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Chapter 2108 Although justice may be late, it is never absent

Chapter 2108 Although justice may be late, it is never absent
Jonson quickly recorded it in his notebook.

She had a feeling that she had discovered some big news this time!

If this matter can be reported, then what awaits her next will be an amazing success.

The dispute between MiKe operating system and Juying operating system has always been a focus of their close attention.

And now, plus Lu Xiaorong!

In addition, because of this incident, the already popular Harry Potter series is at risk of ending!
How many people should this attract?
In Jonson's view, this Harry Potter series is likely to become an insurmountable work for Lu Xiaorong in his lifetime.

But now, Lu Xiaorong is mentally unbalanced because her husband suffered unfair treatment. This... this is really a huge loss.



Many people took photos frequently, and some even had a trace of unconcealable excitement flashing in their eyes.

"Ms. Lu, I think you can wait until this matter is over before writing Harry Potter books. You should not let this matter end because of this matter."

A reader stood up and said loudly: "Also, please believe that justice will be done!"

"Yes, please believe that evil can never defeat justice. It may be late, but it will never be absent!"

"Ms. Lu, our science fiction magazine will also report this matter, although the power of our family alone is a bit small."

"But together we can make a sound that no one can underestimate!"


Listening to various words, Zhang Yuqing's heart was filled with excitement.

From the facts, Shen Lin should never lose this lawsuit, but now, he has no hope of winning.

Now, Lu Xiaorong's meeting has brought hope to Ying.

But for this, Lu Xiaorong was betting on her career.

For a moment, she felt that Lu Xiaorong, who usually looked gentle and quiet, was so different at this time.

So full of fighting spirit.

"Thank you very much for your support. I hope everything goes as you said. Justice may be late, but it will never be absent!"

Lu Xiaorong's voice sounded again. His tender eyes were filled with tears, but his whole person was extremely firm.

"Clap clap clap!"


The applause was thunderous, and it lasted for a long time.

After the applause ended, someone stood up and said: "Ms. Lu, although I really want to know the next plot, I still suggest that you wait until you calm down before releasing your new book."

"Because we don't want to have regrets."

"What we want to see is a story that you put your heart and soul into."

As soon as this person finished speaking, someone said: "Ms. Lu, this is what I want to say."

"You have a saying, it's better to be lacking than to be indiscriminate!"

"What we hope to see is an ending that you put your heart and soul into and that best fits the Harry Potter books, rather than a rushed ending for the sake of ending."

"Ms. Lu Xiaorong, we..."

As each figure stood up, more and more people spoke, and their voices became louder and louder.

Finally, a middle-aged man who looked to be in his 40s said, "Ms. Lu, I have heard about the situation you mentioned."

"Please believe that although justice may be late sometimes, it will never be absent." "I feel that nothing will disappoint you."

Looking at the man standing up, Lu Xiaorong's first feeling was that he looked familiar, but for a moment he couldn't figure out who this man was.

However, Zhang Yuqing recognized him as a famous financial critic with considerable influence in all aspects.

Originally, in Zhang Yuqing's mind, this should be a long press conference, but Lu Xiaorong's speech made the press conference end in a hurry after only half an hour.

The focus of everyone's attention is no longer the new episode of Harry Potter, but the possibility that Lu Xiaorong will collapse the book because of her husband's injustice.

After the reporters and book fans who gathered to pick him up at the airport left, Lu Xiaorong got into the special car prepared by Zhang Yuqing.

"Xiao Rong, you gave them a big attack at this meeting. I believe many people will be in a hurry."

Zhang Yuqing handed Lu Xiaorong a bottle of water and said with a smile.

Lu Xiaorong did not drink water, but asked Zhang Yuqing a little uneasily: "Sister Yuqing, is it useful if I do this?"

"Why is it useless? Just wait and see. After tomorrow, the newspapers here should be covering the news about you and Director Shen."

"Although Juying Company has strong support, they also have concerns in the face of the overwhelming reports."

"According to my estimation, they will no longer be so unscrupulous in this matter, especially regarding Director Shen."

Hearing what Zhang Yuqing said, the melancholy on Lu Xiaorong's face finally disappeared a little.

She smiled and said: "As long as it works, in that case, I will go to a few more places to sell books and hold such meetings at the same time."

"I believe that more and more people will support us."

Hearing what Lu Xiaorong said, a smile flashed in Zhang Yuqing's eyes.

She pondered for a moment and then politely dissuaded her: "Xiao Rong, although this will be very effective, you will be very tired."

"And...and if those people can't find a reason to attack Director Shen, they will target you."

"At that point, it could have a big impact on you."

Lu Xiaorong smiled and said: "Tiredness is nothing. As for some people with ulterior motives attacking me, I don't care!"

"There is only one thought in my mind right now, as long as Shen Lin is fine."

While the two were talking, the car had arrived at Shen Lin's residence.

Lu Xiaorong accidentally looked up and saw Shen Lin standing there at the gate surrounded by black fence, looking in his direction.

Although she knew that Shen Lin couldn't see her at this time.

As soon as the car stopped, Lu Xiaorong couldn't wait to open the car door. The moment he got out of the car, Lu Xiaorong's legs softened and she felt that all the strength in her body had left her. She had no energy at all now. She I was in a bad mood.He staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Shen Lin ran a few steps and supported his wife.

The two people looked at each other. Although they did not speak, warmth was silently passed between them.

From the moment he saw Shen Lin, Lu Xiaorong began to cry, and the despair and grievance in his heart surged into his eyes.She held Shen Lin's arm tightly, as if she was afraid that if she let go for a moment, he would disappear in the air.

At this moment, Lu Xiaorong didn't want to talk. She closed her eyes and leaned on Shen Lin with confidence, losing all her weight. His embrace was so warm and powerful.

"Come on, come in first and have a good rest."

"Thank you for your hard work on this flight."

"Let's go, things will be over soon."

"For your husband, this is not a big deal. It will all be over soon."

Zhang Yuqing also got out of the car, looking at the two people leaning against each other, feeling a little bit of envy in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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