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Chapter 2114 Don't make trouble, don't be afraid of trouble

Chapter 2114 Don't make trouble, don't be afraid of trouble
"Sister Xiaorong, you are so amazing!"

Liang Jialuo, who saw Lu Xiaorong, said with admiration on his face: "Did you know that after your press conference, many people expressed their support for MiKe Electronics!"

"Tsk, tsk, I read the newspaper on the plane, and there were many celebrities."

Leaning affectionately on Lu Xiaorong's shoulder, Liang Jialuo smiled and said, "Sister Xiaorong, you can turn the tide this time!"

Looking at the chattering Liang Jialuo, Lu Xiaorong smiled and said: "What's so great about it? I just told some truths."

"Your true words make your readers very scared!"

"I'm really afraid that if you get upset, you'll accidentally end up writing a book that's considered a sacred book in the eyes of readers!"

Having said this, Liang Jialuo glanced sideways at Shen Lin again.

Looking at Shen Lin who looked calm, Liang Jialuo couldn't help but said: "Director Shen, is there a solution to this matter?"

Shen Lin looked at Liang Jialuo who looked worried, smiled lightly and said, "Everything is ready, don't worry."

Having said this, Shen Lin said: "Please help me persuade your sister Xiaorong. She has just attended a meeting for book fans. She should not go to this university lecture again."

"This is really exhausting."

"If she spins around like this now, her body won't be able to bear it!"

When Liang Jialuo heard what Shen Lin said, his expression suddenly became serious.

She looked at Lu Xiaorong's already clumsy body and said distressedly: "Sister, you are also someone who needs to be taken care of now. You can't risk your body!"

"After all, you are pregnant now, so you can't fight like this. No matter how much you want to help Shen Lin, you can't joke about your own body."

"Otherwise, not only will you not be able to help, your physical condition may also distract him."

"Look, don't go to that university meeting."

Lu Xiaorong frowned and said, "Jialuo, I also know that it's not good to run back and forth like this, but the meeting at the university has been scheduled a long time ago."

"If I suddenly change my mind and decide not to go, wouldn't I be breaking my promise..."

"Sister, sister, what you have to take care of now is your own body, not what others think!"

Liang Jialuo said: "You can't just be responsible for your readers and ignore the baby in your belly, right?"

Looking at Liang Jialuo, Lu Xiaorong smiled and said, "Well, I promise to participate today."

"This kind of situation will never happen again in the future."

While speaking, Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin.

She knew very well who the main opponent was in this matter.

Under Lu Xiaorong's gaze, Shen Lin nodded helplessly and said, "Okay, then go and come back early."

"Well, let Jia Luo follow you later. It will also be a way of taking care of you."

Liang Jialuo hurriedly said: "I'm here this time just to help, but when I come here, I don't know what to do. Why don't I be an assistant to Sister Xiaorong."

"Absolutely guarantee Sister Xiaorong's safety!"

Lu Xiaorong looked at Liang Jialuo, who was smiling like a flower, and said helplessly: "Okay, let's go then."

After sending Lu Xiaorong and Liang Jialuo to the gate, Shen Lin shook his head subconsciously.

At this time, Zhang Yuqing came over and said, "Dr. Shen, Mr. Campbell wants to see you."

"This man has been traveling among many large companies in Europe. Many people say that he helps some people with things."

"So when you face this person, you must be more careful."

Shen Lin nodded and said, "I see."

Twenty minutes later, Shen Lin was sitting in the reception room with Mr. Campbell, who looked to be in his 10s and had a handsome demeanor.

When Shen Lin asked Mr. Campbell whether he liked coffee or tea, the gentleman directly told Shen Lin that if possible, give him a glass of red wine.

Although it said that drinking was required, which seemed against the rules, Shen Lin was still very calm and gave the gentleman a glass of wine. Campbell, who is in his 40s, looks extremely relaxed.

He looked at Shen Lin with a smile and said: "Director Shen, I have read and heard many legendary stories about you. I have always admired you very much."

"I know what you've been through. You are truly self-made."

"Speaking of which, what I admire the most are people who start from scratch."

Having said this, he paused and continued: "I used to hope that one day I would be able to start from scratch."

"But, after experiencing it, I realized that this is really difficult!"

Shen Lin looked at Mr. Campbell who was sighing with a smile, and quietly waited for him to speak.

Shen Lin knew very well that Mr. Campbell was probably not a friend.

Seeing Shen Lin with a dull expression, Mr. Campbell also knew that it would be difficult for him to gain Shen Lin's trust with just a few words.

He pondered for a moment and then said: "Dr. Shen, I came here mainly for one thing."

"The operating system dispute between MiKe Electronics and Juying Company has caused a lot of turmoil. Many gentlemen believe that it has come to a time when it should end."

When he said the words "Many Gentlemen", Campbell looked into the distance.

Although he did not reveal who these gentlemen were, he was actually telling Shen Lin that the identities of these people were of great importance.

Shen Lin said calmly: "Outsiders don't know the truth about our fight with Juying Company, but Mr. Yikanbei, you should be very clear about your status."

"This matter was not initiated by us, Mike Electronics."

"But in this matter, we at Mihu Electronics are not afraid of trouble, what do you think?"

Mr. Campbell naturally understood that there was also something in Shen Lin's words.

He understood what Shen Lin meant, and in fact he felt that this was how things should be.

But that's not what he came here to talk about.

After smiling at Shen Lin, Mr. Campbell said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, I understand your mood."

"Actually, if it happens to me, I might be even more angry than you."

"But there is a saying that goes well, when things should pass, we will let them pass."

"What's more, many gentlemen also want him to come over."

Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Mr. Campbell said: "Gentlemen, I hope that MiKe Electronics can reconcile with Juying Company."

"The price of this settlement is that Juying Company will spend [-] million yuan to compensate Mihu Company for its losses."

"Then MiKe OS exited all markets."

One hundred million dollars!

This is indeed not a small number.

But compared to Shen Lin's efforts and the value of MiKe operating system, the two are not the same.

Shen Lin picked up the tea cup in front of him and took a sip, then said with a smile: "Mr. Campbell, I suggest you drink less wine."

"Although drinking wine makes people feel comfortable, once they drink too much, it will make people forget things easily."

"This is good for drinking tea or coffee."

Mr. Campbell looked at Shen Lin, who was smiling and discussing, and said to himself: "I will definitely listen to Director Shen's advice, but I think we should talk about compensation now."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Mr. Campbell, there is no need to say this."

"Because of your conditions, I won't accept it."

(End of this chapter)

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