Chapter 25 Take you for a ride

It worked!
This... This is no longer a pedal tricycle, this is a fuel tricycle.

Fuel tricycle at a glance with motorcycle!
"I'll go, this one also burns oil, just like a motorcycle!" Qiangzi said excitedly, "It's so cute to drive this on a date with my girlfriend."

"No, the next time I make an appointment, I will borrow Brother Shen's three wheels, no, a motorcycle!"

Photon's eyes were fixed on the rumbling tricycle emitting black smoke, and he was reluctant to blink.

For him, his biggest dream is to buy a motorcycle.

But the price of a motorcycle is more than 1000 at the lowest, and a motorcycle ticket is required, which he simply cannot afford.

Now, Shen Lin's modification suddenly gave him hope.

As long as Shen Lin's method is followed, even if the modified bicycle is not as cool as a motorcycle, at least there is no need to pedal.

There is no need to pedal a bicycle on a hot day, which is absolutely cool.

"Brother Shen, let me drive." After Shen Lin stopped the car, Qiang Zi rushed to Shen Lin and shouted loudly.

Shen Lin got off the car directly, letting the excited Qiang Zi board the tricycle directly.

After Qiangzi kicked a few times quickly, there was another roar, and the tricycle quickly ran forward.

"Brother Shen, let me drive it later."

"Brother Shen, my second aunt introduced me to someone. Let me drive this tricycle of yours to make a date. My brother's happiness depends entirely on him."

"Brother Shen, you are my own brother, let me drive the tricycle."

Naturally, Shen Lin couldn't refuse these little brothers who contributed a lot, but his tricycle was originally used to pull goods, so why did it suddenly become a tool for blind dates?
"Brother Shen, I'm looking for an engine, can you help me modify my Phoenix bicycle?" Photon came to Shen Lin's side, looked at Shen Lin eagerly and said.

Shen Lin didn't expect Guangzi's head to turn so fast, this guy thought of modifying his tricycle after only a while.

Regarding Photon's request, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Isn't this a trivial matter? Prepare your speech and I'll change it for you."

"Thank you Brother Shen, I'll treat you to a drink today." Photon rubbed his hands together and said excitedly.

And Qiang Zi and the others also reflected it at this time. As the children of workers, they knew very well that Shen Lin's transformation was not too difficult.

"Brother Shen, I'll transform one too!"

"Brother Shen, I'm going to get the old engine now."


After agreeing to one request after another, Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "My brothers helped me so much today, so I won't say thank you. Let's go to the Second Sister Restaurant on the outskirts of the factory and have a good drink."

"My treat!"

Shen Lin's treat this time was full of sincerity, after all, everyone helped him solve a lot of difficulties.

With this fuel tricycle, he doesn't need to pull a flatbed cart to collect waste newspapers on a hot day, step by step.

"Brother Shen is so loud!"

"Thank you Brother Shen!"

Under the farewell of Guangzi and others, Shen Lin stared at his tricycle, roaring all the way towards home.

The roaring sound attracted countless gazes, and almost everyone looked at Shen Lin driving the smoking fuel tricycle with incredulous expressions.

Even most of the young people looked at Shen Lin who was rushing away with envious eyes.

"Xiao Rong, Lu Xiaorong!" After parking the tricycle, Shen Lin was about to lock it and leave, but a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

So, sitting in the car, Shen Lin shouted loudly upward.Lu Xiaorong was sitting on a chair reading a book at this time, but she couldn't read any of the novels she liked.

Her mind was completely occupied by Shen Lin's figure.

At this time, Shen Lin was called away by those cronies. Why?Do you want to tell Shen Lin to stay away from Guangzi and others...

Just when Lu Xiaorong was anxious about why Shen Lin hadn't come yet, Shen Lin's shout came through the window.

Putting down the book in her hand, Lu Xiaorong quickly walked towards the window, but when she was near the window, she slowed down and asked downstairs: "What's the matter?"

"Come down quickly." Shen Lin waved at Lu Xiaorong and said, "I'll take you to do something."

Lu Xiaorong looked out the window and saw Shen Lin sitting on a tricycle with a welded iron frame, waving at her.

This tricycle is really not ordinary ugly. Various iron materials of different lengths are welded together, which looks solid.

Although I don't know why Shen Lin is looking for him?But she was worried that Shen Lin would continue to mingle with those cronies, so she agreed and went downstairs.

"This tricycle is..." Lu Xiaorong pointed to the tricycle and asked Shen Lin.

"Mine, no, it belongs to our family." Shen Lin patted the back of the tricycle and said, "Sit on it, and I'll take you for a ride."

"It's such a hot day, you don't feel tired for any kind of driving." Lu Xiaorong said with a trace of reproach.

Hearing Lu Xiaorong's accusation, Shen Lin's heart suddenly became a little warmer. Although on the surface, Lu Xiaorong never forgave himself, but now Lu Xiaorong's words made Shen Lin feel the relationship between the two of them. The cracks are slowly being filled.

"I don't need to pedal this tricycle." Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "You will know when you sit on it."

Under Shen Lin's insistence, Lu Xiaorong finally took a small bench and sat on the side of the tricycle.

As the tricycle started, Lu Xiaorong immediately understood what Shen Lin was talking about.Although the sound of the fuel tricycle was harsh, Lu Xiaorong still had a different feeling when sitting on the tricycle.

"Is this what you're tinkering with?"

"Yeah, it's too tiring to pull the flatbed cart to collect the junk, so I asked Photon and the others to help with this." Shen Lin said with a smile: "Honey, I want to ask you for instructions on something. They have helped me so much. I’m going to give you two dollars and treat them to a meal to express my gratitude.”

Two dollars!
Lu Xiaorong glanced at Shen Lin angrily, she knew that Shen Lin did this on purpose, and the purpose was to let herself allow him to spend more.

Lu Xiaorong liked Shen Lin's little trick very much. She coughed and said, "It's not enough for you to spend two yuan to treat guests like this."

"I think you can order good food for five yuan."

Shen Lin pretended to have a sad face and said: "Daughter-in-law, they and I are brothers of our own family. Isn't it a bit too much for the treat?"

Lu Xiaorong's head couldn't keep up with Shen Lin's rhythm for a while, they are all his brothers, shouldn't they eat something good?Why does it cost less to treat my brother?

"If you have a good meal, you will have a good meal."

After saying this, Lu Xiaorong stopped talking.At this time, it was evening, and the heat of the sun had already left. Along with the driving of the tricycle, gusts of breeze kept blowing Lu Xiaorong's hair.

Lu Xiaorong, who was sitting on the tricycle, even had a hope that the tricycle would keep running and never stop.

But when her mind was soaring, she felt uncomfortable in her stomach again. She quickly covered her mouth, but she still retched.

Although Shen Lin was driving a tricycle, he still heard it.He quickly stopped the driveway: "Xiao Rong, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, maybe the smell of gasoline choked my nose." Lu Xiaorong smiled forcefully. At this time, she was already a little worried.

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong who bowed his head, thinking in his heart at this moment, should he tell her that she is pregnant?In the end, Shen Lin chose to take it step by step, so he said to Lu Xiaorong, "How about we go to the hospital for a checkup?"

"No, I'll just go home and have a rest." Lu Xiaorong waved his hand.

Seeing Lu Xiaorong's persistence, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Then let's go back and rest first."

(End of this chapter)

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