Chapter 2136

Shen Lin only stayed in Beijing for three days before taking a plane back to Dongzhou.

The main reason why he returned to Dongzhou so quickly was that in addition to the fact that he had been away for too long and needed to appease people's hearts, there was also the fact that the Chinese New Year was coming soon and he needed to go back to make arrangements.

Nowadays, although the influence of MiKe Electronics is growing, various industries have begun to bloom everywhere.

But MiKe Electronics’ most important asset is still in Dongzhou.

And the moment Shen Lin returned to Dongzhou, all kinds of meetings were waiting for him.

These things alone took up a lot of Shen Lin's time.

Shen Lin's figure began to appear on both the TV in the provincial capital and the TV in Dongzhou.

For ordinary people, Shen Lin's return is just news, but for the employees of MiKe Electronics, the return of their big boss is definitely one of the extremely exciting news for them.

After all, their current jobs and income are inseparable from their big boss.

Therefore, the entire atmosphere of MiKe Electronics began to become lighter.

As one of the veterans of MiKe Electronics, Fat Auntie is still in charge of the company's disciplinary department.

As the head of a competent department, although she does not receive rewards such as equity dividends, her salary is very high.

Therefore, in Dongzhou, Fat Auntie also became one of the elites.

"Fat Aunt, I saw Director Shen on the provincial TV news yesterday. Director Shen is really busy." Xiao Li, a subordinate in Fat Aunt's office, said to Fat Aunt with a smile.

The fat aunt said: "I also saw Director Shen. How do I feel that Director Shen seems to be much thinner than before?"

Xiao Li said: "Fat aunt, it's normal for Director Shen to lose weight. After all, Director Shen has gone through so many things in the past. He has to worry so much about it, how can he not lose weight!"

The two chatted about the news they watched yesterday, and then Xiao Li asked quietly: "Fat Aunt, do you know when Director Shen will come to the company?"

"Now everyone is very looking forward to meeting Director Shen!"

The fat aunt pondered for a moment and said, "It should be soon. Director Shen will meet with the boss in the next two days and then return to the company."

"After all, for Director Shen, our company is the most important to him."

Xiao Li looked around, then lowered his voice and said, "Fat Aunt, have you heard?"

"The finance department is working on this year's bonus table. I heard it's much more than last year!"

"According to your level, you should have at least this number!"

As Xiao Li spoke, he gestured towards Fat Auntie with his finger.

Fat Aunt knew exactly how much her bonus was.

After all, she has been in the company for many years. It can be said that she is firmly in charge of any troubles in the entire company.

Of course, she was even more concerned about news involving herself.

Looking at Xiao Li who looked happy, the fat aunt pretended to be surprised and said: "Are there so many? Xiao Li, please don't lie to me!"

"Fat aunt, how could I lie to you? This matter is basically a done deal and we are just waiting for Director Shen's approval!"

At this point, she couldn't help but say: "Fat Aunt, even those of us who have just started working for a year or two will receive a bonus of over [-] yuan!"

"The management is higher. I heard that Mr. Cheng himself has tens of millions!"

The fat aunt's smiling expression suddenly turned serious. She looked at Xiao Li solemnly and said, "Xiao Li, be more careful in the future. It's okay to talk about our own affairs."

"But regarding the above situation, you'd better say less, as it won't do you any good. As the saying goes, too much words lead to mistakes. You must remember this old saying!"

Xiao Li looked at the fat aunt with a serious face, and his heart suddenly trembled.

As Fat Aunt's subordinate, she knew very well that she usually didn't see Fat Aunt laughing and joking, but once she became serious, it was definitely not a joke.

So she solemnly said: "Fat Aunt, I will definitely pay attention in the future." Just when Xiao Li was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say, the phone suddenly rang.

Xiao Li answered the phone and after saying a few words, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

After she said a few words that she understood, she said to Fat Aunt, "Fat Aunt, the general manager's office just sent a notice saying that Director Shen will come to the company at ten o'clock this morning."

"Mr. Cheng wants all management members above P7 to pick up Director Shen."

"Meet at nine fifty under the office building."

After these years of work, Fat Aunt'er's level has become P7, which can be said to be the same level as the head of the business department, a proper high-level unit.

The fat aunt, who was originally going to give Xiao Li a few words of advice, didn't care so much at this time.

She said with surprise on her face: "Really? Director Shen is really here today? This is really great!"

"Xiao Li, look at my clothes, do they still fit me?"

Xiao Li looked at the fat aunt who was smiling like a blooming peony. He smiled secretly in his heart, but said: "Fat aunt, your clothes are so elegant and elegant. It is so suitable to welcome Director Shen. !”

"Hey, this old Cheng doesn't know how to inform me as soon as possible. If he informs me early, he can change his clothes."

Because the fat aunt was an old colleague of Cheng Zhenyuan, her words were somewhat casual when she mentioned him.

In just half a day, the news that Shen Lin was coming had spread throughout MiKe Electronics.

Although they saw Shen Lin on TV and knew that Shen Lin was fine, many people were still extremely excited about Shen Lin's return.

However, some people are dissatisfied.

"There is something wrong with this notice from the general manager's office. Director Shen is the director of MiKe Electronics. When he comes back this time, why don't we all welcome him together?"

"Yes, people above p7 are employees of MiKe Electronics. Aren't we employees of MiKe Electronics?"

"We also support Director Shen, why aren't we allowed to welcome him? Does this welcoming ceremony also have to be divided into different levels?"


Of course, in this case, we can only complain in private, and no one really dares to speak out.

At nine forty, the fat aunt had already arrived at the office building.She felt that she had arrived early enough, but she found that many people had already gathered downstairs in the office.

She knew all these people.

There is Sister Shen, the person in charge of finance, the heads of various business departments, and those in charge of sales...

Looking at the people chatting, the fat aunt couldn't help but get closer.

As a former chat expert, she would never be timid in such situations.

"Sister Shen, did you hear that Director Shen is here this time and how long will he stay?" Fat Aunt came to Sister Shen's side and asked in a low voice.

Sister Shen said: "I don't know either, but I should at least leave after the New Year. It's not long until the New Year."

"If that's the case, I'll go find Director Shen and see if he has time to attend my son's engagement party." The fat aunt said with a bit of joy.

Sister Shen said: "Then you have to hurry up, fat aunt, you will enjoy happiness in the future. I have seen the person your son is, tsk tsk, he must have character, ability, ability, and both talent and appearance!"

"From now on, you don't have to worry about anything. Just be a happy mother-in-law every day."

Listening to Sister Shen's words, the fat aunt looked around. At this time, she could clearly feel that her colleagues were all very relaxed.

Yes, just relax.

A relief of relief.

Of course, there is only one reason for this reassurance, and that is that Shen Lin is back and everyone has a backbone again!

(End of this chapter)

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