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Chapter 2132 Winter is over and spring is blooming

Chapter 2132 Winter is over and spring is blooming
Shen Lin was sitting in the first class cabin of the plane and didn't know that there were so many people waiting to pick him up.

Beside him, Lu Xiaorong, who was talking softly to him all the way, was already asleep.

Looking at Li Xiaorong who was sleeping soundly, Shen Lin felt a trace of tenderness in his heart.

Finally home!
The time spent out this time was not short, and the harvest was also full.

His MiKe operating system has completely gained a firm foothold, and with the advancement of MiKe operating system, Shen Lin firmly believes that greater profit points will continue to appear.

Also, Lu Xiaorong, who won the Literature Award, also had huge gains.

I believe that after I return, I will improve in all aspects.

But at the same time, he was able to see their legendary power.

In this matter, they confused right and wrong.

It was they who allowed themselves to defeat Mr. Yabo.

When the verdict was announced, Mr. Yabo's look was full of disappointment, which made Shen Lin feel very uncomfortable.

He has no sympathy for Mr. Yabo!
After all, his methods are not bright. If he didn't have some methods, he would be the unlucky one this time.

The reason why he felt bad was because the rabbit died and the fox was sad.

Shen Lin was not willing to become the second Mr. Yabo in the next dispute.

As thoughts rolled around, Shen Lin's ears suddenly remembered the crisp sound of a broadcast: "Ladies and gentlemen, this flight will arrive in 15 minutes..."

Listening to the sound of the radio, Shen Lin suddenly threw aside all the distracting thoughts in his heart.

Got home!
I'm finally back!

Lu Xiaorong, who was sleeping soundly, also opened his eyes at this time.

Her eyes were also full of surprise and expectation.

"Hello, Director Shen." A young flight attendant quickly came to Shen Lin's side and said, "We just got the news. There will be a welcome ceremony later."

"When you get off the plane, please move to the VIP aisle."

Having said this, she said to Lu Xiaorong: "Ms. Lu, welcome back."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Thank you, I understand."

Shen Lin was already prepared for this welcome ceremony.

After all, this time, he can be regarded as having gone through many hardships and finally returned!

Moreover, I had been greatly wronged before. At this time, I would naturally make compensation.

What's more, Lu Xiaorong returned with honor.

The two came together without a welcoming ceremony, which was somewhat unjustifiable.

However, when more than a dozen MiKe Electronics personnel including Shen Lin, Lu Xiaorong, and Lu Dongsheng stepped out of the plane, they were still shocked by the scene in front of them.

Because there were so many people greeting them!
The huge airport entrance is full of people.

The moment he saw them coming out, a melodious music sounded.

"Director Shen, welcome back!"

"Ms. Lu, welcome back!"


The welcoming sounds were a little noisy at first, but when Shen Lin and the others walked down, the sounds had become uniform.

Some people even shouted loudly: "Dr. Shen, good job!"

Seeing such an exciting situation, although he was prepared in his heart, Shen Lin still felt an indescribable excitement in his heart.

He waved gently towards those who welcomed him, and Lu Xiaorong, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but burst into tears.

Lu Xiaorong thought of more this time.

What she was thinking about was the experience she and Shen Lin had experienced this time, what she was thinking about was the test the two of them had suffered this time, what she was thinking of was... just as the two of them got off the plane with emotion, someone said loudly : "Director Shen, what do you think at this time?"

Upon hearing this, Shen Lin looked towards the person who asked the question.

It was a young man who looked to be in his 20s, holding a notebook in his hand and looking at him with a warm gaze.

He pondered for a moment and then said with a smile: "Winter is over, spring is warm and flowers are blooming."

The people who were picking up the plane at this time were not ordinary people. When they heard Shen Lin's two words that seemed to describe the season, they suddenly applauded enthusiastically.

Now, it is almost the end of winter.

Next, it’s the season of spring and flowers blooming.

This actually means that MiKe operating system has come out of the predicament and is heading towards a glorious future.

After a burst of warm applause, a middle-aged man strode forward to Shen Lin and said, "Director Shen, welcome back."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hands towards Shen Lin.

Shen Lin also solemnly stretched out his hands and shook hands with the visitor.

After welcoming Shen Lin, the woman next to the middle-aged man smiled and said to Lu Xiaorong: "Xiaorong, this time I welcome you on behalf of all my colleagues."

"You have won glory for us this time!"


Lu Xiaorong looked at the woman who was 30 years older than him but had an elegant expression, and said with a smile: "Thank you, eldest sister, I was just lucky this time!"

"Xiao Rong, you don't have to be modest. There is no such thing as luck. Your ability to achieve this result is more due to your strength."

"If you don't have this strength, no matter how lucky you are, it will be useless."

Chen Xiaomo's position is not too far away from Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong.

But at this time, it was a little difficult for him to get in touch with two people.

Because there is still a crowd between them.

Everyone was equally excited, so although Chen Xiaomo had the task of interviewing, he was helpless and couldn't squeeze in.

He could only stand aside and applaud excitedly again and again.

Amid the welcome of everyone, Shen Lin, Lu Xiaorong and others walked out of the airport, got on the bus waiting for them, and sped away quickly.

Chen Xiaomo looked at the car that was about to disappear in an instant, and couldn't help but said to Lao Ma beside him: "Teacher Ma, don't we still have an exclusive interview?"

"Why is Mr. Shen leaving?"

Lao Ma took out a cigarette and lit it, then said with a smile: "The interview has been postponed."

"It said that Director Shen was too tired after returning all the way. Let him have a good rest. We will discuss other matters tomorrow."

"Look, not just us, even our colleagues sent here by Big Brother can't get exclusive interviews now."

"Why are you so anxious?"

Listening to Lao Ma's rhetorical question, Chen Xiaomo scratched his head and said, "Teacher Ma, I'm not afraid that if we miss such a good opportunity, wouldn't it be a pity?"

Lao Ma laughed loudly and said: "Okay, keep your heart in your stomach, this matter won't happen."

"Let's go, let's find a place to rest first, and then study the content of the interview."

“Try to do this interview well.”

The crowd slowly dispersed, and Chen Xiaomo looked at the young people who were beaming and talking loudly. Although he didn't know what these people were discussing, he knew in his heart that the content of these people's discussions was definitely related to Director Shen.

Although this welcoming ceremony was not too long, it was deeply imprinted in Chen Xiaomo's heart.

Thinking about Shen Lin's thoughts, an article began to appear in his mind.

Winter is over and spring is blooming!

(End of this chapter)

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