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Chapter 2116 Mihu Development Alliance

Chapter 2116 Mihu Development Alliance

Dida Company!

Thinking about this famous and big company, Mr. Yabo felt very depressed.

This company is like an insurmountable mountain, lying in front of him.

Mr. Pidan alone was enough to make him confused, and now coupled with Deida Company, it was simply killing him.

But in this case, he had no way out.

So after pondering for a moment, Mr. Yabo dialed the number of Lao Buluo, the person in charge of Dida Company whom he knew.

"Mr. Lao Buluo, I'm Yabo, from Juying Company." The moment the call was connected, Mr. Yabo introduced himself politely.

Lao Buluo's voice on the other end of the phone was a little hoarse: "Hello, Mr. Yabo, long time no see. How have you been lately?"

"Not so good!"

Mr. Yabo said in a deep voice: "We have encountered big trouble recently, and we are in a bit of a hurry now!"

After saying this, Mr. Yabo continued: "Mr. Lao Buluo, I urgently need your strong support now!"

Listening to Yabo's words, Lao Buluo pondered for a moment, and then said slowly: "Mr. Yabo, we are old friends. There are some things that I don't need to hide from you."

"I'll just tell you my attitude directly. It's impossible for our two families to become partners."

"Our company has decided to support MiKe Electronics."

Listening to Lao Buluo's crisp words, Mr. Yabo felt a chill in his heart.

The reality seems to be even more desperate than he expected!
"Mr. Lao Buluo, I am very sincere and hope to reach cooperation with your company."

"I feel that our companies come from the same source, and if we cooperate, we will definitely gain greater benefits."

"As long as it's a condition that MiKe Electronics agrees to, I can make the decision and we can agree."

Lao Buluo smiled softly. The laughter was not too loud, but Mr. Yabo noticed the sarcasm in the laughter.

He pondered for a moment and said: "Mr. Lao Buluo, I am very sincere."

"Mr. Yabo, I know you are very sincere, but compared with MiKe Electronics, your sincerity is still far from enough."

"Mike Electronics is willing to share the MiKe operating system with us and then develop it together."

Laub said: "What's more, some time ago, we have signed an agreement and established an alliance to jointly develop the MiKe operating system."

"Can you guys take out your own operating system and let us develop it together?"

Upon hearing Lao Buluo's words, Mr. Yabo was stunned.

He never thought that this damn guy Shen Lin would use such methods!

If such a method is used, both parties will suffer losses.

It can even be said that with this method, the control of MiKe operating system is lost.

He said in disbelief: "Mr. Lao Buluo, this is impossible!"

"I don't think it's possible, but the contract has been signed." Lao Bu said in a deep voice, "And it wasn't signed by our family."

"So Mr. Yabo, if you have nothing to do, don't waste your time. I'm hanging up."

"But before hanging up the phone, I hope you can consider one thing carefully."

"That is to end this matter as soon as possible. I think there is no need for you to dwell on such matters anymore."

"It's just a waste of time and energy."

After Lao Buluo said this, he hung up the phone without waiting for Mr. Yabo to speak.

Listening to the beeping on the other end of the phone, Mr. Yabo's face was gloomy, and in his heart at this time, he only had what Lao Buluo had just said.

MiKe operating system has become an open system. MiKe operating system has signed agreements with many companies and established a development alliance.In other words, those companies will become allies of MiKe Electronics.

In the process of taking action against MiKe Electronics, these people were his enemies.

Thinking of the word enemy, Mr. Yabo felt a chill in his heart.

He believed that this alliance was definitely not established in just one or two days.

This alliance should have been established before Shen Lin came.

However, he never announced it.

What is Shen Lin's purpose of secretly crossing Chencang like this?That must be self-evident!
If you want to compete with Shen Lin, you can only turn your own company into an open alliance.

However, this is simply impossible.

My company has always made money by selling operating systems. If it becomes an open system, how will I make money?

If you propose it yourself, it will definitely be opposed by all shareholders.

However, if you don't do this, how should you deal with the competition with Mihu Electronics?
After all, when it comes to technology, MiKe Electronics still has a great advantage.

Thoughts flashed rapidly in Mr. Yabo’s mind.

For a moment, he felt overwhelmed.

Finally, he quickly picked up the phone and dialed Mr. Pidan's number.

Although he knew in his heart that the possibility of Mr. Laubulu deceiving him was very small, he was still prepared to listen to Mr. Pidan's words.

See if they also join this alliance.

The call was quickly connected, and after a simple hello, Mr. Yabo straight to the point made it clear what he meant by the call.

Mr. Pidan did not hide anything about this matter and said truthfully: "Dear Mr. Yabo, everything you said is true."

"Our company has also joined this alliance."

"After all, we have nothing to lose by joining this alliance."

"Moreover, as long as we join this alliance, we can gain a lot of benefits."

"So, we are supporters of this alliance."

Mr. Pidan said: "Although we also want to choose your company, your company is not willing to make its system open source, so I'm sorry!"

Although Mr. Pidan's words were apologetic, in fact, there was no apology at all.

Regarding this situation, Mr. Yabo was not angry. He knew very well that no one would let himself be passive when it comes to business matters.

"Mr. Pidan, you are a wise man. What do you think we should do now?" After hesitating for a moment, Mr. Yabo asked sincerely.

Mr. Pidan pondered for a moment and then said: "Mr. Yabo, to be honest, I really can't give you any good advice on this matter."

"But I think it's a bit late for you to make amends now!"

"Since so many of our companies have signed agreements, they will naturally not be abolished in a short time."

"And your operating system is inferior to MiKe Electronics. If you continue, you will also be a dead end."

"As a friend, I have only one suggestion, that is, if possible, you should change your development ideas or adjust your development direction."

"Then, sell your operating system to MiKe Electronics."

"As the saying goes, if you move a tree, you will die, but if you move a person, you will live. What do you think?"

Listening to this suggestion, Mr. Yabo felt bitter in his mouth.

Although he didn't like this suggestion very much, he knew very well that this suggestion was really made for him.

However, if they listen to this suggestion, Juying Company will lose a lot!
(End of this chapter)

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