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Chapter 2118 It's Easy to Ask God

Chapter 2118 It's Easy to Ask God

Although Shen Lin did not explicitly say who these people were who did not want Mr. Yabo to continue, Liang Jialuo knew the identities of these people in his heart.

She asked in disbelief: "Will they really kill Mr. Yabo?"

"I don't know about this, but they will definitely kick away the stones that are blocking the road."

"And I am very important to them."

Looking at the smiling Shen Lin, Liang Jialuo felt like he understood something.

At this moment, Shi Congyun ran in from outside.

Judging from his expression, Shi Congyun looked extremely excited.

"Director Shen, good news!" Shi Congyun said excitedly.

"What's the good news?" Liang Jialuo asked impatiently before Shen Lin could ask.

As Shen Lin's new secretary, Shi Congyun is very aware of the status of senior Liang Jialuo.

He respected Liang Jialuo from the bottom of his heart. When he heard her ask, he said in a deep voice: "It''s news about Director Shen, saying that Director Shen's actions are no longer restricted."

"They... they have found out that Director Shen has no responsibility for this matter."

"In other words, if Director Shen wants to, he can leave at any time."

When Liang Jialuo heard the news, a trace of ecstasy flashed in his eyes.

She swooped over, shook Shen Lin's shoulders vigorously and said, "Oh, that's great, you don't have to worry anymore."

"This... this, how about we leave now?"

After Liang Jialuo made this suggestion, he felt that the suggestion he made was inappropriate.

After all, Shen Lin has already said that he deliberately brought about today's situation. If he lets Shen Lin leave at this time, will the matter be abandoned halfway...

But just when she was feeling uneasy, she heard Shi Congyun say: "Dr. Shen, when Lawyer Zhang received the news, he also made suggestions."

"She said that no matter what, she wanted you to leave as soon as possible."

"It is of no use for you to stay here, and it will also affect the work of Attorney Zhang and others."

"So they want you to leave as soon as possible."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "Cong Yun, since they have lifted my restrictions at this time, it means that they are very worried about me."

"With this kind of concern, I don't have to worry about anything at all."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen in the future."

"Tell Lawyer Zhang to come to my place as soon as possible. I still have something to discuss with her."

Shi Congyun wanted to persuade him again, but looking at Shen Lin's firm look, he swallowed his words.

Just because Shi Congyun didn't dare to make a mistake doesn't mean that Liang Jialuo didn't.

She said to Shen Lin: "Shen Lin, although I also think it should be safe for you to stay here."

"But I think you still can't gamble your future."

"Even if you leave here, you can still control it remotely."

Shi Congyun heard what Liang Jialuo said and followed suit: "Dr. Shen, I think Sister Jialuo is right."

"You just need to control the overall situation from behind, and leave the rest to us."

After listening to Liang Jialuo's words, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Jialuo, although it is safe for me to leave like this, in fact, I am fulfilling the wishes of some people."

"If I were gone, the attention on this matter would be greatly reduced."

"Maybe there will be unexpected changes by then."

"The so-called failure to kill a snake will lead to endless troubles. This time, Juying Company must not be allowed to stand up again."

"If I stay, I will play a greater role than if I leave."

Although Liang Jialuo felt that what Shen Lin said was very reasonable, she still hoped that Shen Lin could leave.It's safer this way after all.

"Shen Lin, there is another saying, have you ever heard of it? A gentleman does not stand under dangerous walls!"

Liang Jialuo said: "Although the restrictions on you have been lifted now, as long as you are still here, various accidents may happen at any time. It is better..."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Jialuo, I'm not that delicate."

"What's more, my allies won't just watch something happen to me."

"What's more, as long as I'm here, those guys will work honestly."

"Once you know I'm not here, huh..."

Looking at Shen Lin with a determined look on his face, Liang Jialuo could only shake his head helplessly.

But she was not ready to give up. She herself could not persuade Shen Lin, but there were other people who could persuade Shen Lin, such as Lu Xiaorong.

An hour later, Shen Lin received a call.

The call was from Mr. Pi Dan. He said with a smile: "Dr. Shen, congratulations. I heard that you can move freely."

"I'm with Mr. Laubro now. Would you like to come over to the Big Apple and have a drink with me?"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Pidan, you are really well-informed."

"Of course I'm very willing to have a drink with you two."

"But right now, I have some things to do. Juying Company and I are not finished yet. We are not planning to leave Europa in the short term."

"Let's do this. After everything is over, let's get together and I'll treat you."

When Mr. Pidan heard that Shen Lin was going to stay in Europa to handle things, he was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Director Shen, do you want to stay there?"

"Yes, if this matter is not resolved, it will always be a worry, so I will stay."

Listening to Shen Lin say the word "worry", Mr. Pidan's expression became more serious.

But he still smiled and said: "Since it is a matter of concern, let's solve it completely."

"Director Shen, in addition to congratulating you, I'm calling you this time, and I also have good news."

"As you know, I don't have much else but a lot of friends. I heard a piece of news today that Ms. Lu Xiaorong's works have been recommended and nominated for a literary award."

When Mr. Pidan said this, his voice suddenly became much louder: "And according to my friend, the possibility of winning is very high."

Lu Xiaorong was nominated for the Literature Award, which was beyond Shen Lin's expectation.

After all, this prestigious literary award seems to be awarded to works with realistic themes. Most of Lu Xiaorong's works are science fiction.

But Shen Lin knew better that the possibility of Mr. Pidan lying about this matter was very small.

Because there was absolutely no need for him to lie to himself about this matter.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Pidan, thank you very much!"

"I really want to buy you a drink later."

Shen Lin's thanks let Mr. Pidan know that Shen Lin had already remembered his recommendation for this award.

Pi Dan could understand what Shen Lin meant, but he said with a smile: "Dr. Shen, we are one family and don't talk about two families. Haha, this is something we should help with, so why be polite."

"What's more, Ms. Lu's own strength is excellent, and she is not weaker than others in any aspect."

"Since I can make a recommendation and it's just a small effort, why don't I lend a helping hand and help?"

After chatting with Mr. Pidan for a few words, Shen Lin hung up the phone.

Liang Jialuo was by Shen Lin's side, and he almost heard the conversation between Shen Lin and Mr. Pi Dan.

At this time, I couldn't help but ask: "Dr. Shen, what award will Sister Xiaorong win?"

"It's not a big award. Even if I'm nominated for the Literature Award, I don't know if I can succeed." Shen Lin waved his hand and said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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