Chapter 23 Master Shen

Xu Ruibing's words made the surroundings calm for a while. At this moment, Chen Hongying said sharply: "Comrade Public Security, are you wrong? Why isn't Shen Lin a thief?"

A series of gazes focused on Chen Hongying again at this time.

The main reason for this is naturally because Chen Hongying is Shen Lin's mother-in-law.As a family member, her reaction like this is really surprising.

Xu Ruibing glanced at Chen Hongying coldly and said, "Is it a criminal? We will speak with evidence."

"You, if you don't have any evidence, you are still spreading rumors here, and you will be held legally responsible."

Xu Ruibing stared, Chen Hongying was a little scared, she lowered her head, not daring to speak more.

"Everyone, the radios that Comrade Shen Lin sells are all broken radios that he received. After his own repairs, he turned waste into Bora."

Xu Ruibing ignored Chen Hongying, and then said loudly: "In the future, if you have any damaged household appliances, I think you can find Master Shen Lin. We can prove that he is definitely a good maintenance master."

This sentence has aroused the discussion of many people.

"Shen Lin can repair the radio, I didn't expect this kid to have some skills."

"Tsk tsk, we don't know if Shen Lin can fix the radio in our house that is always silent.

"With this ability, even if you are fired, you won't starve to death!"

Aunt Chen, who was standing aside, rubbed her hands at this moment and said, "I knew, how could a child as good as Shen Lin be a thief?"

"By the way, Master Shen repaired a broken old imported color TV two days ago, but it helped Master Liu in our office a lot. He doesn't have to worry about not being able to buy a TV set for his son's marriage."

Since Xu Ruibing wanted to make friends with Shen Lin, he didn't hide it, and directly exposed the matter of the old color TV.

Although he didn't say how much money Shen Lin earned, the way the people present looked at Shen Lin changed again.

In the eyes of many people, although the radio is not easy to repair, some people can.

But the big color TV, and the big color TV imported from the outer door, can be repaired, it is definitely not for ordinary people.

"Brother Shen, you can really fix the broken big color TV. After that, you must keep one for me. I'm waiting to get married?" A young man standing in Maoluo shouted loudly at Shen Lin road.

His shout immediately resonated with several families who needed a TV, and others followed suit: "Shen Lin, if you have one, remember to give it to Uncle."

"Xiao Shen, I'm good to you. You have good things to do, so you can't do without me."

Looking at the enthusiastic faces, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone, I will definitely record this matter in my heart. If there is one in the future, I will send it to everyone as soon as possible."

Lu Xiaorong stood quietly by the side, her mood was very comfortable at this moment.

A smile appeared on her face inadvertently.

"Oh..." Before she was ready to speak, she suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of vomiting rising from the bottom of her heart.

At this time, no matter what, he couldn't spit it out. Lu Xiaorong covered his mouth and took a deep breath according to the experience he had summed up earlier, finally suppressing this discomfort.

But her face also began to turn pale.

Is this not sick?
Xu Ruibing, who had achieved his goal, smiled and said to Shen Lin: "Master Shen, I have completed the task assigned to me by the director. If Master Shen has anything to do in the future, feel free to come to the institute to find me."

While speaking, his eyes fell on Chen Hongying again and said: "Auntie, don't listen to the wind and the rain in the future, everything must be based on evidence."

Chen Hongying's face turned red and white for a while, but facing Xu Ruibing, even if she felt uncomfortable, she could only be a ninja.With the roar of the motorcycle, Xu Ruibing left quickly.

Some neighbors who knew Shen Lin in the past quickly surrounded Shen Lin.

"Shen Lin, I didn't expect you to have this ability!"

"I knew Shen Lin that you wouldn't steal. Some people still didn't believe it, but now they have to believe it!"

While thanking the neighbors around, Shen Lin invited everyone into the house to talk.Most of the neighbors around looked at Chen Hongying with disdain, and then left.

After most of the spectators had left, Shen Lin turned to Chen Hongying and said, "Mom, you're tired too, let's go home and have a rest?"

After all, she was Lu Xiaorong's mother. Although Shen Lin didn't like Chen Hongying, he wanted to give Lu Xiaorong face.

Otherwise, Lu Xiaorong's face will be very difficult to do.

"Shen Lin, don't think that you are nothing if you haven't stolen anything." Chen Hongying, who was a little bit annoyed, put her hips on her hips and said loudly to Shen Lin: "This marriage must be divorced."

"Let me tell you, I won't look at our little Rong and suffer with you for the rest of my life."

Lu Xiaorong, who had been listening all the time, was just about to speak, when Chen Hongying angrily turned her head and walked towards the door.

"Shen Lin, my mother's attitude is not good, you..." Lu Xiaorong looked at his mother who had gone away, and said to Shen Lin helplessly.

She knew very well what her mother was here for, so at this moment, in her heart, she felt a lot more guilty towards Shen Lin.

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong who was hesitant to speak, and said with a smile: "Xiaorong, isn't your mother my mother? How could I blame my mother?"

"What's more, the reason why my mother misunderstood me was entirely because of my previous performance, which disappointed her too much. I will behave well in the future and try to make my mother agree with me."

Lu Xiaorong's eyes were filled with tears, and she knew very well why Chen Hongying treated Shen Lin like this.

Now Shen Lin's words moved her a little bit from her heart!
Looking at the silent Lu Xiaorong, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Let's go back quickly, or the neighbors think I'm bullying you again."

When he got home, Shen Lin took out the 600 yuan and said, "Xiao Rong, you put the 600 yuan first."

Lu Xiaorong looked at the thick stack of Great Unity, hesitated for a moment and said: "You should keep the money you earn."

"I often lose things carelessly. Although the 600 yuan is not much, it makes people feel distressed." While speaking, Shen Lin unquestionably stuffed the 600 yuan into Lu Xiaorong's hand and said: "You Put it away for now, I will ask you for it when I use it in a few days."

Lu Xiaorong looked at the resolute Shen Lin, and finally said: "Okay, I will keep your money for you temporarily."

Lu Xiaorong said your money very seriously, as if I was serious.

Seeing Lu Xiaorong with a hint of arrogance in his expression, Shen Lin felt a little warmth in his heart.In his memory, Lu Xiaorong was originally a somewhat proud girl.

Her pride made her bury many things in her heart. Her pride finally made her store all the resentment in her heart. Her pride also caused her...

"Brother Shen, Brother Shen..."

Just when Shen Lin's heart fell into memories, a burst of shouts came from downstairs.

Lu Xiaorong frowned when he heard the shout.

(End of this chapter)

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