Chapter 2112 True Friends

Just when Liang Jialuo was full of admiration for Professor Du Lin, Professor Du Lin was facing a censure.

In other words, he was facing a persuasion.

In Professor Turin's laboratory, Professor Turin, holding a cup of coffee, said to his companion with a smile: "Maruk, you haven't been to my place for a long time!"

The middle-aged gentleman known as Maruk, although his head has become slick, it is not difficult to see that this gentleman was also a personable person when he was young.

Facing Professor Turin's smile, he said calmly: "Turin, we are old friends, I will tell you straightforwardly!"

"To be honest, I really don't want to come to your laboratory, but who made you do something stupid again?"

"Since what happened last time, I feel like I no longer have to clean up your mess or wipe your ass."

"But I didn't expect that you would be so naive and immature!"

Having said this, he took a sip of the coffee in his hand, and then said in an unquestionable voice: "Professor Turin, my friend, take action quickly."

"Think of a way to see how I can take back those words you said."

Listening to these gritted words, Professor Turin couldn't help laughing.

"My friend, when you tell me this, do you think what I said to Juying Company is wrong?" Professor Turin put down the coffee cup in his hand.

"No, I don't think what you said is wrong, I think you are right."

Maruk said coldly: "But you don't have to say what is right."

"For example, right now, what you are saying is very inappropriate."

"This will bring great passivity to our work."

"So, you have to change!"

Professor Turin said calmly: "My friend, I may disappoint you. You know my character. I am responsible for what I say. What's more, once I say something, it's hard to take it back."

Maluk has very strong confidence in his purpose this time.

He knew Professor Turin's character and knew that as long as he spoke, the professor would definitely correct his mistakes.

But what he didn't expect was that Professor Turin, who was usually very obedient, would be so tough at this time.

This made him feel very unhappy for a while!

"What did you say? You won't change. Do you know that the consequences of your insistence on doing so will be that your scientific research funding will be reduced, everything about you will be reduced, and even your current laboratory will be difficult to preserve."

Maruk waved his hands and said, "Professor Turin, don't tell me that your persistence is all for the justice in your mind."

"I tell you, saying that justice will prevail is just a lie to children."

"If you take this seriously, then you are the real fool!"

Looking at his companion who was waving his fists and looking a little hysterical, Professor Turin's eyes flashed with a smile.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a very funny feeling.

In the past, when faced with Maluk's attitude, he basically bowed his head.

But now, he really doesn't have to bow his head anymore!
Because at this time, he already has the ability to fight against Maluk.

He smiled and said: "Maruk, maybe you can do what you said."

"But you can't change my decision."

"What I want to do will not change in any way because of your threats."

Having said this, he said righteously: "Maruk, this is my response to you."

Listening to Professor Turin's words, Maluk almost gritted his teeth and felt his body trembling.

He felt that there must be something wrong somewhere, otherwise, how could Professor Turin be so stubborn...

As thoughts flashed through his mind, he said in a deep voice: "Turin, my friend, we have known each other for some years, and we all know who we are."

"I don't want to say much else. I just want you to tell me one thing. That's why you did this." "Don't tell me about justice. I know what justice is."

Professor Turin looked at Maruk's expression, and the smile on his face couldn't help but grow even more.

He smiled and said: "Maruk, you know me. I have never been so ignorant in the past."

"The reason why I did this was naturally because I got some instructions."

"for example……"

Professor Turin's voice lowered a lot, and then he carefully said a name.

Upon hearing this name, Maluk's expression changed.

Although he can be considered a person of status, there is still a big gap between him and the person Professor Turin just mentioned.

To put it bluntly, if the person Professor Turin mentioned wanted to deal with him, he really wouldn't have the ability to fight back at all.

After taking a breath, he said in a deep voice: "Turin, can you tell me why this is?"

"After all, he and Mr. Yabo from Juying Company are considered good friends."

Professor Turin cast a contemptuous glance at his companion, and then said quietly: "You also said that the two of them can be considered friends."

"But are they real friends?"

"What's more, there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests, right?"

Maluk's face became even more ugly.

He knew very well that if everything Professor Turin said was true, then things would become more and more difficult.

After pondering for a moment, he said to Professor Turin: "Professor, you are busy first, I will go back first."

As he spoke, he turned around and left.

Looking at Maruk leaving, Professor Turin shook his head gently.

Although he didn't know why the person who instructed him was behind it, he knew in his heart that this matter had become increasingly difficult to control.

And he couldn't escape from this matter for a while.

But at this time, he was extremely curious about Shen Lin.

How did this young man get the people behind him to participate?

It only took Maluk half an hour to arrive at Mr. Yabo's new residence.

This is a villa that belongs to a friend of Mr. Yabo.

In order to ensure his own safety, Mr. Yabo rented the entire villa.

"Mr. Yabo, I talked with Professor Turin, and he told me that he was inspired to speak out."

As Maruk spoke, he reported the news he had received to Mr. Yabo.

Mr. Yabo's face became extremely ugly after listening to Maluk's report.

What he hoped most was that Professor Turin couldn't stand him or his company's behavior, so he spoke.

But now, after listening to Maluk's report, he realized that this was actually Mr. Pidan's instruction.

Mr. Pidan from Raycus!
In terms of status, I am still inferior to Mr. Pidan.

Now, Mr. Pidan helped Shen Lin speak, which was simply an attack on himself.

This kind of situation is something Mr. Yabo would not want to see no matter what.

After taking a breath, he said to Maluk: "Mr. Maluk, are you sure you are Mr. Pidan from Raycus Company?"

"Sir, I can confirm this." Maruk said solemnly: "Professor Turin should not lie on this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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