Chapter 24 The popular tricycle
But she didn't speak, just looked at Shen Lin with a pair of big eyes.

Shen Lin opened the window and looked down, saw Qiangzi wearing a big vest, looking towards his window?
Qiangzi is looking for himself at this time...

"Daughter-in-law, I asked Qiangzi to help me save a tricycle. Looking at the situation, things are ready. I'll go and have a look." Shen Lin said to Lu Xiaorong immediately.

Lu Xiaorong pondered for a while: "Since you have something to do, then do it. Don't ask me about this kind of thing."

"I promise not to fool around with them." Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong, who held his head up and looked like what you were doing, and had nothing to do with me, and said with a smile.

While speaking, Shen Lin turned towards the window and said, "I'll come down right away."

Looking at Shen Lin who was walking downstairs quickly, Qiangzi's eyes flashed a trace of doubt.The person who ran down was the Shen Lin he was familiar with, but when did Shen Lin know how to repair the big color TV.

"Brother Shen, we have already taken care of everything you arranged for us." Qiangzi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, smiled and said to Shen Lin: "Now everyone is in the maintenance department of Photon's factory?"

It's really nice to have things sorted out.

Shen Lin, who was pulling the flatbed these days and felt that his whole body was falling apart, was full of longing for the tricycle he designed.

"Go, have a look."

While speaking, Shen Lin's eyes fell on the tricycle with only one wheel left on the side of the corridor, and then walked to the front of the tricycle and said, "Qiangzi, help me lift the tricycle onto the flatbed."

Qiangzi also saw the rusty and dilapidated tricycle. He thought of the parts that Shen Lin asked him to find, and he understood Shen Lin's purpose.

Shen Lin wanted to fix the tricycle that was almost falling apart.

But he didn't understand why he needed Photon to get a dilapidated engine when repairing a tricycle.

The tricycle with only one wheel left was not too heavy, not to mention that Shen Lin and Qiangzi were both strong and strong guys. They easily mounted the tricycle on the flatbed, and Shen Lin pulled the flatbed and left.

"Brother Shen, let me do it." Qiang Zi came to Shen Lin and said.

"It's okay, it's very light. If it sinks, I'll let you pull it." Shen Lin said jokingly.

Looking at Shen Lin who was pulling the flatbed cart forward, Qiangzi felt more and more doubts. According to his understanding of Shen Lin, Shen Lin's eyes were higher than the top, when would he pull this kind of flatbed cart.

The yard of the maintenance department was three miles away from where Shen Lin lived. When Shen Lin pulled the tricycle into the yard, Guangzi and several good buddies were already waiting there.

"Brother Shen, why are you pulling the cart by yourself? Qiangzi, you don't have any eyesight, so why let Brother Shen pull the cart!" Seeing Shen Lin, Guangzi said affectionately.

Shen Lin wiped the sweat off his face with his hands, and said with a smile, "Qiangzi insists on pulling, but I want to exercise."

While speaking, he said to the surrounding people: "Brothers, help me lift these three wheels down."

Photon looked at the dilapidated tricycle, smashed it and said: "Brother Shen, this tricycle is too broken, even if it is repaired, it will take a lot of effort to pedal."

"I think, you might as well save up and buy a new one."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "I also want to buy a new one, but I don't have a tricycle ticket, so I plan to save one myself."

"By the way, Qiangzi, the old motorcycle engine I asked you to prepare, have you finished it yet?"

Qiangzi hesitated for a moment and said: "Brother Shen, how can I neglect the things you arranged, but the engine is a bit too old, and the noise is a bit loud when it starts."

While speaking, Qiangzi handed Shen Lin an old-fashioned motorcycle engine.

Shen Lin carefully looked at the old-fashioned engine, and found that although it was full of oil and rust, it was still intact overall.

It should work!
"It's okay, I know what's wrong with it, just go back and fix it." While speaking, Shen Lin turned to other people: "Brothers, are you ready for the things you prepared for me?"

"Brother Shen, you arranged it, how could I not help you with it." A thin young man said: "Two days ago, I asked my father, a sixth-level welder, to weld it with an iron plate. Brother Shen, you made that long A box." "My dad asked me to ask Brother Shen what this thing you got is."

While the young man was speaking, he handed Shen Lin a long box with an interface.

Shen Lin glanced at the long box and found that there was no crack. He said in his heart that it was indeed the work of a senior welder, and it was much better than an ordinary repair shop master.

"This is the gas tank."

The young man froze for a moment, looking at the slender iron box, he really didn't know what to say.

It's not like he hasn't seen a fuel tank before. Is there such a fuel tank?

"Brothers, give me a hand. When things are ready, I will treat everyone to a good meal today."

"There are hard dishes!" Shen Lin put down the fuel tank and said loudly.

The word "hard dish" immediately made Qiangzi and other young men's eyes shine.

Although their family is not poor, they only have one or two days a month when they can eat some meat.Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard about eating meat.

"Brother Shen, you said that." Qiangzi swallowed, and said in a voice full of expectation: "Brother Shen, don't deny it."

Shen Lin didn't speak, picked up the prepared bearings and chains and said, "Come someone who can weld, help me weld it."

Under Shen Lin's command, the parts that were originally a mess, even in the eyes of Guangzi and others, who didn't know how to use them, were quickly assembled by Shen Lin.

A few old iron pipes were added to the dilapidated tricycle body, and the body that was about to fall apart suddenly became stronger.And a few high shelves have increased the usable area of ​​the tricycle's body several times at once.

Wheels, fuel tank, engine...

More than two hours later, the sun began to set. Under the golden sunlight, a rough but metallic tricycle appeared in the small courtyard.

The wheels of the three bicycles are of different thicknesses. At first glance, it looks like a frame welded by iron pipes, and a block made of iron wire is added...

One word, ugly!

"Brother Shen, how do you start this thing?" Photon and the others looked at the installed engine and understood Shen Lin's thoughts.

Although they think this design seems to make sense, but can it really work?
Shen Lin smiled and said, "I don't know if I can try it."

While speaking, Shen Lin got on the half-skinned seat of the tricycle, and pedaled the tricycle heavily.

The tricycle is moving forward quickly!

Shen Lin had such experience in later generations, and knew that the more he couldn't slow down at this time, so the speed of his legs pedaling became faster and faster.


The engine roared, and the ear-piercing sound made Shen Lin's eardrums tremble.

The engine that Qiangzi gave him is really good enough, but it is currently testing the car, so Shen Lin has no time to pay attention to him.

The engine drives the gears, and the tricycle starts running quickly without Shen Lin pedaling.

Seeing the black smoke coming out but Shen Lin not using the tricycle, Guangzi, Qiangzi and the others all stared wide-eyed.

(End of this chapter)

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