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Chapter 2131 Director Shen, welcome back

Chapter 2131 Director Shen, welcome back

Business transfer!
The plane flies directly to Beijing!

This business trip allowed Chen Xiaomo to enjoy treatment that he had never experienced before on business trips.

Sitting on the plane, tasting airplane food that he had never eaten before, Chen Xiaomo felt as if he was in a dream.

In fact, as his senior, Lao Ma is not much better.

At this time, there was not only wine on the plane, but also good wine.

As a result, Lao Ma was alone and insisted on drinking half a bottle of Moutai.

Chen Xiaomo didn't know what to say in this situation.

But when they arrived at the airport to pick up Shen Lin, Chen Xiaomo felt that the treatment he had received before was just a small scene.

Because when they arrived at the airport on the Daben Business Service provided by Jingli Mishell City, the first thing that caught their eyes was a huge red banner.

"Warmly welcome Mr. Shen Lin and Ms. Lu Xiaorong to their triumphant return!"

The content of this banner looks very ordinary, but not everyone can hang a welcoming banner at the airport gate.

Looking at this huge banner, Chen Xiaomo felt more and more the influence of Dong Shen and Lu Xiaorong.

As soon as he got off the bus, Chen Xiaomo saw a group of young people walking over quickly.

These young people also had welcome banners in their hands, but they were very simple. They were carried on bamboo poles, with a few pieces of red paper attached to the red cloth strips.

"Director Shen, welcome back!"

Among the two young people holding banners, one was carrying a schoolbag and the other was holding a book in his hand.

If these young people have anything in common, it is that they all wear school badges on their chests.

"Wudaokou Vocational and Technical College!"

“Zhongguancun College of Applied Arts and Sciences!”


Looking at the school badges one by one, Chen Xiaomo felt a little bit of excitement in his heart.

He stopped a young man who was striding forward and asked: 'Hello, classmate, can I ask you a question? '

The young man was stunned for a moment and said, "Excuse me, but when you ask, do you want to introduce who you are?"

Listening to these very characteristic words, Chen Xiaomo hurriedly said: "I am a reporter from Dongzhou Newspaper, and I am here to interview Director Shen this time."

"What I want to ask is, why did you come to greet Director Shen?"

When the young man heard that Chen Xiaomo was a reporter from Dongzhou News Agency, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Is the Dongzhou you are talking about the same Dongzhou where Mike Electronics is located?"

"Yes, that's Dongzhou."

When Chen Xiaomo mentioned Dongzhou, a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes.

Although the respect he stopped the young man was not directed at him, but seeing the respectful look on his face, Chen Xiaomo still felt a little excited in his heart.

"The reason why I came to greet Director Shen is because I admire Director Shen."

"This time, Director Shen not only won the lawsuit, but his behavior is also very worthy of our admiration..."

In one breath, the young man talked for four to five minutes.

Chen Xiaomo quickly memorized the young man's words. He felt that if these words were published, it would definitely be a good report.

After explaining why he came to welcome Shen Lin, the young man continued: "Most of the students in our school want to welcome Director Shen."

"Because there were so many people, the school finally decided to select only ten students from each department to greet them." "Although we don't look like many people, we actually represent all our classmates. .”

Just when Chen Xiaomo was about to ask the second question, the young man suddenly said: "Brother Chen, how is the environment in Dongzhou?"

Chen Xiaomo didn't know the purpose of the young man's question, but he still smiled and said: "The environment in Dongzhou is not bad, especially in the past few years, Dongzhou has changed a lot."

“Not only has the city become bigger, but it has also become more beautiful.”

"The electronic technology industrial park we established based on MiKe Electronics has attracted many companies. As long as it is..."

Listening to Chen Xiaomo's words, the young man's expression showed even more admiration.

He said excitedly: "I originally planned to work in MiKe Electronics after graduation."

"Listen to what you said, brother, I have to go to MiKe Electronics."

The young man left with excitement. Chen Xiaomo looked at the young man leaving and couldn't help laughing.

Lao Ma was standing next to Chen Xiaomo when he was talking to the young man. At this time, he said with emotion: "Director Shen, this time is really worth it!"

“Not only did the business get better, but I also built up my own reputation.”

"In the future, tsk tsk!"

Although Lao Ma's last words turned into tuts, Chen Xiaomo knew what Lao Ma meant.

He did not agree with the envy and jealousy in Lao Ma's words. He felt that Director Shen should get all of this.

"Let's go..." Just as Lao Ma was calling Chen Xiaomo to leave, a group of familiar faces caught Chen Xiaomo's eyes.

Chen Xiaomo had only seen most of these people on TV and newspapers, but he did not expect that they would actually gather here.

"I'm going, there are so many celebrities here." Lao Ma couldn't help but said: "Aren't they here to welcome Director Shen?"

Chen Xiaomo said: "He hasn't had much contact with Director Shen, so how could they welcome Director Shen?"

Lao Ma said: "Don't say that. They may have a lot of interactions with Director Shen in the future?"

Just as the two people were talking, a person next to Lao Ma already said to the people approaching: "Director Kai, what are you doing here?"

The person called Director Kai was a middle-aged man in his thirties. He smiled and said: "I'm here to greet Ms. Lu Xiaorong. She is the pride of us..."

"We are also here to greet you. The plane is about to arrive." The speaker also smiled and said: "We also hope to adapt Ms. Lu's work into a TV series."

The man known as Director Kai smiled and did not say anything.

As he got closer to the airport hall, Chen Xiaomo felt more crowded.

Although there were many people guiding the crowd, Chen Xiaomo still felt a little unable to move forward.

It was difficult for Lao Ma and others to enter the pick-up port at this time. They had a mission this time. If it was difficult to get to Director Shen, then the interview might be a bit troublesome.

Lao Ma and the others in the lead discussed it, then took the letter of introduction that he and others had prepared and walked towards a middle-aged man in charge of guidance.

The middle-aged man glanced at the letters of introduction from Lao Ma and others, asked a few more questions, and then arranged for someone to take them to the pick-up port.

Compared with the crowded place just now, this place is much wider. Just when Chen Xiaomo was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he felt a lot of looks from around him.

He raised his head and looked around cautiously, and felt pressure rushing towards him.

For a moment, he even felt speechless.

"Calm down, let's just do our own thing." Lao Ma, standing next to him, patted his shoulder and whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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