rate son now. Our girl is aboveboard, so there is nothing to be afraid of." At this time, Aunt Chen had already brought the key. Chen Hongying grabbed the key without waiting for Aunt Chen to say anything. Walked towards Shen Lin's home.

The locks in this era are all external three-ring locks. With a click, the lock was opened, and Chen Hongying strode into the small house with only two rooms.

There were not many things in the house, and Chen Hongying came here this time just to express her attitude, instead of really packing up Lu Xiaorong's things.

That is to say, she just packed a few clothes of Lu Xiaorong, and she strode out of this little home that looked warm.

"Neighbors, I will wait a while and find a car to pull the furniture. When the time comes, please help me!"

Just as Chen Hongying finished speaking, the roar of a motorcycle came over.

Hearing this roar, almost everyone instinctively gave way. For people of this era, motorcycles represent status.

"It's the car from the police station." Someone turned his head, looked at the army green Pian San motorcycle, and said loudly.

"Xiao Rong and Shen Lin are sitting on it, why are they here?"

"Oh, the driver is a policeman."

"What do you know? When the police handle a case, they have to identify the scene. I think they came here this time to do this."

"Tsk tsk, being led to point to the scene of the case, it seems that this time, Shen Lin is really..."

During this discussion, the motorcycle stopped, and just as Shen Lin left the back seat of the motorcycle, Chen Hongying rushed over.

"Shen Lin, you are not motivated, you are mad at me, you don't work hard, let the factory be fired, and now you are stealing other people's property, let me and your father, this whole life, be carried away. Don't start."

Chen Hongying pointed at Shen Lin, and she scolded carelessly. In her opinion, the scolding this time definitely made the divorce between Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong a certainty.

But just when she was about to continue scolding, the policeman who parked the car had already said with a tiger face: "Shut up."

Xu Ruibing felt guilty towards Shen Lin because he listened to Fang Boyuan's words.In addition, because of Shen Lin's righteousness, he asked Master Liu 100 yuan less, and from the bottom of his heart, he felt that Shen Lin was a friend he could make.

At the same time, there was a thought in his heart.

Seeing that he is about to get married, if, like Master Liu, he can't buy a black and white TV and causes trouble at home, he might as well be the first to line up at Shen Lin's place and ask Shen Lin to help him prepare a second-hand color TV.

In this way, you don't need to spend too much money, and you will save face.

Now Chen Hongying's scolding made him feel this favor, and Shen Lin must feel it, so he stood up directly.

Seeing Xu Ruibing's serious look, Chen Hongying didn't dare to say anything, but her eyes gave Shen Lin a somewhat resentful look.

Shen Lin didn't have much affection for Chen Hongying, the mother-in-law.Although he was mainly responsible for the divorce back then, Lu Xiaorong's subsequent untimely death had something to do with this mother-in-law who hated the poor and loved the rich.

If she hadn't introduced Lu Xiaorong a partner not long after she and Lu Xiaorong divorced, Lu Xiaorong probably wouldn't have died.

When Xu Ruibing stopped Chen Hongying, he was about to speak, but he didn't expect that Xu Ruibing would stand up at this time.

"Everyone, since everyone is here, let me inform you of something."

"It is a misunderstanding to say that Comrade Shen Lin stole. After verification by our police station, Comrade Shen Lin did not steal!"

ps: The new book sets sail, please support the bosses, if you like it, you must remember to add it to the bookshelf!
(End of this chapter)

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