Chapter 2121 Changes in Ratings

Mr. Yabo is really angry this time!
After all, this was the first time their company had been reduced to a C- grade.

This kind of assessment is simply intolerable!
Just when he was furious, had just vented his anger, and felt relieved, he heard Mr. Dai Lin on the other end of the phone say: "Mr. Yabo, you can't blame them."

"In fact, half a month ago, they gave your company an S+ rating!"

"It's just that now, your company has encountered too many difficult things, so the rating has been lowered."

If a C- rating is an insult to Mr. Yabo's Juying Company, then an S+ rating is what Juying Company dreams of.

It’s just that Mr. Yabo has only heard of this good news now.

He felt very uncomfortable in his heart, but he also knew that he couldn't blame others for this kind of thing.

After pondering for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Dai Lin, is there any room for redemption in this matter?"

Dai Lin did not immediately answer Mr. Yabo's words, as if he was thinking.

After a pause, he said: "Mr. Yabo, I also want to restore our cooperation."

"But this matter is not something I can decide alone."

"You also know that for a company like ours, it is very difficult to change the restrictions on cooperation as long as the rating changes."

"Unless you can prove that your company can still win this lawsuit."

"If that's the case, I believe our cooperation will be even closer."

Prove that you can win this case!

Mr. Yabo had the urge to curse.

He no longer has the confidence to win!
But he knew that at this time, he could never admit defeat.

So after he pondered for a moment, he said to the other end of the phone: "Mr. Dai Lin, after we win this lawsuit, our cooperation will not be what I just said."


After hanging up Dai Lin's call, all Mr. Yabo could think about was the rating given by Caoqi Bank.

From S+ to C-, this feeling is like riding a roller coaster!
No, riding a roller coaster is not as thrilling!

Caoqi Bank looks down on the company so much. Could it be that its hope of winning this time is really getting smaller and smaller?
Mr. Yabo fell into a state of doubt.

Just when Mr. Yabo was feeling worse and worse, York Hansen, an important subordinate of Shen Lin, felt better and better.

Not only was the ban on Shen Lin lifted, he felt that as long as the application was made normally, the ban on Lu Dongsheng would also disappear quickly.

As long as these two disappear, victory is at hand.

MiKe Operating System Alliance!
Although the company sacrificed a lot of profits in this way, the MiKe operating system was preserved.

York Hansen couldn't explain the gains and losses in this.

But one thing he can be sure of is that Dong Shen's path will become wider and wider in the future.



The ringtone of the cell phone broke York Hansen's thoughts. He glanced at the caller's number and found that it was a bit familiar, but for a moment he forgot when he had seen it before.

"Hello, I'm York Hansen!"

The moment York Hansen introduced himself, a smiling voice came from the other end of the phone: "York, how have you been lately? I'm Dai Lin!"


The communication between himself and Dai Lin suddenly rose in York Hansen's mind.

When working at Caoqi Bank, the two entered management at about the same time.

But compared with Dai Lin's meteoric rise, although York Hansen has also improved, he is much worse than Dai Lin.For example, when he was fired from Caoqi Bank, he vaguely felt that there was a shadow of Dai Lin in it.

After all, Dai Lin was already one of the presidents of Grass Flag Bank at the time.

However, although his thoughts were racing in his mind, on the surface, he still smiled calmly and said, "Hello, Mr. Dai Lin, I'm pretty good lately."

"What about you, Mr. Dailin? Everything is fine recently."

After a few polite words with Mr. Dailin, York Hansen smiled and said: "Mr. Dailin, do you have anything to do? If not, I still have something to do here."

Hearing that York Hansen wanted to hang up the phone immediately, Mr. Dai Lin smiled and said: "York, I hope to meet Director Shen."

"But I'm not very familiar with Director Shen. You are now Director Shen's right-hand man, so I hope you can help and let me contact Director Shen."

Dai Lin wanted to see Shen Lin, and York Hansen's heart moved.

He said in a deep voice: "Mr. Dai Lin, with your status, it is natural for you to meet Director Shen."

"But you should be aware of Director Shen's current situation. He has been very busy for the development of himself and the MiKe operating system."

"So, why do you want to see him?"

"When I told him this, it was important to have a reason."

Mr. Dai Lin smiled and said: "York, I'm meeting with Director Shen mainly because I want to talk about the cooperation between Caoqi Bank and your MiKe Electronics."

"You should also know the strength of our Grass Flag Bank."

"If we cooperate with Director Shen, MiKe Electronics will definitely benefit a lot."

"Of course, Director Shen himself will benefit a lot."

York Hansen smiled and said: "Dai Lin, although the cooperation with Caoqi Bank can allow Director Shen to gain some benefits."

"But I think the ones who gain the most from this should be you and Caoqi Bank."

"Is not it?"

Mr. Dai Lin smiled and said, "I don't deny this."

"York, you won't forget that when we joined Grass Flag Bank, our seniors told us that the most stable cooperation is mutual benefit."

York Hansen suddenly seemed to have thought of something and said: "Dai Lin, I can allow you to take the initiative to contact Director Shen. I am very curious about your Grass Flag Bank's rating for Director Shen and MiKe Electronics?"

Naturally, the matter of rating cannot be hidden from York Hansen.

As long as he knows this rating, everything will be clear.

And Dai Lin did not hide it: "We have always been very optimistic about Dong Shen and MiKe Electronics."

“This time, we gave Director Shen an S-level rating, and the MiKe operating system’s rating was S+!”

Hearing this rating, York Hansen said with emotion: "No wonder, okay, I will report to Director Shen today."

After hanging up the phone from Dai Lin, York Hansen's expression flashed with excitement.

Although he has parted ways with his old employer Caoqi Bank for many days, he has always believed in the rating of Caoqi Bank.

Because this evaluation is not a simple assessment, there are many considerations implicit in this rating.

For example, the future development of the company, the profit of the company, and the influence of the company...

When these things come together, the level of evaluation will appear.

Shen Lin's rating is S-level, and the MiKe operating system's rating is S+. Taken together, you can imagine the importance Caoqi Bank attaches to Shen Lin.

It seems that the wind direction has changed!
For a moment, York Hansen felt extremely lucky for his choice.

(End of this chapter)

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