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Chapter 2126 People who must be respected

Chapter 2126 People who must be respected
As a top reporter for Time magazine, Toros always felt good and had a high opinion of himself.

He has interviewed many high-end people, so he feels that he is one of them.

In his conversations with others, from time to time he would come up with a sentence that my friend said...

It seems that those who have been interviewed have a very strong relationship with him.

His actions like this made some people who didn't know the truth feel that he had a lot of connections, but those who knew it all despised him.

But none of this affects his status in the weekly.

For example, this time the task of interviewing Shen Lin fell on him.

"Boss, are you mistaken? My manuscript must be approved by Shen Lin before it can be published? Isn't this too... incredible?"

"When have we ever made such a compromise?"

"I think we can't tolerate his bad habits!"

"Now, I don't know how many people are queuing up to be interviewed by us, and many of them have even put in a lot of effort to become our cover characters."

"Now, not only are we interviewing him for free and making him a cover star, he actually asks us to review our manuscript. This is simply too much!"

The person Toros calls his boss is the deputy editor-in-chief of the weekly. Since he entered the weekly, Toros has been a subordinate of the deputy editor-in-chief. In addition, the relationship between the two people is extraordinary, so he often calls this person "boss". A deputy editor is the boss.

The deputy editor didn't care much about his angry complaints.

He said calmly: "Toros, it's not like you haven't heard about Shen Lin's situation. They just don't want to cause any bad influence."

"You should understand more about this."

"Boss, I know Shen Lin's situation, but I feel that we must not compromise on things that we should not compromise on."

"Especially when it comes to the final decision on a manuscript, unprincipled concessions will only allow some people to push their limits. No, no, no, it's simply lawless and push them to the limit!"

Listening to Toros's endless objections, the deputy editor finally said: "If you can't accept it, then I'll let someone else do it."

As soon as these words came out, Toros's expression changed.

With his professional sensitivity, he could realize that Shen Lin's status would definitely improve in the future.

If he could interview Shen Lin, there would be one more shining element in his resume.

And when bragging to others, he can also say that my friend Shen Lin said such things.

If you leave this matter to others, you would be the biggest fool.

"Boss, it's not that I don't want to do it, I just don't want to agree to this condition."

"I think we should..."

Before he could finish speaking, the deputy editor had already said: "If you don't agree to the conditions, I won't accept this interview."

"According to what Shen Lin's secretary said, they don't lack exclusive interviews now."

Hearing the impatience in his boss's tone, Toros said: "Boss, I can't embarrass you about this matter. I'll go over."

The deputy editor nodded and said: "Toros, put away some of your cleverness and make sure to come up with a successful interview this time."

"I don't want you to lose track of this matter that attracts so many people's attention."

I don't know if it was because of the deputy editor's beating that Toros behaved very low-key when he came to conduct an exclusive interview with Shen Lin this time.

Whether facing Shen Lin's secretary or the management of MiKe Electronics, he has always been polite.

Because he attached great importance to Shen Lin's interview, he had already read a lot of information about Shen Lin when he came for the interview.It can be said that in his heart, he is extremely clear about Shen Lin's experience.

It was precisely because of this clarity that he felt a lot of admiration for Shen Lin in his heart.

After being introduced into the small garden of the villa, Toros' eyes fell on the person who greeted him.Although he had seen many photos of Shen Lin, when facing Shen Lin, he still felt that Shen Lin was too young at this time.

It is really incredible that someone so young can control a large business group, no, he should establish a large business group.

After a simple greeting, Toros said: "Director Shen, before I came this time, I was originally planning to conduct an exclusive interview with you about recent events."

"But now, what I want most is to conduct an extremely complete interview with you."

Having said this, he coughed lightly and said: "Director Shen, I hope my request will not make you feel a little presumptuous!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Toros, I very much welcome this interview."

"If you have any questions, just ask."

"If I can answer it, I will answer it."

Shen Lin's initial statement moved Toros a little, but his last sentence left him speechless.

Those who can answer must answer.

Doesn’t that mean that if I can’t answer, I’ll just let it go.

"Director Shen, I have read your resume. You started your business when you were less than 20 years old, and it only took more than a year to build your own factory."

"What I want to ask you is, is there any secret to your success so quickly?"

This is a question that sounds extremely ordinary. Shen Lin listened to this question and said with a smile: "People who succeed in business basically make good choices in two aspects. One is to seize the opportunity, and the other is to , you have chosen the right direction..."


As each question was raised, Toros's expression became more and more serious.Although he is a bit flamboyant as a person, from a professional perspective, he is an excellent reporter.

From the interview with Shen Lin, he felt that he had found a good interviewee this time.

If I can write this interview well, it might become a dazzling experience for myself.

"Director Shen, now the dispute between you and Juying Company is almost settled."

"What do you think about this matter?"

When Shen Lin heard this question, his expression suddenly became a little excited.

"To be honest, I am very disappointed with this issue!"


Toros looked at Shen Lin, who looked serious, and was speechless.This time, things will end with your complete victory. Why are you still disappointed?

Just when he wanted to ask a question, he heard Shen Lin say: "There is only one reason why I am disappointed, and that is that this is not a fair thing."

Who is this talking about?
If these were written in an exclusive interview, they would definitely be extremely popular.


"Director Shen, what injustice are you talking about?"

"Even if I don't say this, I believe everyone can see it."

"It was obviously Juying Company that plagiarized our work. We also safeguarded our legitimate rights and interests in this matter, but it was us who lost in the end."

"Not only was Juying's plagiarism not punished, it actually bit us."

"Their behavior is supported by many forces."

“Things like this make it really difficult for people to understand the feeling of justice.”

(End of this chapter)

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