Chapter 2125
Although Shen Lin's matter has been settled, Lu Xiaorong is still very busy.

Because the previous schedule had been arranged, she had to participate.

After all, these schedules have been arranged in advance, and Lu Xiaorong's readers are also eagerly awaiting it.

"Honey, why don't we take a day off tomorrow? These two autograph sessions today will make you very tired!"

"If you add one more, it will be even more tiring."

Shen Lin looked at the busy Lu Xiaorong and said with a smile.

Lu Xiaorong said: "It's okay. It's hard to explain things that have been decided if we let go."

"What's more, your affairs haven't been fully implemented yet. I'd better work harder to feel more at ease."

Lu Xiaorong took a sip of the water in front of him and suddenly said: "I don't know how Xiao Guoke is doing these days. As long as I call her, my mother will say she's fine."

"Xiao Guoke himself said that he is doing well, but I think he still misses us."

Hearing Lu Xiaorong mention his precious son, Shen Lin also felt a trace of longing in his heart.

It has been more than half a month since I and Lu Xiaorong came out, and I don’t know how my son is doing.

"Xiao Guoke still has the ability to take care of himself, and with the help of the staff from Guoke Electronics, there should be no problem."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"If you are really worried, I will ask Xiaoshan to come over and help."

Lu Xiaorong waved his hand and said: "I have nothing to worry about, so don't let Xiaoshan go back and forth."

Speaking of this, Lu Xiaorong seemed to have thought of something: "When are you going to go back?"

"While doing activities yesterday, a professor with whom I had some friendship in the past asked me to advise you, hoping that you can go back as soon as possible."

"He said that you have got what you want, and it is time to go back as soon as possible to avoid long nights and nightmares."

Shen Lin said: "Do you have a deep friendship with this person?"

Lu Xiaorong said: "It's just a friend I met recently because of autograph signings."

"If that's the case, try to have less contact with this friend. This person is, at best, a lobbyist for others."

"Now, with the exposure of the MiKe Operating System Alliance, and now that our victory has been determined, we increasingly don't want me to stay."

"Because, as long as we stay, their restriction on my activity area will not be forgotten."

"As long as the two of us are here, the things that some people have done that deliberately target us will never be overturned."

"So, I have to stay at least until the lawsuit is over, and I can't let some people get away with it."

Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin who looked determined and didn't persuade him much.

Shen Lin continued: "What's more, at this time, if we stay one more day, it will be beneficial to our reputation."

"It's not us who are anxious anyway."

Just as the couple were chatting, Liang Jialuo walked in.

She smiled and said: "Shen Lin, I really came at the right time when I came here."

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect that I would have an unexpected surprise."

Looking at the delighted Liang Jialuo, Shen Lin asked, "Why, did you pick up money on the road, or did you meet someone you like?"

"What are you talking about!" Liang Jialuo rolled his eyes at Shen Lin, and then said: "A manufacturer we have always wanted to cooperate with has finally agreed to cooperate with us!"

"Tsk, tsk, we have sent out a lot of invitations in the past, but people didn't agree."

"This time after contact, they took the initiative to cooperate with us."

"Dr. Shen, tell me, is this an unexpected surprise?"

Liang Jialuo said with high spirits: "As long as the love thing is confirmed, our company will be greatly improved in all aspects. By then..." Listening to Liang Jialuo's excited words, Shen Lin said: "People take the initiative to cooperate, right? What other conditions are there?”

"That's not true, but during the final discussion, they wanted to visit our place."

"Also, when they visit, I hope you, Director Shen, can accompany them."

"After all, you are not only a well-known person, but also a shareholder of our company."

Listening to Liang Jialuo's final conditions, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Is this inspection going to be carried out soon?"

Liang Jialuo was stunned for a moment, and then understood.

She yelled a little annoyed: "This Olivia is digging a hole here to wait for me!"

"I asked them why they suddenly became so enthusiastic. It turns out they want you to go back."

"I will stop cooperating with them now!"

Looking at the aggressive Liang Jialuo, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Jialuo, you don't have to be too persistent about this matter."

"The inspections they should go on will still have to be carried out."

"Just tell them I'm not free."

"I firmly believe that with your own strength, they will eventually choose to cooperate."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said: "Some people can't sit still anymore."

"They're starting to use other tactics."

Shi Congyun walked in with a hint of excitement at this time: "Dr. Shen, Time Magazine took the initiative to contact us and hopes to give you an exclusive interview."

"They said if this interview goes through, you could be on the cover of this issue."

Being on the cover of Time Magazine has great appeal to many people.

This not only means becoming famous all over the world in one fell swoop, it is also a manifestation of strength.

Shen Lin said: "Besides the exclusive interview, do they have any other requests?"

"That's not true, but they did say that if Sister Xiaorong has time, it would be best to conduct an interview with both of you."

Shi Congyun said: "They also said that if you have time, it is best to arrange it during these few days."

Shen Lin said: "You contact them and tell them that we can accept exclusive interviews, but the manuscript of the exclusive interview needs to be reviewed by us before it can be published."

"If you don't agree, then forget about this interview."

Shi Congyun didn't feel anything about Shen Lin's request, but Liang Jialuo, who was sitting aside, was shocked.

She said in a deep voice: "Shen Lin, if you ask like this, I think this interview will most likely be ruined!"

"Because I haven't heard of them promising such conditions."

"This weekly magazine has a great influence. I think it would be a pity if you lost the opportunity for this exclusive interview."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "Jia Luo, if we are not sure about the final manuscript, it is very likely that some things will be used with ulterior motives."

"By then, I will regret it too much!"

"What's more, with my current attention, even if I accept their exclusive interview, it is just the icing on the cake. And if their magazine does not give me an exclusive interview, it will appear that they cannot keep up with the development trend of the times."

"They are the ones who suffer the loss."

Shen Lin's confident words left Liang Jialuo speechless for a moment.

Although the experience of studying abroad opened Liang Jialuo's horizons, it also caused some deviations in her way of thinking.

Now Shen Lin's words made Liang Jialuo deeply realize that some things that he thought were unshakable could also be changed.

(End of this chapter)

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