Chapter 2117 The Last Struggle
Change direction!

It sounds easy to say this, but to do it, Mr. Yabo finds it too difficult!
After all, changing direction is not a matter of just one sentence. There are too many things involved.

Even if the change is not good, the company may face bankruptcy.

But in the end, he put down the phone in his hand without saying anything.

Several large companies have joined the MiKe operating system alliance, which has offset all their company's advantages.

However, Mr. Yabo was not willing to just admit defeat.

After pacing back and forth for a few steps in a complicated mood, Mr. Yabo gritted his teeth and dialed the number of the mysterious gentleman.

Whether you can turn defeat into victory depends on this!

If their husband continues to support them, if everything goes according to the original plan, then they don't have to worry at all, the victory is still in their hands.

But if sir changes his mind, if...

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Mr. Yabo made a call.As the phone rang, Mr. Yabo couldn't help but his heart beat faster.

After all, the future of their company is at stake.

Although the phone only rang a few times, the waiting time made Mr. Yabo feel like his days were like a year.

"Hello!" When the deep voice sounded, Mr. Yabo said quickly: "Sir, I have prepared all those things according to your instructions."

"I'll send someone to deliver it to you now."

The person on the other side of the phone heard what Mr. Yabo said, and he pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Yabo, do you know the current situation?"

"What's going on?" Mr. Yabo deliberately pretended to be stupid.

The person on the other end of the phone said in a deep voice: "We have just received news that MiKe Electronics has established an open alliance with companies such as Dida."

“Mike Electronics conducts open source management of their operating system, and companies such as Dida can also participate in the use of Mike operating system.”

"Currently, the higher-ups are very supportive of this alliance."

Hearing this, Mr. Yabo felt a chill in his heart.

He said in a deep voice: "Sir, although MiKe Company has open sourced this aspect, the MiKe operating system is still in the hands of MiKe Electronics."

"I think we should take the MiKe operating system into our own hands. Only in this way will we not be passive in the future."

"You know that in some matters, if we are once passive and want to restore the situation, it will be very difficult."

"So, I hope sir, you can take a firm stand on this matter."

"After all, you know the best about this matter."

After saying this, Mr. Yabo, who did not hear any response from the other party, continued: "Sir, in order to express our sincerity, we are willing to pay double the price before."

The previous price has already made Mr. Yabo feel extremely painful.

Now, in order to maintain the future of their company, Mr. Yabo has directly doubled the price. It can be said that he has made a huge determination.

The person on the other end of the phone was obviously swayed by Mr. Yabo's determination to break the boat!
He did not respond immediately, but after pondering for a moment, he said: "Mr. Yabo, the condition you gave me is really exciting."

"For me, it's even hard to say no."

"But Mr. Yabo, you should know very well that once I agree to your conditions, I will not just be fighting against a rice shell electron."

"My opponents will become companies such as Dida, and I will have to fight against the people behind them. This is very difficult."

Mr. Yabo felt a chill in his heart when he heard this.

He knew in his heart that although this gentleman did not refuse outright, he still did not meet the conditions he gave.

After hesitating for a while, Mr. Yabo took a deep breath and said: "Sir, for asking you to take such a big risk to help us, the conditions we gave are indeed a bit short."

"Three times! This is already the limit of what I can do!" "If it exceeds this limit, I really have no way to make the decision. Please forgive me, sir."

Hearing Mr. Yabo's pleading words, the person on the other side of the phone pondered for a moment and said: "Mr. Yabo, let me give it a try."

"However, the previous effects may not be achieved."

"After all, you are not responsible for this matter. If we look deeper, you are the one who really infringes the rights."

Mr. Yabo was both distressed and happy at the same time.

What makes me feel distressed is that three times the price is really too much; but I am happy that I have bottomed out again this time and survived the desperate situation.

He said in a deep voice: "Sir, our dispute with MiKe Operating System is not a short-term matter. We will need your help in the future."

"Even if it is difficult to defeat Shen Lin this time, I believe that as long as you take action, sir, there will definitely be a second chance."

The person on the other side of the phone laughed a few times and hung up the phone without giving Mr. Yabo a definite answer.

This noncommittal attitude made Mr. Yabo very dissatisfied.

He almost gritted his teeth and cursed: "Shit, you are trying to show off to me here."

"One day, one day..."

Mr. Yabo did not say what it would be like one day, but there was a hint of ferocity in his expression when he spoke.


Two days later, Liang Jialuo came to Shen Lin's office with a newspaper.

"Shen Lin, is this Rice Shell Open Alliance real?" Liang Jialuo slapped the newspaper on Shen Lin's desk as soon as he walked in.

Shen Lin glanced at the newspaper and said casually: "It's true."

Liang Jialuo said: "Your system is open source and anyone can use it, so how much money does MiKe Electronics make? Are you losing money to make money?"

Looking at the picture of an angry Liang Jialuo, Shen Lin smiled and said, "How can you lose money and make a fuss?"

"We are the developers and researchers of this system, and there are many places where we can make money."

"I said Mr. Liang, put your mind on your company and don't worry about me."

Seeing that Shen Lin was extremely confident, Liang Jialuo continued, "Has your alliance been established a long time ago?"

"You didn't even say anything to me, it hurt me. Sister Xiaorong and I have been worried about you."

Liang Jialuo originally wanted to say, "Make me scared for you," but when the words came to his lips, he pulled Lu Xiaorong back.This girl who had always been carefree and unobtrusive suddenly felt intimidated when faced with Shen Lin, who was obsessed with him!She didn't want the stinky guy in front of her to see through her thoughts.

This lovely girl felt that Shen Lin would never think about her in that way at all, so he would not be aware of her intentions towards him at all.

Shen Lin didn't know Liang Jialuo's psychological changes at this moment. Seeing the concern on Liang Jialuo's face, he immediately smiled and said, "It's a bit of my fault for hiding this matter from you, but I didn't let the news be exposed. In fact, I was luring the snake out of its hole."

"Think about it, if Mr. Yabo and the others knew the news, would they still make the matter such a big deal?"

"Now, they are the ones riding the tiger and unable to dismount!"

Looking at Shen Lin who was confident of winning, although Liang Jialuo was unwilling to do so, he had to admit that it made sense for Shen Lin to do this.

She hesitated and said: "Shen Lin, do you think Mr. Yabo and the others will bow their heads and admit defeat if your alliance breaks out?"

"As far as I know, Mr. Yabo and his supporters have always had a tough character."

"He won't give in so easily."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Even if he refuses to admit defeat, we don't have to worry about this matter. Some people definitely don't want Mr. Yabo and the others to continue."

(End of this chapter)

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