Chapter 2128 We Are Different

Pidan looked at Mr. Yabo's firm eyes and knew what he was thinking now.

But he was not in a hurry, and even had a faint smile on his face.

"Mr. Yabo, I understand your determination."

"But my friend, before you make these decisions, you should understand that you are never alone."

"If it's just you, then you don't have to worry about anything."

"But in fact, besides yourself, you have many relatives and friends."

"Even if you don't think about yourself, you still have to think about them."

"What do you say?"

Mr. Pidan spoke with a smile, but the coldness in his words made people feel terrified.

Mr. Yabo's face suddenly darkened.

He was ready to give up everything before Mr. Pidan came, but what Mr. Pidan said was very reasonable.

He himself can give up everything, but what about his relatives and friends?
If their future is ruined because of myself...

"Brother Yabo, although we don't socialize too much, I know who you are, and you also know what kind of person I am."

"While we are waiting like this, I won't hide it from you."

"Business in this business is full of ups and downs. Even if your brother's heart is as high as the sky, he still has to bow his head when it's time to bow his head."

"Otherwise, you will be the one who suffers."

Mr. Yabo looked at Mr. Pidan with a smile on his face and felt sad for a while.

Although he didn't want to agree, he knew that Mr. Pidan was right.

The more you resist, the more you will lose.

Everything you like will be...

Time passed little by little, and Mr. Yabo fell into silence.

Mr. Pidan did not rush. He drank coffee quietly, like a true friend, waiting for Mr. Yabo's decision.

Half an hour later, Mr. Yabo, who seemed to have made some kind of decision, said: "Mr. Pidan, if I am willing to bear all this, what should I do."

"Brother Yabo, I am very happy that you can make such a decision."

Having said this, he said calmly: "Brother, you don't have to do much. In fact, it only takes one sentence to put it all together."

“That’s taking it all on.”

"Brother, this is just a business case."

"Although your brother will be punished, the punishment is not too big. After everything settles, someone will take action to help him recover."

"Until then, I will still be a successful person."

Mr. Yabo said: "Mr. Pidan, you have always had a good reputation in our industry."

"The reason why I listened to you this time is entirely because of your credibility."

"I hope Mr. Pidan will not ruin your honor for so many years because of my little things."

Listening to these semi-threatening words, Mr. Pidan frowned.

He really didn't want to hear these words.

It can even be said that he has the urge to fall out with Mr. Yabo.

But in the end, he suppressed these impulses.

He can't do things like falling out!

After all, he came here this time to let Mr. Yabo take on all this.

Now that Mr. Yabo has said this, he has actually agreed to take on all of this.

At this time, he must not cause any more trouble.

"Brother Yabo, I have nothing else to say about this matter. As long as you are responsible for everything, then I will definitely do what I promised you."

"I can guarantee this with my own honor." Mr. Yabo looked at Mr. Pidan who looked solemn, sighed, and finally said nothing.

Although there are many things he wants to say in his heart.

But what's the use of saying it!

Mr. Pidan is not a person who likes to listen to his complaints, and Mr. Pidan will not have any sympathy for his complaints.

"Mr. Pidan, I won't send it away."

In the end, Mr. Yabo just said this.

Looking at the serious-looking Mr. Yabo, Mr. Pidan nodded gently, then left.

With the departure of Mr. Pidan, calm returned to Mr. Yabo's office.

Sitting in the office, thinking about this dispute, Mr. Yabo's heart became calmer and calmer.

Being able to start from scratch, he is naturally very smart.

He knew very well that even if he could come back, the company would not be his in the future.

After thinking for a while, Mr. Yabo picked up the phone in his hand.

Although he had never dialed that number, he had already remembered it deeply in his heart.

When he heard a clear voice coming from the other end of the phone, he said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, I am Yabo, from Juying Company."

Shen Lin was slightly surprised for a moment, then smiled and said, "Hello, Mr. Yabo, I thought I would receive your call yesterday."

"I didn't expect that you would just call now."

Mr. Yabo smiled and said, "Dr. Shen, you win this time."

"But Director Shen, you have to remember that those people will never show mercy."

Although Mr. Yabo did not mention the name, he believed that Shen Lin knew who he was talking about.

There was a hint of solemnity in Shen Lin's expression, and he said in a deep voice: "Thank you, Mr. Yabo, for reminding me. I know those people are unreliable."

"So I never thought of relying on them."

Mr. Yabo smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, you don't have close contact with them now, so you think you can escape them."

"But when you have more contact with them, you will find that sometimes, you simply can't refuse them."

"Because once you refuse, you become their enemy."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Yabo, if you tell me something you may not like to hear, even if I am their enemy, they can't do anything to me."

"I'm different from you!"

Mr. Yabo was stunned for a moment!
As he chewed on Shen Lin's words, a trace of confusion, a trace of discomfort, and a trace of relaxation flashed across his eyes...

When all kinds of emotions were mixed together, he said in a deep voice: "Dr. Shen, maybe we are really different."

"I'm calling you this time for only one purpose."

"That's what I hope to sell you the best part of the company."

"But I also have a condition?"

Swallowing Juying Company is a huge attraction for Shen Lin.

After all, Juying Company has already accumulated enough technology, and being able to win over Juying Company is very important to Shen Lin.

"What are your conditions?"

"I am ready to bear everything in this matter. My condition is that I hope you will not add insult to injury and make me feel more relaxed."

Mr. Yabo said: "I think this is not difficult for you."

Shen Lin was very reluctant to let Mr. Yabo relax. After all, Mr. Yabo had caused him a lot of trouble.

But these reluctances are nothing compared to the essence of Juying Company.

So after a slight hesitation, Shen Lin said in a deep voice: "I can agree to this, but I hope the acquisition of your company can be faster."

(End of this chapter)

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