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Chapter 2123 I have tried my best

Chapter 2123 I have tried my best
Shen Lin didn't have any fear in his heart about Mr. Yabo's anger.

He looked at Mr. Yabo with a smile, and after Mr. Yabo's face returned to normal, he said lightly: "Mr. Yabo, the reason why I want to buy your company is because I think your company's technical staff are still good enough." good."

"Although their main energy is spent on plagiarism, I feel that this is not their fault."

Having said this, Shen Lin looked at Mr. Yabo with a hint of solemnity and said, "You don't think that your company can still exist normally after this incident, do you?"

"As far as I know, many large consortiums have already added you and your company, and the potential level has been reduced to C-."

Mr. Yabo wanted to scold Shen Lin for talking nonsense, but he couldn't say such words.

He knew that if Shen Lin dared to say this, he would naturally have his own channels.

After taking a breath, Mr. Yabo calmed himself down and said: "Director Shen, our Juying company has been working on operating systems for many years."

"Even if we are defeated at your hands this time, we will not suffer a total defeat forever."

“What I’m saying is, you’re not going to win all the time, either.”

"So, I think our company will continue to grow."

"We may still be rivals in the future."

After saying this, Mr. Yabo's face was full of confidence.

Shen Lin shook his head and said, "Mr. Yabo, I know you lost because you were not convinced."

"But you have to know how difficult it is to catch up with our Mick OS if you persist."

"Today, our system is an open source alliance."

"If you want to compete with us, you have to do the same."

"And you don't have a very good partner now."

"In other words, even if Mr. Yabo wants to open source, in the end it will be nothing."

Looking at Mr. Yabo, whose face turned gloomy, Shen Lin continued: "Mr. Yabo, you should know that what I said is true."

"What's more, if you don't reconcile this matter, I don't think it will be easy for you to get out."

Mr. Yabo's face was extremely serious, and many of Shen Lin's words spoke to his heart.

He knew that some of what Shen Lin said was not alarmist.

If Shen Lin really wants to follow these things, what awaits him will definitely not be a good result.

However, he must not admit defeat.

Because once he gives in, half of his life's hard work will be ruined.

"Director Shen, I haven't lost yet." Mr. Yabo said coldly: "I still have people supporting me."

"Although you have no restrictions now, your subordinates are still under restrictions."

"Now that you want to acquire our Juying Company, it is simply a fantasy."

"I tell you, I will never accept your threat."

"So, I won't send it."

Shen Lin was not too surprised by Mr. Yabo's sudden farewell.

He stood up slowly and said: "Mr. Yabo, as you told me, the door of our MiKe Electronics is open to you at any time."

"If you want to do it at any time, you can call me directly."

Shen Lin is gone!

The moment he heard the door slam shut, Mr. Yabo picked up the water glass in front of him and threw it heavily to the ground.

Although he knew very well that throwing the cup at this time was of no use.

But he couldn't help it and threw the cup on the ground.

The changes in the past few days have filled Mr. Yabo's heart with resentment. Some people who used to greet him with a smile now avoid him like a tiger.

Although the gentleman did not say anything discouraged, he could feel that his hope was getting smaller and smaller.


The ringing of the phone broke the silence of the reception room. Mr. Yabo picked up the phone and asked impatiently: "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Yabo, is it convenient for you to speak now?" A deep voice came through the microphone.

Hearing this voice, Mr. Yabo seemed to grasp a life-saving straw.He said in a deep voice: "Sir, it's very convenient for me to speak. I was just about to call you. It's really..."

Before Mr. Yabo could finish speaking, the man had already said in a deep voice: "Mr. Yabo, I have some bad news for you."

"We have tried our best, please forgive us."

Do your best!
Upon hearing these three words, Mr. Yabo's body shook.

He knew very well that if these people said they tried their best, it basically meant that their plan would fail this time.

And once it fails, the consequences...

"Sir, if the money is not enough, we can add more."

"As long as we get the MiKe operating system, we are willing..."

Before Mr. Yabo could finish speaking, he was rudely interrupted: "Mr. Yabo, this time your opponent is no ordinary person."

"They made too much noise."

"Also, they have formed an alliance with companies such as Dida. The influence of these companies makes it difficult for us to use our power."

"So you'd better not dwell on this matter."

"So be it."

Hearing these words, Mr. Yabo's face suddenly turned extremely ugly.

He never expected that things would eventually turn out like this.

Just when he was about to continue speaking, the person on the other side hung up the phone.

This time the phone was hung up without any hesitation.

Listening to the beeping sound of the phone, Mr. Yabo's heart was chilling.


This time it's all over!

He wanted to question that person loudly, "You asked me to provoke this matter, and now you say that you can't do anything about it."

Could you please give me some thought?

Can you guys...

But Mr. Yabo knew very well that the other party’s answer should be no!

The confused Mr. Yabo sat on the sofa, his eyes a little dull, and he had already begun to think about the final consequences of this matter.

Those people retreated, but he was left behind.

Next, he has to bear the consequences of failure.

such as……

"Dong dong dong..."

A knock on the door interrupted Mr. Yabo's thoughts. Before he could say come in, the door was already pushed open.

The panicked secretary said: "Mr. Yabo, Lawyer Smith just said that the deputy general manager has been notified to restrict his movements."

"What shall we do?"

The nervousness in the secretary's words could not be concealed at all.

Hearing this, Mr. Yabo didn't look too nervous. He smiled and said, "Just do whatever you want. You don't have to worry."

"Anyway, this matter won't involve you."

"Just feel free to do your thing."

The secretary said: "Mr. Yabo, I think you should go back to the company to handle things at this time, otherwise..."

"I'm not going back!"

Mr. Yabo solemnly said: "After I go back, everything will be gone."

"Instead of going back, I might as well fight for it openly. Even if I lose, I won't regret it."

(End of this chapter)

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