Chapter 2134 An Accidental Encounter
In the food stall, those eating with Shen Lin were basically the board members of Mihu Company.

Chengzi, Guangzi, Lan Weidong, Lian Shaofeng and others!

With the financial strength of these people, it is more than enough to eat in any high-end restaurant.

But Shen Lin, who was invited out for a drink by them, said that he missed the food stalls outside. He liked the human touch there and the smoky, unrestrained atmosphere of fireworks, so a few people drove over.

To them, the rescue just now was just an episode in the party.

"Brother Shen, that Mr. Yabo was only sentenced to two years. He was so cheap!" Guangzi scolded fiercely: "That was in Europa. If it were on our side, I would never let it go with him!"

After all these years, although he has become a big boss, Mitsuko's figure is still skinny and his whole person is full of coldness.

Shen Lin waved his hand towards Guangzi and said: "Guangzi, be less aggressive. As the saying goes, you should sing the right song where you want. Since we are just a businessman, we still have to follow the rules."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said: "Although Mr. Yabo himself has not been punished too severely, his career is completely over."

"Even if he comes out again in the future, he will only be a rich man at best."

Guangzi said harshly: "Brother Shen, the rich man doesn't have enough for him!"

Guangzi said this angrily, and the people around Shen Lin looked at Guangzi with approval. Obviously, they felt that this was enough.

Shen Lin smiled, but did not speak.

The group of subordinates and friends surrounding him did not know the status of Mr. Yabo in his previous life.

If they knew, maybe they wouldn't look at it this way.

As thoughts flashed one by one, a trace of emotion rose in Shen Lin's heart.

He picked up the wine glass and said, "It's all over. Let's not talk about it today. Come on, let's have a drink."

"We have had a hard time this year. I wish everyone all the best!"

As Shen Lin raised his wine glass, everyone else also raised their wine glasses.

Several wine glasses clinked together crisply, and as the strong wine went down, the body that was already a little cold suddenly warmed up.

After talking about everyone's current situation, Shen Lin's eyes fell on Guangzi.

He said in a deep voice: "Photon, the future logistics industry is very important to us."

"Not only do we need to make a good layout as early as possible, but we also need to change our working methods."

At this point, Shen Lin's expression became serious: "Some time ago, I watched our company's quarterly report, and there were a lot of disputes."

Shen Lin's voice was not loud, but it made Guangzi's face become serious while he was drinking.

He said in a deep voice: "Brother Shen, many disputes are not what we want to happen."

"Although we have some of the reasons for these disputes, I think the main reason is that some people are jealous of our development."

"But don't worry, after I go back, I will strengthen the restraint on my subordinates so that they will have fewer disputes and worry you less."

Photon's response made Shen Lin frown.

Although Photon seemed to be following his own arrangements on the surface, he had no intention of fundamentally changing.

After looking around, Shen Lin said nothing.

After all, there were so many people at this time, so I had to save some face for Photon.

"Brothers, let's raise a toast together and drink this drink. I wish you all a bright future."

The noisy sound reached Shen Lin's ears from a distance.

Shen Lin turned his head and looked in the direction where he was speaking, and saw six or seven young people holding beers and taking big gulps.

Judging from their appearance, they must have just arrived at the food stall, but at this time, each of them looked depressed.

Shen Lin was not prepared to pay too much attention to these young people.But just when he was about to look away, he was suddenly stunned.

Because he saw a familiar face among this group of young people.

The owner of this face will be almost a household name in the future, but now, he is not well-known.

He should still be a teacher now.

Just as thoughts were surging in Shen Lin's heart, the man's eyes also looked in his direction.

For a moment, the two people's eyes collided.

The moment the man saw him, a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

But after this surprise, it instantly turned into ecstasy!
Just when Shen Lin was thinking about what this person was going to do, this person had already strode towards him.

Guangzi and others who were sitting next to Shen Lin also stopped drinking at this time. Guangzi stood up and was ready to greet that person at any time.

Shen Lin waved his hand towards Guangzi, then stood up with a smile.

When the man saw Shen Lin actually standing up, he became even more excited. He quickly came to Shen Lin's side and said, "Hello, Director Shen. I didn't expect to meet you here. I'm so happy." !”

" name is Niu Yu. I used to be a teacher. I founded a small company with a few friends some time ago."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Hello, Manager Niu, we are destined to meet each other. Come on, come on over and have a drink with us."

Niu Yu looked at Shen Lin who picked up the wine glass and couldn't believe his ears.

In his eyes, Shen Lin at this time was like the stars hanging high in the sky, beyond his reach.

Although he has always had the drive to refuse to admit defeat, facing a big boss like Shen Lin, he still felt a little uneasy.

He came over just to say hello, and preferably to chat for a few words.

But he didn't expect that Shen Lin would warmly invite him to drink.

This really flattered him!
"Thank you, Director Shen, I respect you!"

Niu Yu raised his cup and said solemnly.

Although Guangzi and others didn't know why Shen Lin was so polite to this young man, they knew that since Shen Lin was so polite, they couldn't stand it.

So everyone looked at Niu Yu with a smile.

After a glass of wine, Niu Yu suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

The ultimate purpose of his coming here this time was to ask Shen Lin for advice.

Now Shen Lin behaved so down-to-earth and without any arrogance, which immediately made him bolder.

He said solemnly: "Director Shen, I won't hide it from you. I came here to eat with my friends this time. We all conspired to get drunk and then go our separate ways tomorrow."

"When I first started the company, I was very enthusiastic, but after the company was established, I realized that this matter was not simple."

Having said this, he said in a low voice: "This time God allowed me to meet Director Shen, and I want to ask you for advice, what path should an entrepreneur like me take?"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Manager Niu, your question is a bit long. Let's sit down and talk first."

While he was talking, he pulled a stool from the side and let Niu Yu sit down.

Niu Yu thanked him and looked at Shen Lin expectantly. He really wanted to get some secrets of success from Director Shen.

After all, this is a person who has the reputation of turning stone into gold.

If I could get his advice, I might really be able to do something great.

(End of this chapter)

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