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Chapter 2106 Lu Xiaorong's Persistence

Chapter 2106 Lu Xiaorong's Persistence
Flying for a long time is tiring.

For Lu Xiaorong, who is pregnant, this fatigue has increased even more.

This time when she came to Europa to accompany Shen Lin, Lu Xiaorong did not come alone. She was accompanied by her assistant Chen Wenxue, who usually helped her organize manuscripts.

Chen Wenxue is in her 20s and a recent college graduate.

It was also a coincidence that she became Lu Xiaorong's assistant.

However, she still felt a little bit uneasy about this trip to Europa.

"Sister Xiaorong, would you like some water?" Chen Wenxue asked Lu Xiaorong in a low voice.

Lu Xiaorong waved his hand and said, "No, I just drank."

"Xiaoxue, how is the proofreading of the manuscript going?" Lu Xiaorong asked softly.

"Sister Xiaorong, it's almost time." At this point, Chen Wenxue said: "Sister Xiaorong, we will be there in two hours."

"How about you take a rest first."

"It's okay, I'm not too tired." As Lu Xiaorong spoke, his eyes fell on the books he carried with him.

Seeing the book in front of Lu Xiaorong, Chen Wenxue showed a wry smile.

Let a famous writer read a law book, this is really...

Just when Chen Wenxue felt sorry for Lu Xiaorong, Lu Xiaorong had already picked up the book again.

"Sister Xiaorong, the publishing house has organized book fans to pick you up at the airport."

"When the time comes, you might want to hold a meeting."

“It’s easy to get tired if you don’t get enough rest.”

"Director Shen has professional lawyers there, so you don't have to worry about this kind of thing." Chen Wenxue said with a hint of distress in her voice.

Lu Xiaorong said with a smile while reading: "I know it won't be of much use if I read it, but I still want to read it."

"After all, it's always good to read more books."

While talking, Lu Xiaorong stopped talking.

Two hours later, the plane landed on time.When Lu Xiaorong and Chen Wenxue walked out of the airport, they saw two groups of people greeting them.

One group was a group of young people holding signs saying "Welcome to the famous writer Lu Xiaorong."

The leader of these people is a middle-aged man in his 30s, and next to the middle-aged man, there are more than a dozen reporters.

As for the other group, there were only a few people, and the one standing at the front was Zhang Yuqing, whom Lu Xiaorong was familiar with.

"Ms. Lu!"

"It's Ms. Lu!"

The young people who greeted him shouted loudly when they saw Lu Xiaorong.Many people who heard the shouts ran towards this side.

Although there were people maintaining order, Zhang Yuqing and others were still separated by barriers.

Following Zhang Yuqing were several employees of MiKe Electronics in Europa.

Seeing this situation, they couldn't help but said to Zhang Yuqing: "Lawyer Zhang, what should we do?"

Zhang Yuqing smiled and said: "In this situation, we can only wait."

"Let those fans finish talking to their idols, and the rest is our business."

Just when Zhang Yuqing and others stepped aside, they heard someone ask loudly: "Ms. Lu, are you coming here this time to release your new book?"

"Ms. Lu, will your Harry Potter be finished?"

"Ms. Lu, I want to know, what is the content of your new book next?"


Listening to such words, Lu Xiaorong said to the publishing house greeting staff who had come to him: "Mr. Jack, I have seen a lot of friends from the media. Why don't we find a place to have a good talk?" Ms. Lu, we have reserved a hall in a nearby hotel. If you have time, we can go there at any time." Jack said in a deep voice.

Lu Xiaorong said: "Then follow your arrangement."

As the greeter this time, Jack was very capable.

He said loudly to the people around him: "Everyone, in response to your enthusiasm, the publishing house and Ms. Lu Xiaorong are planning to hold a reception."

"At that time, if you have any questions, you can ask them."

"Ms. Lu must tell you everything she knows."

"Okay, everyone, please follow me. Let's go to the hotel in front together. The press conference will start in half an hour."

The reporters who had originally gathered around Lu Xiaorong retracted their questions after hearing Jack's words.

They also know that sitting around like this cannot solve the problem.

To complete the interview task, you must find a suitable place.

So they greeted each other and quickly walked towards the hotel in front of the airport.

Five minutes later, Zhang Yuqing finally met Lu Xiaorong.

"Xiaorong, I always thought you were a very popular author. I didn't expect you to be so popular. I really learned a lot this time." Zhang Yuqing looked at Lu Xiaorong and said with a smile.

Lu Xiaorong glanced at Zhang Yuqing, but did not respond to Zhang Yuqing's compliment, but said in a deep voice: "Yu Qing, how is Shen Lin?"

"Dr. Shen is very kind. I had two steaks for lunch today."

Zhang Yuqing said with a smile: "He really wants to greet you in person, but he can't. He is not allowed to move around freely, so the task of welcoming you falls on me."

"When this reception is over, we can meet Shen Lin."

A smile appeared on Lu Xiaorong's face and he said, "As long as you can eat it."

Zhang Yuqing said: "Xiao Rong, you are pregnant, this kind of press conference should not be too long."

"I think you can answer a few questions and let people declare the press conference to be over."

"Because of your current situation, I don't think anyone else will, so what?"

Lu Xiaorong pondered for a moment and said: "Yu Qing, I hope to make this meeting longer and spend part of the time talking about my new book."

"In the other part of the time, I am going to talk about Shen Lin."

"Although my influence is average, I believe it is always good to speak more."

Looking at Lu Xiaorong with a determined expression, Zhang Yuqing said helplessly: "Xiaorong, I understand your thoughts, but if you hold a long press conference, Director Shen will be unhappy."

"Yu Qing, don't worry. I know my body is fine."

"By the way, Yu Qing, I want to trouble you with one more thing. When I go back, if Shen Lin asks me why I'm late, you can tell me that the plane was delayed by an hour."

"After all, it's normal."

Zhang Yuqing looked at Lu Xiaorong, who looked calm, and couldn't help but said: "Okay, I can promise you this, but Xiaorong, the time really can't be too long!"

"If the time is too long, your body won't be able to bear it!"

Lu Xiaorong grabbed Zhang Yuqing's hand and said, "Don't worry, Yu Qing. I know for sure that everything will be fine."

As she spoke, she smiled and said, "In the past, Shen Lin did this and that for me. I hope I can do something for him this time."

While the two people were talking, Chen Wenxue walked in and said, "Sister Xiaorong, Jack said there are a lot of people coming this time, so he asked you to be prepared."

Lu Xiaorong smiled and said, "Okay, I understand."

Seeing Lu Xiaorong walk out of the backstage accompanied by Chen Wenxue, Zhang Yuqing also quickly walked to the hall of the meeting. She wanted to see Lu Xiaorong's performance during the press conference.

(End of this chapter)

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