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Chapter 2127 No justice, no compromise

Chapter 2127 No justice, no compromise

Toros quickly memorized Shen Lin's statement with a pen.

The pen in his hand seemed a little trembling because of a little excitement.

"Director Shen, who do you think is responsible for this unfairness?" Toros asked directly without caring much at this time.

Shen Lin said: "I don't know who it is specifically."

"But who made me and my colleagues have limited mobility, who made us lose a case that we should have won, who made this unfair and unbalanced."

"It's obvious!"

"I believe he knows better than any of us who caused this result."

"And I also hope that he can give us a satisfactory answer."

Toros put down the pen in his hand, pondered for a moment and said: "Director Shen, this matter will end with your victory."

"As far as I know, there is a saying among you, which is to forgive others when you have to give them mercy!"

"If the verdict this time is that you win, will you end the entanglement in this matter?"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Toros, let's use an analogy. If this matter were placed on you, would you let it go?"

Toros was stunned for a moment!
He did not expect that Shen Lin would ask himself such a question during his interview.

This question made it difficult for him to answer for a while.

From his original intention, he naturally didn't want to forgive, but the question he just asked made him...

As thoughts flashed through his mind, he finally decided to lie.

"Director Shen, I feel that when I win everything, some things will no longer be important."

"I think when it's time to let go, I will choose to let go."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Toros, I admire your generosity, but it is a pity that I am not such a person."

"My answer is no!"

"Those who cause trouble must pay the price for their actions."

"If the price is not satisfactory to me, then I will choose to continue."


The interview lasted for an hour and a half. When the interview ended, Toros said to Shen Lin: "Director Shen, I have benefited a lot from this interview with you."

"I will go back and finish the manuscript and send it to you. It will not be published until you review it."

After Shen Lin shook hands with Toros, he smiled and said, "Mr. Toros, I am very much looking forward to your interview transcript."

"I believe our weekly can still tell the truth."

To be honest, these three words made Toros' face straighten.

After hesitating for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Shen Lin, I think our weekly magazine can also tell the truth."

"According to your age, Director Shen, you will definitely be able to achieve greater achievements."

"I very much look forward to conducting another exclusive interview with Director Shen in the future."

After leaving Shen Lin's villa, Toros returned to his temporary hotel.

Just after reading the speech, the deputy editor came to Toros' room.

"How was the interview?"

Toros said: "It's a worthwhile trip."

"What kind of person do you think Director Shen is?"

"A person with a distinctive personality." Toros said: "Director Shen said that even if he wins, this matter is not going to end there."

"He demanded that some people must be punished."

"He also told me that he would never let this matter go." The deputy editor listened to Toros's words with a hint of gloom in his expression.

Finally, he said calmly: "Write our report, and as for other things, you don't have to worry about it."

"This kind of big thing is not something that little people like us can participate in."

Toros looked at the departing deputy editor and felt that his boss had something on his mind.

However, he didn't ask any more questions. He knew very well that the deputy editor was right. He was not involved in this matter.

Time passes, that is, in the blink of an eye, a week passes.

During this week, Mr. Yabo experienced betrayal again and again.

Some of these betrayals came from partners, some from partners who had worked with him for many years, and some from friends whom Mr. Yabo had always trusted.

As betrayals come one after another, Mr. Yabo feels that his Juying Company will collapse more and more.

"Mr. Yabo, Mr. Pidan is here."

The secretary knocked on the door of Mr. Yabo's room and said in a deep voice.

Mr. Yabo was wearing an iron-blue formal suit at this time, and he looked in high spirits.

Facing the secretary's somewhat surprised look, he smiled and said, "I'm going to wear this when I'm going to court. What do you think?"

"This outfit is very nice." The secretary smiled and said, "I think it suits you very well."

"Shall I let Mr. Pidan come in first?"

Mr. Yabo didn't seem to hear the secretary's request, and still smiled and said: "I think this outfit is not bad."

"Although our chances of winning this time in court are very small, even if our Juying Company loses, we must not let people feel that we have failed completely."

The secretary nodded, glanced outside, and said hesitantly: "Pi Dan..."

"It's not a good thing for him to come here at this time. Let him wait."

The secretary didn't say anything. Although he was worried about Mr. Pidan's identity, he didn't have to worry about anything after Mr. Yabo made his decision.

In the reception room, Mr. Pidan had been waiting for half an hour.

Although Mr. Pidan was a little uncomfortable with this kind of treatment, he still had a smile on his face when he saw Mr. Yabo walking out.

"Mr. Yabo, I didn't expect you to still be so busy."

Mr. Pidan said this with a smile, but there was also a trace of dissatisfaction in his smile.

Mr. Yabo didn't seem to hear the sarcasm in the words. He said calmly: "Mr. Pidan, isn't it normal for me to be busy?"

"After all, the company has gone through a lot these days."

Mr. Pidan smiled and no longer cared about the connotations in Mr. Yabo's words. He said in a deep voice: "Mr. Yabo, I am here to send you a message on behalf of some gentlemen."

"You also know that I don't want to do this kind of thing."

"But this person, many times, can't help himself. I have to give face to some gentlemen, so I have to come."

As he spoke, Mr. Pidan said straight to the point without waiting for Mr. Yabo's answer: "This time, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger."

"According to reliable information, Shen Lin Weekly's interview will be released soon."

"And in this interview, Shen Lin's words were very rude."

"So, those respectable gentlemen, I hope you can bear all this."

"Of course, you won't be completely at a disadvantage in this matter."

Mr. Yabo's face suddenly darkened. He knew very well what the consequences would be if he took on everything.

Although this matter was apparently a dispute between him and Shen Lin, he was not the one who really promoted this matter, so he was unwilling to let him take the blame.

"Mr. Pidan, I will only take the responsibility that I should bear. As for the others, I will never admit it."

(End of this chapter)

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