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Chapter 2107 Hello everyone, I am Lu Xiaorong

Chapter 2107 Hello everyone, I am Lu Xiaorong

The lobby of the hotel is not very big, and it is already full of people.

Almost everyone's eyes were fixed on Lu Xiaorong who walked out slowly.

Most of these people are fans of Lu Xiaorong's books, and some are reporters from major media.

Their purpose this time was also very clear, that is, they wanted to interview Lu Xiaorong.

And what they pay most attention to is naturally Lu Xiaorong's new book.

After all, Harry Potter is still very popular, and every book Lu Xiaorong publishes can attract the attention of countless people.

It can be said that Lu Xiaorong's press conference can greatly increase their sales.

Seeing Lu Xiaorong coming out, countless shutters were pressed quickly.

Some people even shouted again.

"Lu Xiaorong!"

"Ms. Lu Xiaorong!"

"Ms. Lu, what is the title of this new book?"

Lu Xiaorong, who was walking slowly, looked so calm, so gentle and confident in Zhang Yuqing's eyes.

When he walked to the middle of the hall, Lu Xiaorong nodded to the people around him.

"Everyone, thank you for coming. This time Ms. Lu came from afar and took a long flight. She needs a little rest."

"Therefore, we will choose ten questions to respond to in this meeting. Please do not repeat questions." As the person in charge of the reception, Mr. Jack gently tapped the microphone and said in a deep voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone said: "Ms. Lu, I am Jonson, a reporter from Honest Daily. I have a question for you."

"Ms. Lu, I am a reporter from Dudu Evening News..."

"Ms. Lu, I am a reporter for a science fiction magazine. I am very curious about your new book. Please..."


Lu Xiaorong was sitting in his seat at this time, his face extremely calm.

But inside, she was tumbling up and down.

She knew very well that this was an important opportunity. Whether she could help Shen Lin depended on this time!

"Madam, please ask a question." As Mr. Jack selected the questioner, Lu Xiaorong looked at a female reporter in her 30s.

"Ms. Lu Xiaorong, I am Jonson, a reporter from Honest Daily. My question is, what is the new book you are launching this time?"

Lu Xiaorong looked at Jonson who asked the question and felt that his head was a little empty.

But the more this happened, the calmer Lu Xiaorong became.

She smiled softly and said: "Thank you Ms. Jonson for asking. The new book I brought this time is still the Harry Potter series."

"And it's the last book in this series."

When they heard that it was the last book, reporters and book fans who were already enthusiastic couldn't help but start talking about it.

After all, they had all read Lu Xiaorong's books and were deeply attracted by the contents.

"Ms. Lu, I have read all your books. I feel that it is not the end yet. Are you too hasty in ending it at this time?"

Jonson asked bluntly, regardless of the rule that only one question could be asked.

Her question was supported by many reporters present.

"Ms. Lu Xiaorong, I don't think it should end now!"

"Ms. Lu, according to my guess, the Harry Potter series can still write many wonderful stories. If you end it with just one book, doesn't it feel a bit anticlimactic, rushed and unfinished?"

"Ms. Lu Xiaorong, we strongly oppose such a hasty ending!"

Mr. Jack, who was in charge of hosting this meeting, was also a little surprised at this time.

Although he knew in his heart that the big boss of the publishing house was this Ms. Lu.

From his point of view, he thinks the boss should write more books about making money.

Only in this way can benefits be maximized.What's more, if the book ends in a hurry, it will have a big impact on the overall content of the book.

"At this time, I also feel that the ending is too hasty." Lu Xiaorong sighed softly and said in a deep voice.

Hearing Lu Xiaorong's answer, even Jones, the reporter who asked the question, felt a little distrustful of his ears.

I asked Lu Xiaorong that this was too hasty. This was an instinctive question.

Shouldn't you say that this is not hasty and then give a lot of your own reasons?

If you give such a hasty answer, how can you sell your books?

In fact, everyone present looked at Lu Xiaorong with wide eyes.

In Zhang Yuqing's stunned moment, a glimmer of clarity flashed in his eyes.

She felt that now, she fully understood the purpose of Lu Xiaorong's words.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuqing couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Lu Xiaorong.Lu Xiaorong's profile is very beautiful, and her beauty even has an awe-inspiring air, but she also looks extraordinarily kind and easy-going.

Zhang Yuqing sighed secretly in his heart, this talented and affectionate woman is very worthy of Shen Lin.

After all, this was Lu Xiaorong making a bet with his career, and the purpose of this bet was for Shen Lin.

"The reason why I ended in a hurry is not because I didn't want to continue writing, but because I couldn't continue writing!"

Lu Xiaorong's voice was still calm, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with her.

But everyone present knew that what Lu Xiaorong said had a lot to do with her.

It can even be said that this is related to Lu Xiaorong's future development.

"Everyone knows that writing a book requires emotional resonance."

"When I wrote books in the past, I always felt extremely happy, because I felt that good things were always going to happen in our future."

Lu Xiaorong's tone seemed a little higher.

At the moment when her voice rose, she suddenly said with a sad expression: "But the facts tell us that sometimes, the future brings us not only light, but also clouds that block everything."

"Everyone also knows that my husband is Shen Lin."

"It's Shen Lin from MiKe Electronics!"

"I think many of you have personally used MiKe Electronics appliances. Here, I can proudly say that I am proud of my husband!"

"However, he has been in huge trouble recently."

"And this trouble shouldn't have happened in the first place. It can even be said that this trouble shouldn't have happened in the first place."

When Lu Xiaorong said this, his voice became a little higher: "I believe everyone has used the MiKe operating system. I have read many comments saying that it is a product that affects people's lives."

"I am very proud of this evaluation."

"However, just more than two months after the release of the MiKeyi operating system, a plagiarized product appeared, that is, the Juying [-] operating system of Juying Company."

"At the time, when this happened, I wasn't worried."

"When I looked at the Juyingwu operating system, which was almost 90.00% identical, I told my husband very confidently."

"I said Shen Linqian shouldn't worry. They can compensate for such obvious plagiarism at any time."

"But in the end I found out that I was too naive and I was really wrong."

"Shen Lin and the others found the best lawyers and provided the most complete evidence, but the final result was disappointing."

"But they lost the lawsuit!"

"I didn't understand it at the time, but I didn't take it too seriously because my main job is still writing books."

“But until now, I can’t write anymore!”

"Because of my husband, not only was the product copied, but the plagiarist was also openly sued."

"You even have to pay a heavy price for something that sounds unbelievable."

"I can't believe it, but it really happened!"

(End of this chapter)

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