Chapter 2120
Ke Yaoli's words did not make Mr. Yabo give up.

In fact, at this time, even if he wanted to retreat, he had no way out.

The only thing he can do now is to walk all the way to the dark side.

However, as time went by, he felt more and more that this matter was really getting more and more difficult.

Experts, professors, academics, plus industry tycoons...

These people spoke out one after another, forming an overwhelming wave!

Mr. Yabo had a strong premonition that when these huge waves hit him, death would be waiting for him.

Mr. Yabo didn't want to die, but faced with the overwhelming waves, he felt that there was nothing he could do.

"Boom boom boom!"

The knock on the door broke Mr. Yabo's silence. He frowned and felt angry in his heart.

He has already given instructions not to disturb him recently.

But these unsightly subordinates still disturbed his peace at this time, which simply showed that they did not take his orders to heart.

He absolutely cannot accept this situation.

"Come in." Holding back his anger, Mr. Yabo said coldly.

The door was pushed open and Mr. Yabo saw his secretary.

There was a hint of panic in the secretary's expression.

"Mr. Yabo, Caoqi Bank has begun to sever cooperation with us and claimed that it will sell us the shares of our company it holds."

When the secretary said this, his expression was full of uneasiness.

Caoqi Bank cuts off cooperation with its own company!

This news made Mr. Yabo's head buzz.

His relationship with Caoqi Bank is extraordinary. It can be said that Mr. Yabo's ability to start from scratch is entirely dependent on the strong support of Caoqi Bank.

Now, Caoqi Bank suddenly and inexplicably terminated its cooperation with him. The implications of this made Mr. Yabo shudder.

He took the notice handed over by his secretary, checked it carefully, and found that it was indeed from Caoqi Bank.

"Who else knows about this matter besides you?" After calming down, Mr. Yabo asked his secretary.

The secretary said: "Mr. Yabo, after seeing this, I felt that the matter was important, so I immediately came to report to you. No one knows about this except you."

Hearing what the secretary said, Mr. Yabo breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this does not mean that the bad things are over, at least it has not reached the worst moment yet.

"You go out, remember this matter, no one is allowed to say anything."

"If I knew you had spread this news, it would definitely make you miserable."

Listening to Mr. Yabo's threat, while the secretary was frightened, something strange also arose in her heart.

In the past, Mr. Yabo would never use such a threatening tone no matter what he ordered.

However, I never dare to take Mr. Yabo's threats lightly.

Because I know very well that Mr. Yabo has the ability to do the things he said.

Now, although I also believe that Mr. Yabo can do the things he said, my fear of Mr. Yabo seems to have been reduced a lot.

Mr. Yabo, that’s all!

Just as various thoughts were flashing in the secretary's mind, Mr. Yabo had already started to contact the company's finance department.

He first needs to make sure that there are no financial problems with his company.

The financial answer made Mr. Yabo feel very bad.

The finance officer told Mr. Yabo that the situation of their company was not very good.Especially in the recent period, with the hot sales of the MiKe [-] operating system, their company has already had problems with repayment.

Although the capital chain will not be broken, their company's financial situation is deteriorating.

If it were in the past, Mr. Yabo would definitely take a closer look at this kind of news and then find a way to solve it.

But now, he didn't have time to take care of such minutiae.

For Mr. Yabo, he has more important things to solve now.

After putting down the phone, Mr. Yabo pondered the words for a moment before dialing the number of Mr. Dai Lin, the person in charge of Caoqi Bank whom he was familiar with.

In the past, it was Mr. Dai Lin who promoted the cooperation between Juying Company and Caoqi Bank.

It can be said that the two have been old friends for many years.

But now, the relationship between the two people has undergone subtle changes.

"Dear Mr. Yabo, I was about to call you, but I didn't expect you to call first." After telling who he was, Mr. Yabo heard Mr. Dai Lin's warm words.

If you just listen to these words, Mr. Yabo can definitely feel that this friend is still very passionate about him.

But he knew in his heart that everything was different!

But on the surface, he pretended to be an old friend.

"Mr. Darling, I need an explanation."

"You and I have been working together for many years and can be said to be old friends."

"Please tell me, why...why would you do such a thing?"

"You should know that things like this make me really unable to step down!"

"After all, we have been cooperating for many years. It is a bit excessive for Caoqi Bank to simply cut off cooperation with us without saying a word."

Mr. Yabo looked like he was inciting an accusation.

Mr. Dai Lin on the other end of the phone said guiltily: "Mr. Yabo, my friend, I really don't want to do this."

"To be honest, I am still suspended because of this matter."

Upon hearing this, Mr. Yabo curled his lips.

He knew very well that this so-called suspension was just an excuse.But others were suspended due to matters related to his company, and they had already spoken out. In this matter, he seemed to be unable to blame others.

"Mr. Dai Lin, I didn't expect that our matter would cause you such trouble. I'm really sorry."

Although it was very uncomfortable to say this, Mr. Yabo still wanted to say it.

Otherwise, in the eyes of others, he is an ungrateful person.

Such people basically have no future.

Mr. Dai Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Yabo, we are friends. For friends, being suspended is not a big deal."

"It's just a pity that I can't really do anything about your company's affairs."

Before Mr. Yabo could speak, Mr. Dai Lin continued: "The company's rating staff directly dropped the rating of your company to C-. You also know that in this case, even if I am The person in charge has no recourse.”

If Mr. Dai Lin's performance just now made Mr. Yabo want to curse, then Mr. Dai Lin's words at this time made Mr. Yabo's face twitch.

Rated C-, this level of evaluation is simply a huge insult to Juying Company.

After taking a breath, he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Dai Lin, your rater, is there anything wrong with our assessment?"

"They are... pure nonsense!"

"I'm telling you, you can't just turn a blind eye to the behavior of these people, otherwise there will be big trouble!"

(End of this chapter)

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