Chapter 2122 East and West

After listening to York Hansen's report, Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. York, please help me tell Mr. Dai Lin that I am currently busy with Juying Company."

"When this matter is over, I'll meet him."

York Hansen said: "Okay, I will contact Mr. Dailin when I get back."

Shen Lin poured a cup of tea for York Hansen and said: "Mr. York, our friends are exerting their strength, and our situation is getting better and better."

"Yes, Director Shen." York Hansen said, "This matter is ours to handle."

"What's more, companies such as Dida have come forward. Their influence is not comparable to that of ordinary people."

"I don't think there are any surprises. The results will basically be available within a month."

"I heard from several friends that there are fewer and fewer people supporting Juying Company now."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work on this matter. By the way, you should contact the walnut company and tell them not to delay their work because of my matter."

"Those who should take advantage of the victory and pursue it must not retreat."

While speaking, Shen Lin stroked the palm-sized flip phone in his hand and said, "This phone is doing quite well now."

York Hansen also has a mobile phone exactly like Shen Lin's.

He couldn't agree more with Shen Lin's praise.

And Walnut Mobile relied on this mobile phone to conquer the city, and now it has almost completely suppressed motorcycles.

In the eyes of many people, Walnut Company has completed a radical change.

"Alright Mr. Shen."

Just when York Hansen was about to report Caoqi Bank's rating to Shen Lin, Zhang Yuqing walked in with a smile on his face.

"Director Shen, good news!"

Looking at the excited Zhang Yuqing, Shen Lin smiled and said, "What's the good news?"

"Director Shen, the lawyer of Juying Company has announced his resignation."

Zhang Yuqing said: "This means that the lawyer of Juying Company is not sure about winning this relationship at all, so he made such a choice."

"Director Shen, I think you should be able to go back before the Chinese New Year."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Lawyer Zhang, this is really good news."

"I very much hope that this matter can be ended as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, Director Shen. Now that more and more people are speaking out, Juying Company has been attacked."

"I heard from a friend that Juying Company has lost a lot of business because of this incident."

"Many people are unwilling to do business with Juying, a company that bullies people at will."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Lawyer Zhang, has Juying Company reached the end of its rope?"

"Director Shen, I don't know about other aspects, but if we just talk about this lawsuit, they should have reached the final stage."

Zhang Yuqing said: "Dr. Shen, at this time, we should make a counterclaim!"

"I believe that as long as we make a counterclaim, we will definitely win this lawsuit."

"At that time, let them shoot themselves in the foot!"


Listening to Zhang Yuqing's words, a smile flashed in Shen Lin's eyes.

He waved his hand towards Zhang Yuqing and said, "Lawyer Zhang, we will discuss the counterclaim later."

Zhang Yuqing looked at Shen Lin's expression and knew that Shen Lin had other plans regarding this matter.

Just when Zhang Yuqing agreed, Shi Congyun walked in and said: "Dr. Shen, this is the invitation letter from the Literature Award, inviting you to attend the press conference of the winning works of the Literature Award."

"The person who sent them the invitation letter said that Sister Xiao Rong should win the award this time." Shen Lin took the invitation letter and looked at it twice, and found that there was nothing outstanding about the invitation letter. It was just an ordinary invitation letter.

He looked at the time and said to Shi Congyun: "Remember this time and don't arrange other things for me."

"Okay." Shi Congyun agreed happily.

Just when Shi Congyun was about to leave, Shen Lin suddenly said: "Please contact Mr. Yabo for me and tell him that I have something to talk to him about. Does he have anything?"

Shi Congyun was stunned for a moment, and she doubted whether she heard it wrong.

How does Director Shen arrange for me to contact Mr. Yabo?

Mr. Yabo is Dong Shen’s opponent.

Just when Shi Congyun was a little at a loss, Shen Lin had already said in a deep voice: "Just contact Mr. Yabo. I have something to discuss with him."

After hearing Shen Lin's affirmative answer, Shi Congyun quickly agreed.

She didn't know what Shen Lin was going to do, but she had to implement Shen Lin's request as soon as possible.

In just a few minutes, Shi Congyun contacted Mr. Yabo.

Mr. Yabo was very surprised after hearing the news that Shen Lin wanted to see him.

And Shi Congyun also felt a trace of decadence from Mr. Yabo's words.

As for the invitation to Shen Lin, Mr. Yabo did not refuse, he readily agreed.

He didn't even ask Shen Lin why he was looking for him.

An hour later, Shen Lin was already sitting in the reception room of Mr. Yabo's residence.

Mr. Yabo seemed to be more energetic than when we met some time ago.

The neat suit and styled hair made Mr. Yabo look more than ten years younger.

But looking at Mr. Yabo at this time, a sneer rose in Shen Lin's heart.

"Director Shen, did you suddenly come to me for acquisition?" Mr. Yabo asked with a smile after Shen Lin sat down.

"It's for acquisition, but it's not that you want to buy our MiKe Electronics, but we want to buy your company."

Having said this, Shen Lin picked up the poured tea and said, "Mr. Yabo, we are now considered old friends."

"There's no need to waste time."

Shen Lin's calm words made Mr. Yabo's expression darken a lot.

He pondered for a while, and then said quietly: "Director Shen, we are not defeated yet!"

Mr. Yabo said this very firmly.

We haven't been defeated yet, and I still have the possibility of making a comeback!
Shen Lin said calmly: "Mr. Yabo, your lawyers have resigned. I think there are very few lawyers willing to take on this matter now."

"Also, Mr. Yabo, you should understand that as this matter intensifies, I will definitely not be the unlucky person."

Mr. Yabo wanted to refute, but he found that there was nothing wrong with what Shen Lin said.

If this matter continues, the unlucky person will definitely not be Shen Lin.

He was one of the unlucky ones, and those who followed him were also one of the unlucky ones.

"Director Shen, if you want to acquire our Juying Operating System, what price are you prepared to pay?" Mr. Yabo asked in a deep voice after taking a long breath.

Shen Lin said calmly: "Mr. Yabo, your Juying operating system is copied from our Mihu operating system, so it is worthless at all."

It is worthless!

Upon hearing these three words, Mr. Yabo's face suddenly darkened.

He suddenly stood up and said: "Director Shen, if you think our Juying operating system is not valuable, why do you come to me to talk about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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