Chapter 2130 Important tasks
Chen Xiaomo is a young reporter at Dongzhou Newspaper. Although he is a college student, because of his qualifications, he spends most of his time doing odd jobs.

Although he was very dissatisfied with this situation, he was unable to change it.

He couldn't leave his current workplace, so naturally he had no choice but to give up.

On this day, Chen Xiaomo, who was helping his seniors check for typos in the manuscript, was suddenly called to the conference room by the editor-in-chief.

There were already several people in the conference room. At this time, each of these people looked excited, as if they were looking forward to something.

"Xiao Mo, I heard that you published an article on literature two days ago?" Chief Editor Li, who is in his 50s, asked with a smile.

Chen Xiaomo was full of awe for Chief Editor Li.

Because this person controls his promotion and future life. A word can make him a pillar of the unit, or a word can make him a bench.

"Chief Editor, I was just writing randomly, but I didn't expect that it would be taken seriously by a literary newspaper. I'm very lucky."

What Chen Xiaomo said was very against his will. After all, he had put a lot of thought into that manuscript.

But young people must be humble in front of their elders.

This is the insight he gained from two years of work.

If young people like him dare to raise their tails in the work unit, what awaits them is a beating inside the work unit.

Sure enough, Editor Li was very satisfied with Chen Xiaomo's answer.

He smiled and said: "Xiao Mo, young people should study more and be full of vitality."

"The fact that you are able to achieve your current results is inseparable from everyone's help, but it is also inseparable from your ability."

"Not bad!"

Having said this, Editor Li said in a deep voice: "Xiao Mo, I have an important task for you this time."

"Editor-in-chief, I will definitely complete the task." Chen Xiaomo, who has become a veteran, knows very well what his editor-in-chief likes.

So at this time, without any hesitation, I came directly to express my position.

This statement made Editor Li very happy.

No leader would like his subordinates to respond decisively to his requests.

Several seniors standing next to Editor Li looked at Chen Xiaomo with admiration in their eyes.

I say that today’s young people are really better than their predecessors!

"Xiao Mo, do you know Director Shen Lin and Shen?"

"Editor-in-Chief, I admire Director Shen immensely. Some time ago, I even read all the reports about Director Shen."

"Although my understanding of Director Shen is only superficial, I have studied Director Shen's experience one by one."

Chen Xiaomo didn't brag this time. He really admired Shen Lin from the bottom of his heart.

So he had carefully studied everything about Shen Lin.

He even knows the development history of MiKe Electronics very well.

"Yes, you should also know about the fact that Director Shen is trapped in Europa?" Editor Li said in a deep voice.

Editor Li's words made Chen Xiaomo's heart sink.

The editor-in-chief said that something had happened to Director Shen being trapped in Europa.

If so, then...

"Editor-in-Chief, didn't something happen to Director Shen?" Chen Xiaomo asked worriedly.

"No, Director Shen's matter has been resolved. Juying Company deliberately framed Director Shen. Now everything has been revealed."

"Those who wanted to frame Director Shen have also received the punishment they deserve."

Having said this, Editor Li said with a hint of excitement: "Xiao Mo, according to the news we got, Director Shen will return by plane the day after tomorrow."

"And as Dongzhou's family, we were given the opportunity to interview Mr. Shen and Ms. Lu Xiaorong exclusively."

"Except for Big Brother Daily, which is among all our newspapers, we are the only ones who have been granted this qualification."

When Editor Li said this, his face was full of excitement.After all, this is an extremely long-standing thing.

Exclusive interview with Shen Lin!

Even the provincial newspapers above did not have this opportunity.

But they do!

As long as this exclusive interview is produced, the reputation of their newspaper will improve a lot.

What's more, MiKe Electronics will definitely not be without support in this matter.

Exclusive interview with Shen Lin!

Chen Xiaomo couldn't believe his ears.

Editor-in-chief Li gave him such a good opportunity, which made him have the urge to die for his confidant.

Just when she was about to accept the task, she heard Editor Li say: "Xiao Mo, this time you will serve as Lao Ma's deputy and interview Ms. Lu Xiaorong."

"Ms. Lu just won the literature award."

"She can be said to be our first writer to win this literary award."

"So the opportunity to interview her is also precious."

"Let me tell you, your interview is mainly with Lao Ma, but you also have to use some of your own subjective initiative."

"Especially since you have some opinions of your own on the path of literature."

"These advantages should be brought into play, and they must be brought into play."

Chen Xiaomo was a little disappointed that he was not interviewing Shen Lin exclusively, but he also understood that Lu Xiaorong, who had won the Literature Award, was also very popular.

After all, no one has ever won this award.

This time Lu Xiaorong won the grand prize, which can be said to have a huge impact.

"Thank you, editor-in-chief. I will definitely study hard with Teacher Ma, and I will definitely live up to the trust of you and your seniors."

Chen Xiaomo's humble statement made most people in the room happy.

After Editor Li encouraged Chen Xiaomo a few words, he began to assign tasks.

In order to complete this exclusive interview, it can be said that the newspaper recruited all elite soldiers and generals.

After arranging all the tasks, Editor Li waved his hand and said: "Give everyone two hours to go home and pack your things."

"In two hours, we will meet here and we will set off in the car together."

"Director Shen's plane is going to land in Beijing. In order to interview him as soon as possible, we will also go to Beijing."

Two hours sounds like a lot of time, but it's actually very tight.

So after hearing Editor Li's arrangements, most people left quickly.

After all, there are still a lot of things to arrange at home.

Because Chen Xiaomo is not married, he is the type who eats enough and the whole family is not hungry.

After simply returning to his dormitory and packing a few clothes, he quickly came to the newspaper office.And those colleagues who got the news looked at him with envy.

After a period of humility, Chen Xiaomo and others gathered together again.

Originally, Chen Xiaomo thought that the newspaper was going to send the old jeep to take them to the train station, but he did not expect that what was waiting for them was a silver business car.

This business car is very new. Chen Xiaomo has only seen it in magazines and knows that the value of this kind of car is at least 80 to [-] yuan.

In Dongzhou, only MiKe Electronics has this kind of car.

"Xiao Mo, our lineup this time is really big. Mihu Electronics has sent us a Daben Business. Wow, I didn't expect that I would ride in such a car one day."

Lao Ma stood beside Chen Xiaomo and said with a trembling voice.

Chen Xiaomo's heart was also full of excitement, but at this time, he was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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