Chapter 26

After serving Lu Xiaorong a pot of noodles with oil residue, Shen Lin came to the second sister restaurant on the outskirts of the factory.It is said to be a restaurant, but it is actually a large shed with a few tables outside the door.

Although the food here is more expensive than that in state-run restaurants, there is one advantage, that is, no food stamps are required for meals.

These friends of Shen Lin usually gather here.Few of them have jobs. Even if they have jobs, not to mention the low wages, as long as they are paid, the old lady at home will ask them to go back as soon as possible.

The euphemistic name is to save up for you to marry a wife.

Seven or eight people, including Guangzi and Qiangzi, were playing poker around a wooden table. Although they didn't win any money, they played happily.

"Brother Shen, you are here. If you don't come, I will starve to death." Seeing Shen Lin, Guangzi said affectionately.

Shen Lin said to the proprietress who was picking vegetables: "Second sister, what's delicious today?"

The second sister raised her head and glanced at Shen Lin, feeling a little disdain in her heart, she was no stranger to Shen Lin, she was a fool with a lot of money who was fooled by this group of young men.

"It's Brother Shen. Today we are the head of the house. We took in two old hens and stewed them on the pot all afternoon. How about I bring you one."

The old hen of that era is definitely a rare delicacy.

Shen Lin swallowed a mouthful of saliva, waved his big hand and said, "Come on, bring me both, and add some side dishes."

The proprietress wiped her hands, and said to Shen Lin with a half-smile: "Brother Shen, we are running a small business, and now we have to collect money first, or we won't even have the money to buy vegetables?"

"Second Sister, what are you talking about? Could it be that you think our brothers are freeloaders?" Photon stood up directly and shouted loudly.

The proprietress just smiled at Photon's scolding.

Shen Lin waved his hand at Guangzi and said, "Guangzi, don't embarrass the proprietress, she runs a small business, we should understand him more."

While speaking, Shen Lin took out a big unity card and handed it to the proprietress, "Madam proprietress, refund more and make up less, if you have something delicious, just order it."

Looking at the great unity handed over by Shen Lin, the proprietress' glasses suddenly lit up.

She took the money, and shouted to the kitchen full of joy: "Master, hurry up and put the stewed chicken in a big pot, and then make some cold dishes."

In a porcelain basin as big as a washbasin, the chicken with all the flavors and colors crazily stimulated everyone's taste buds.

Two bundles of beer tied with plastic ropes were piled up in front of Shen Lin and the others.Photon and the others deftly opened the lid of the beer with chopsticks, and then began to eat and drink in full swing.

"If it wasn't for the help of my brothers this time, my tricycle would not be so smooth. Come on, let me toast everyone." Shen Lin raised the beer bottle in his hand and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Shen, for being so polite!"

"My brother, isn't it right to help?"

Photon, Qiangzi and others all raised their wine bottles and responded enthusiastically, and some even drank a bottle of beer in one breath.

Shen Lin drank the warm beer, and secretly sighed in his heart, it would be even more beautiful if he drank it with ice cold beer.

Just when Shen Lin was thinking about how to get a freezer, he saw seven or eight pairs of chopsticks descending like a tiger and falling into the big basin.

"It's really fragrant, the second sister's husband's craftsmanship is good!"

"If only I could have a chicken stew every week."

"With the kind of salary you earn, you can't even support your wife and children. You still want to eat stewed chicken once a week. It's such a beautiful thought." The young man is at an age where he loves to eat, and at this time, his stomach is full of food. There is little oil and water, and in just a few minutes, a large pot of stewed chicken is left with only a pile of chicken bones.

Shen Lin looked at the big pot with only some soup left, and was speechless for a while.He said to the proprietress who just brought up a large plate of cold cucumbers: "Is there any hard food?"

"It's gone, at most it's fried shredded pork with chili." The proprietress has encountered this kind of turbulent situation a lot. She wiped her hands and said with a smile.

But at this moment, the second younger sister felt that the young man in front of her seemed a little more stupid than before.

In the past, even being a Kaizi, paying money was not so enjoyable, but now it is good, he is already bleeding heavily, and he even wants to add food.

You really have money to burn.

"Okay, then let you guys fry two more plates of shredded pork with chili!" Shen Lin said casually.

A plate of shredded pork with chili is six cents, and two servings are one piece and two.Although it is not easy to make money in this era, Shen Lin, who has already found a way to make money, naturally doesn't care about one or two dollars.

"Brother Shen, one copy is enough." Qiang Zi said immediately.

Although the others were still full of ideas, they just ate the stewed chicken, and now they were too embarrassed to ask Shen Lin to spend any more money, so they all followed suit: "Brother Chen, I think one portion is enough."

"Brother Shen, don't ask for so much, we can't eat it."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "I made money today, please treat my brothers to a good meal, if you want to eat, let's eat well."

Having said that, he said to the second sister: "Madam Boss, let the boss cook quickly."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Guangzi said enviously: "Brother Shen, I heard that you repaired an old color TV and bought it for 600 yuan when you changed hands. Tsk tsk, when will I have your skills?" what!"

Shen Lin looked at Guangzi and said, "Guangzi, it's not difficult for me to learn this craft. If you want, I can teach you later."

"It's just that you have to study for at least three or two years before you can become a teacher."

After studying for three or two years, Guangzi felt that his toothache was a little painful.Although he is envious of Shen Lin's income, he can't quench his thirst far away!

"Brother Shen, I will definitely learn from you when I look back."

When Shen Lin was entertaining the guests, he had actually already thought about it in his heart. He smiled and said, "Learning a craft has to be done step by step, but we brothers want to make money, but we can't just wait like this."

"Otherwise, I will have to eat bran swallowing vegetables for the past few years."

When Shen Lin said this, it immediately aroused more sympathy, and Qiang Zi even said: "Brother Shen, I used to think that you are similar to us."

"But after hearing what Xu Gongan said today, I realized that the gap between me and you is really too big."

"Brother Shen, you have made a fortune, so why don't you bring your brothers to earn some money as well?"

"Of course there is no problem." Shen Lin smiled and said, "Brothers, if you want to, you can go to the community to recycle second-hand appliances that others can't use."

"I can't give you too much. I can give you a reference price. For a second-hand radio, I will give you two yuan. For a second-hand black and white TV, I will give you ten yuan. For a second-hand tape recorder, I will give you five yuan." One……"

ps: The new book sets sail, please support me!

(End of this chapter)

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