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Chapter 2135: Step-by-step entrepreneurial guidance

Chapter 2135: Step-by-step entrepreneurial guidance
Facing Niu Yu, who humbly asked for advice, Shen Lin pondered for a moment, and finally said seriously: "Manager Niu, I don't know much about your business situation."

"So, I can only say it casually."

"I think starting a business requires grasping at least two aspects. First, choose a correct development direction."

"As long as the direction is correct, then you can succeed if you work hard."

"Once we choose the wrong direction to start a business, no matter how hard we work, it will be in vain. In other words, once we choose the wrong direction, stop and move forward!"

Having said this, Shen Lin said: "So when starting a business, we must examine the market well, and it is best to make some predictions about the future of this industry."

Niu Yu rummaged through his pockets and quickly took out a small phone number book. Then he pulled out the pen from his jacket pocket and quickly took notes.

Although Lian Shaofeng and others did not record it like him, they were still waiting seriously for Shen Lin to continue.

Then Shen Lin continued: "One more thing is to be down-to-earth."

"Starting a business is not something that can be accomplished overnight. It requires down-to-earth work and one step at a time."

“Without this, it would be difficult to talk about anything.”

"As for achieving these two things, whether the business can be successful or not depends on many other conditions, but these are beyond my control."

Niu Yu recorded Shen Lin's guidance and said gratefully: "Dr. Shen, thank you very much for your guidance. If I can achieve something in the future, I will never forget your guidance."

"I often work over there in Mihu City. If you have anything, you can go to my office and talk." Shen Lin said with a smile.

Niu Yu said in disbelief: "Ah, Director Shen, if I take the liberty of looking for you, wouldn't you think it's annoying to me?"

"Don't worry, I personally prefer young people with ideas!" Shen Lin said with a faint smile.

Looking at Shen Lin with a smile on his face, Niu Yu said excitedly: "Director Shen, I will inevitably trouble you in the future."

"Please give me some advice when you have time."

Although Niu Yu wanted to continue talking with Shen Lin, he was also a person who knew how to advance and retreat.

At this time, he also knew that it was not appropriate for him to disturb them anymore, so he toasted Shen Lin and others with a glass of wine, bowed in a serious manner, and then left with satisfaction.

"Director Shen, you seem to value this young man very much!" Lan Weidong, who was sitting not far from Shen Lin, said with a smile while filling Shen Lin's cup with water.

Although Lan Weidong didn't know how this thin young man with a special appearance was valued by Shen Lin, he knew one thing very well, that is, the person valued by Shen Lin was definitely not an ordinary person.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Although this person has failed in starting a business, his enthusiasm for starting a business has not been extinguished."

"Such a seemingly stubborn person, once he chooses the right direction, his future will surely shine!"

Having said this, he picked up the wine glass and said, "Come on, let's have another drink."

"This time, it's really thanks to everyone."

Qiangzi said: "Dr. Shen, we are all sitting at home. It is really hard, but you are the one!"

"Come, I suggest that we have a drink to celebrate Director Shen's triumphant return."

Just as Shen Lin and others were toasting, Niu Yu also returned to his friends.

"Brother Niu, is that really Director Shen?" The young man who had come over to have a dinner started to gossip.

Niu Yu said: "Yes, it's absolutely true, it's really Director Shen."

"Dr. Shen is just as the newspaper said, very approachable."

"And when I asked Director Shen about the key to starting a business, Director Shen not only did not refuse, but also told me these two points..."

As the person in charge of this venture, although the company collapsed, Niu Yu's personal charm remains.

Listening to his words, the people present looked at him with more and more envy.

"Brother Niu, I think Director Shen still appreciates you for being able to talk to you for so long. Otherwise, how could the dignified head of Mike Electronics bother to talk to you about this?" "I think we Although the company has had many problems, it can still be saved."

"I think so too……"

"Brother Niu, as long as you give the order, I am still willing to follow you."


Niu Yu never expected that he just toasted Shen Lin with a drink and then humbly asked for advice, which suddenly united the company's somewhat distracted people.

Naturally, he had his own contribution to this, but he knew very well that the words that Shen Lin said to him were still the ones that played the biggest role.

Among his subordinates, Director Shen's prestige is not generally high.

Shen Lin didn't know what kind of impact his encouragement would have on Niu Zong in the future.While he drank and chatted with Guangzi and others, he felt very happy.

Just when Shen Lin was feeling a little dizzy after drinking eight or nine glasses of wine, the phone suddenly rang.

Shen Lin picked up his PHS and saw a name appear on it.

"Mi Yuan!"

Did Mi Yuan call her for something?

Thinking of his other child, Shen Lin felt a little uneasy at first, but then he walked out of the food stall with his PHS.

"Hello!" Shen Lin answered the phone.

"Director Shen, this is Mi Yuan. I heard that you have returned victorious today, so I would like to call you to say hello." Mi Yuan's gentle voice came over the phone.

Just from Mi Yuan's voice, it feels like greetings from an old friend.

If he hadn't known that he and Mi Yuan had a child, if he hadn't seen everything, Shen Lin would really have thought that Mi Yuan was an ordinary friend who saved himself.

But unfortunately, Shen Lin has seen everything.

After calming down, Shen Lin said to Mi Yuan: "I just came back, everything is still a bit chaotic."

"How are you? Is everything going well?"

Mi Yuan said calmly: "Thank you, boss, for your concern. Everything is fine with me."

"Director Shen, you have been in Europa for such a long time. You should have a good rest when you come back."

"After all, everything is not that important compared to the body."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mi Yuan, you are right, nothing is as important as your body. Don't worry, I will have a good rest during this period of time."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said: "The Chinese New Year is almost here. Are you going back to the provincial capital to spend it, or are you spending it over there in Yangcheng?"

"I should accompany my parents back to the provincial capital. After all, my relatives in my hometown are all there." Mi Yuan pondered for a moment and said.

Shen Lin didn't know what Mi Yuan was thinking. He hesitated and said, "Our group of old friends haven't gotten together for a while."

"Let's do this. I'll contact you during the Chinese New Year, and we can have a good meal with Lao Lu and the others."

Mi Yuan hesitated for a moment and said, "Of course it's good. I'm afraid that the time of my return will be unlucky."

"Director Shen, please set the time and I will try to get there."

After chatting for a few more words, the two hung up the phone.

Shen Lin listened to the beeping sound on the phone and fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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