Chapter 2115 A Sudden Opponent

Mr. Campbell's face suddenly turned ugly.

It can be said that Shen Lin's words did not save him any face at all.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it with a golden lighter, and then said leisurely: "Director Shen, you should understand your current situation."

"Yes, I admit that the arrival of your wife has relieved a lot of pressure on you."

"But Director Shen, you should understand that even if your wife is an influential person, there is no doubt that she cannot change the current situation."

"The gentlemen who invited me here are not good-natured."

"Once you make them unhappy, it will be very troublesome in the future."

"You are also successful now. I think you don't want to be restricted by your actions all the time."

Mr. Campbell's last words were simply a thinly veiled threat.

Shen Lin looked at Mr. Campbell's appearance and said calmly: "Mr. Campbell, I have something else to do, so I won't send it to you."

"By the way, please tell the people who invited you here that there are some things that he may not be able to control!"

Seeing Shen Lin standing up to see off the guests, Mr. Campbell was filled with anger, but he was helpless.

As a person who helps people deal with problems, he knows very well that his task has been completed, and there is nothing he can do if the other party does not give him face.

"Director Shen, goodbye!"

"I hope you will still look like this when I see you next time."

Shen Lin did not speak. After watching Mr. Campbell leave, a sneer flashed in Shen Lin's eyes.

The news of Mr. Campbell's failure in negotiations soon reached Mr. Yabo's ears.

Mr. Yabo was not surprised by this news. In his opinion, Shen Lin has always been a proud and arrogant guy. He would never cry like this before seeing the coffin and never look back until the south wall. Compromise easily.

However, Mr. Yabo is happy to see this.After all, he is now confident of winning, and the reason why he agreed to let Mr. Campbell mediate was entirely at the request of some people.

He couldn't help but agree.

Now, Shen Lin has taken the initiative to cut off this path of mediation, which will only anger the person who wants to mediate.

I believe that soon, Shen Lin will feel regretful!
"Ding Ding Ding!"

A rapid ringing of the phone broke the silence of Mr. Yabo's room.

Mr. Yabo picked up the phone and said in a deep voice: "Hello, I am Yabo. Who is this?"

"Mr. Yabo, Mr. Campbell's mediation failed. I believe you also know. In this case, we need to adjust some things." A deep voice came from the other end of the phone.

Hearing this voice, Mr. Yabo said in a deep voice: "I already know. Whatever arrangements you have, I will try my best to complete them."

"Lu Xiaorong's incident has caused us great passivity. I am entrusting a few friends to make arrangements to reduce the chance of Lu Xiaorong being invited."

"We should express our gratitude to others for their help, so I hope you can prepare some simple gifts for my friends."

simple present?A sneer appeared on Mr. Yabo's lips.

Why does a drum need to be struck with a heavy hammer?He knew in his heart that he had to understand the implication of this person's words instantly. If he really made the gift a simple gift, then, he would be unable to eat it and walk away!

"Okay, I'll prepare it right now. I wonder what kind of gifts your friends like?" Mr. Yabo asked cautiously.

"Artistic ones will do. Of course, the older the better." After explaining these things, the man hung up the phone directly.

Listening to the beeping on the other end of the phone, Mr. Yabo hung up the phone helplessly.

Although he was going to bleed again this time, Mr. Yabo couldn't feel bad.

Compared with MiKe operating system, what are these efforts?The so-called reluctance to let go of children can't trap a wolf, but Mr. Yabo still has some courage.

Looking at the promotional report in the newspaper that Lu Xiaorong was attending the meeting, Mr. Yabo's face became gloomy.

This little woman!She looks soft and frail, but she is quick and agile in doing things. She has really caused a lot of trouble for herself during this period.But what Mr. Yabo didn't expect was that his troubles had just begun.

Early the next morning, when the newspapers were delivered, Mr. Yabo felt that his face turned dark because most newspapers had computer experts speaking.

These experts have only one statement, and that is to support MiKe Electronics.

Seeing this, Mr. Yabo felt that his face turned a little dark.

Wasn't that what you said in advance?Even if these experts do not support themselves, they will remain silent or neutral and will never openly oppose themselves.

How come so many people suddenly came forward!

I just gave a gift!
"Plagiarism, Juying Company's behavior is shameful!" 》

"Famous computer experts comment on the Juying operating system dispute, pointing out that Juying's methods are extremely embarrassing!" 》

"I have never seen such shameless behavior, a professor angrily criticized Juying Company! 》


Looking at the sharp messages one after another, Mr. Yabo couldn't help but pick up the phone.

In the past, when he called the big man who supported him, he was very respectful, but this time, Mr. Yabo's words were full of anger.

"Sir, I just saw the newspaper. Have you seen all the reports in the newspaper?"

The person on the other end of the phone pondered for a moment, and then said: "Mr. Yabo, I am sending someone to investigate this matter."

"Don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation on this matter."

"Besides, you get ready, I'm going to visit some friends later."

Hearing this, Mr. Yabo felt so distressed that he almost bled!
When will this constant preparation of gifts end?This kind of thing is like a bottomless pit, and it won't work without investing.If you want to quit midway, the consequences will not be as terrible as losing money!No matter how unhappy you feel, you have to bite the bullet and persevere to the end.

Thinking of this, Mr. Yabo tried his best to slow down his tone and said: "Sir, this situation is really difficult for me to do!"

"I hope you can calm down this matter as soon as possible, otherwise..."

The person on the other end of the phone said calmly: "Okay, I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Mr. Yabo saw a familiar name, Professor Dolek, who was their former partner in Juying Company.

Why did he go to the opposite side of his company? !

After taking a deep breath, Mr. Yabo found Professor Dolek's phone number and dialed it directly.

In just one minute, Mr. Yabo had already spoken to Professor Dolek.

As soon as he heard Mr. Yabo announce his family name, Professor Dolek understood what he meant.

Professor Dolek said bluntly: "Mr. Yabo, I know you must have called me for my statement."

"To be honest, what I said was from my heart."

"However, after our relationship for many years, although I am somewhat dissatisfied with your behavior, I am not ready to make that statement, but this time I have to do so."

Listening to this straightforward voice, Mr. Yabo couldn't help but said: "Is anyone forcing you on this matter?"

"You tell me who it is, and I'll take care of the rest."

Professor Dolek did not hide anything and said: "Mr. Yabo, I am currently cooperating with Dida Company."

Dida Company!

Mr. Yabo frowned when he heard the name.

This is also a company that is more powerful than them, and he thinks that there is no dispute between his family and Dida Company.

So, why are they doing this? Is it because they don’t want to see their company annex MiKe’s operating system?

(End of this chapter)

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