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Chapter 2113 I need an explanation

Chapter 2113 I need an explanation

Maluk's such affirmative answer put Mr. Yabo into a dilemma.

From Mr. Yabo's heart, he doesn't want this to be true.

However, Maluk could not lie to himself.

And it was impossible for the Turin professor to deceive Maluk.

However, he was a little unprepared to face Mr. Pidan from Raycus Company.

After all, Ruike Company is far above theirs in terms of size and status.

The addition of Raycus is not a good sign.

"Thank you, Mr. Maruk, for your hard work, which has made many things clear to me."

Having said this, he waved his hand and said: "Mr. Maruk, please find a place to rest first, and leave the rest to me."

Maluk knew very well that he was no longer suitable to participate in what was going to happen next.

After all, Mr. Pidan was not someone he could offend.

Therefore, he had no objection at all to Mr. Yabo's decision. He respectfully agreed and left quickly.

Looking at Maluk leaving, Mr. Yabo felt envious in his heart.

After all, Maluk's mission has been completed, and the next thing is his.

After taking a deep breath, Mr. Yabo calmed down and dialed Mr. Pidan's number.

Regarding this matter, he wanted to communicate with Mr. Pidan first.

The phone rang three times, and Mr. Pidan's voice came from the receiver, "Hello, I'm Pidan, who are you?"

Hearing this question, Mr. Yabo smiled and said: "Hello, Mr. Pidan, I am Yabo from Juying Company."

Mr. Pidan's voice suddenly became a bit louder, and he could even hear the joy in his tone: "Haha, dear Mr. Yabo, it's really nice to hear your voice."

"My old friend, why do you have time to call me?"

Mr. Pidan acted as if nothing was wrong.

If it weren't for Maluk's report, just from this phone call, there wouldn't be anything unusual at all.

Although Mr. Yabo cursed secretly in his heart, on the surface, he still smiled and said: "Mr. Pidan, the reason why I called you is because I want to ask you, an old friend, about something."

"You also know that in order to prevent the operating system from being in the hands of MiKe Electronics, we at Juying Company are currently fighting in court with MiKe Electronics."

"Originally, everything went according to our plan."

"All kinds of evidence are also very favorable to us."

"But today, we heard the news that Professor Turin, a famous computer expert, is on the opposite side of us."

"This makes us very passive."

"We're going to get to the bottom of it. What we learned from Mr. Turin is that he did this because you arranged it."

"I think he is trying to prevaricate me with these words, what do you think?"

Mr. Yabo said the last sentence with a smile, but in this sentence, there was a feeling that there was a knife hidden in the smile.

He felt that Pi Dan should follow his words at this time.

In this case, it can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone. It not only gave Mr. Pidan a warning, but also solved the matter properly.

But what he didn't expect was that for his direct questioning, Mr. Pidan responded calmly and affirmatively: "Professor Turin is not prevaricating."

"I arranged for him to do this."

To be able to achieve what he has achieved now, Mr. Yabo is no ordinary person.

But listening to Mr. Pidan's words, he still felt like he couldn't believe his ears.

Admit it!
This person actually admitted it in front of him without any concealment!

Moreover, he didn't like this admission in his heart.

It could even be said that he really didn't want to hear this admission.What he wants to hear is denial, strong denial.

For a moment, Mr. Yabo felt like he didn't know how to respond.

After trying hard to control his emotions, he said in a low voice: "Mr. Pidan, I want to know why?"

"Don't you know that our competition with MiKe Electronics for the operating system was approved by the higher-ups?"

"Also, aren't you afraid that if you do this, the consequences in return will make the higher-ups angry?"

Listening to Mr. Yabo's threat, Mr. Pidan said calmly but firmly: "If I say that we are doing this for justice, what do you think?"

For justice!

Who are you fooling!
Hasn't your company ever engaged in any deception?
You still told me in a high-sounding way, for the sake of justice!
They are all thousand-year-old foxes, so stop acting like a fairy tale for me here!

Mr. Yabo said coldly: "Mr. Pidan, I am contacting you because I want to know where our company went wrong and ask for your advice."

"Instead of coming here and letting you humiliate me."

Mr. Yabo said the word "humiliation" very loudly. He felt that the sense of proportion was still there, but the weight was now there!
Obviously, he was really angry at this time.

Mr. Pidan smiled and said: "Mr. Yabo, what I told is the truth. Why do you think I am humiliating you?"

"If that's the case, there's really no need for us to talk any more."

Mr. Yabo wanted to hang up the phone directly, but in the end, he suppressed his discomfort.

He said coldly: "Mr. Pidan, even if you are doing it for justice in your heart, let me ask you, do you really want to be an enemy of our Juying Company and the person who made this decision?"

The one who made this decision!

Although Mr. Yabo did not say who it was, his last words carried a hint of solemnity and warning.

Mr. Pidan's voice also became solemn: "Mr. Yabo, I just want justice."

"As for the other things you mentioned, they have nothing to do with me."

"I don't understand what you mean either."

"Also, let me tell you that the meaning above can be changed. Don't think that you have mastered everything now."

"I can tell you that you haven't done enough!"

As he spoke, he hung up the phone decisively.

Listening to the beeping on the other end of the phone, a hint of coldness flashed in Mr. Yabo's eyes.

For the sake of justice, let’s see the real story.

As soon as he thought about it, Mr. Yabo dialed the phone again.

Only this time, his expression was full of respect.

It took a while for the call to be connected, and the moment the call was connected, an unhappy voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Didn't I tell you? Don't call me if you have nothing to do."

The male voice on the other end of the phone was a little hoarse, but to Mr. Yabo's ears, it was the sound of nature.

"Sir, I didn't want to disturb you."

"I even planned it a long time ago, thinking that after this matter is over, I will report the good news to you."

"But now, I have encountered an opponent that is difficult to fight against, and I have to report to you sir." Mr. Yabo said in a deep voice: "I don't think I have offended Mr. Pi Dan, but Pi Dan of Ruike Company Mr. Dan took action brazenly..."

Mr. Yabo's report was extremely aggrieved and made the listeners cry.

After reporting the situation in detail, Mr. Yabo gently put down the phone after the other party hung up.

At this moment, his face was filled with a confident smile.

Last time, it was this gentleman's help that allowed him to escape the attack of Mi Ke Electronics.

This time, he will still win!
(End of this chapter)

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