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Chapter 2133 I am also an ordinary person

Chapter 2133 I am also an ordinary person
Have a meeting and write a manuscript!
Chen Xiaomo was in pain and happy.

Although they haven't had an exclusive interview with Shen Lin yet, the past two days have made them more confident in their interview plan.

"Xiao Mo, stop writing, let's go eat skewers." Lao Ma walked in and said faintly.

Going to eat skewers, Chen Xiaomo was a little reluctant to go.

His manuscript now has ideas. If he went to eat kebabs, the ideas he had so hard to come up with might disappear all of a sudden.

But when he looked at Lao Ma with a smile on his face, he finally swallowed his rejection.

He knew very well that there was still a big gap between himself and Lao Ma.

If he refuses Lao Ma's invitation at this time, then it won't be long before the label of being talented and arrogant will fall on his head.

So in the end, he picked up his wallet and followed Lao Ma and others to a food stall.

The food stall is located in a small alley at the corner of the street. A few simple tables and a tricycle filled with various items are the main tools of the food stall owner.

At this time, there were four or five tables in the food stall, and Chen Xiaomo and the others found a seat in a corner of the food stall shed.

"Boss, stir-fry pig's blood, another plate of scrambled eggs, another portion of Maoxuewang, and a portion of mutton fried with green onions." After sitting down, Lao Ma shouted directly to the boss.

The boss agreed and started working quickly.

In just seven or eight minutes, four dishes were served.

Lao Ma and the others brought their own Erguotou. Although it was not a good wine, it still tasted good.

After two glasses of wine, everyone started talking.

"Everyone, have you heard that some people are now questioning Director Shen, saying that Director Shen has positioned the MiKe operating system as an open source system and is selling his own business!"

A colleague who followed him said in a low voice.

Upon hearing this topic, Chen Xiaomo and others put down their chopsticks.

Lao Ma said in a deep voice: "He Laoer, where did you hear this news?"

The man called He Lao Er said: "Old Ma, many people know the news now."

"Let me tell you, several of our classmates talked about this matter at their reunion yesterday."

"I heard that there are several experts involved in this?"

"These experts said that Shen Lin's behavior is like selling his own land."

Lao Ma slapped his palms heavily on the table and said viciously: "These people are farting."

"Although I don't know much about operating systems, I know that Director Shen is not too willing to open source the system."

"But he had to do it."

"Because in the computer field, outside companies have too many core technologies."

"If Director Shen does not choose to make MiKe operating system open source, then they will be subject to a lot of restrictions."

"Even this lawsuit may be lost."

Listening to Lao Ma's angry words, Chen Xiaomo felt his heart feel relaxed.

It's really uncomfortable to listen to these words when you can't stand and talk without pain in your back.

"Old Ma, let's not discuss such matters!" Colleague Lao He said: "Why don't we talk about our own affairs? Director Shen's affairs are too high-level, and we can't catch up at all."

Although Lao Ma was still unfinished, he glanced around and finally said, "Okay, let's talk about something else."

Although Chen Xiaomo felt a little reluctant to give up, he also knew that everyone present here at this time were his seniors.

Since people don't want to discuss it, it's useless no matter how much you say.

After chatting about family issues for a while, everyone started talking about their shameful behavior in the past, and the atmosphere became much more lively for a while.

"What do you think Director Shen is doing now?" Lao He changed the subject.

"Who knows, but I think Director Shen should also have dinner with others at this time, but he is not sitting in a small place like ours."

"At least he should be in the hotel in front."

Lao Ma, who had drunk a little too much, waved his hand and pointed forward.Just when a few people were chatting enthusiastically, they heard a bang.

Chen Xiaomo quickly turned around and saw a motorcycle and a tricycle collided heavily on the road not far away.

The owner of the tricycle was hit and fell to the ground.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xiaomo was ready to stand up and help.

After all, this is a critical moment.

But before he could stand up, he was pulled back by Lao Ma.

"Xiao Mo, what are you going to do?"

Listening to Lao Ma's question, Chen Xiaomo's face showed a trace of impatience. What was he going to do? How could Lao Ma not see it at this time.

Lao Ma is asking knowingly.

But Lao Ma is an old man after all, and he pulled him for his own sake, so Chen Xiaomo said: "Brother Ma, let me go and help.

"Help, Xiao Mo, you have a good heart."

"But please don't interfere in this matter."

"Let me tell you, don't you know what's going on here? If you rush over so recklessly, you will only cause trouble for yourself."

"Let me tell you, you should just watch it honestly."

Lao Ma's words made Chen Xiaomo hesitate.

Just when he was hesitating, he saw a figure standing up from not far away.

The man quickly rushed towards the scene of the car accident.

And just as this man took action, several more people followed him.

Seeing those few people rushing over, Chen Xiaomo also rushed over.

He felt that sometimes although he had to listen to Lao Ma and others, he still had to take the initiative in this matter.

When Chen Xiaomo rushed over, he saw the figure who took the lead in rushing over and was carrying the car.

Although he felt that this figure was familiar before, Chen Xiaomo didn't take it to heart.

But at this time, when he looked carefully at the figure, he realized that this person was Shen Lin.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't help but said: "Dr. Shen, you..."

Shen Lin looked at Chen Xiaomo who looked surprised, waved his hand and said, "Hurry up and help save people. I've already called and the car will be here in a minute."

"Okay." Chen Xiaomo said quickly.

Ten minutes later, when the car carrying the injured left quickly, Chen Xiaomo breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, his eyes turned to Shen Lin.

'Dr. Shen, you...why are you here? '

Shen Lin still had some impression of Chen Xiaomo. He smiled and said, "I've been out for more than a month. I really miss the food stalls here, so I came over with a few friends to drink and chat."

"Reporter Chen, would you like us to have a drink together?"

Drinking two drinks with Shen Lin is something that most people can only dream of.

Chen Xiaomo hesitated for a moment and finally said: "Thank you, Director Shen, but my friend is still waiting for me."

"I can't let them disturb Director Shen, so I can only give up your good intentions, Director Shen."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "It's okay, we will have plenty of opportunities in the future."

"Whenever you want to drink, you can call me."

Seeing Shen Lin leaving, Chen Xiaomo rubbed his head heavily. Until now, he still couldn't believe that this was true.

(End of this chapter)

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