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Chapter 2137 Welcome to Zhang Family

Chapter 2137 Welcome Home
Sitting in the co-pilot of Hu Touben, Shen Lin looked at the headquarters of Mihu Electronics Factory.

When he left, there was actually no change in this headquarters, but when he saw this place, Shen Lin still had mixed emotions and was filled with emotion.

finally come back!
Although when he went out, Shen Lin was full of confidence in winning.

The final result was everything he expected, but this game still filled Shen Lin's heart with emotion.

That's why at this moment, he felt like he was in another world.

"Director Shen, Mr. Cheng and the others are here to greet you!" Driver Chengzi reminded Shen Lin softly.

At this moment, Shen Lin's eyes fell on Cheng Zhenyuan and others standing at the door.

These people stood in a row, their eyes filled with eager anticipation and excitement.

Although Cheng Zhenyuan and others had met before, there was a different meaning when they were greeted at the entrance of the factory.

"Stop the car!"

When the car was still hundreds of meters away from the gate, Shen Lin gave instructions to Chengzi.

Although Chengzi knew that driving there would save time, he did not dare to disobey Shen Lin's instructions.

After the car slowly stopped, Cheng Zhenyuan and others quickly came up to meet it.

"Director Shen, welcome home!" Cheng Zhenyuan's voice was full of excitement after Shen Lin got off the car.

Shen Lin shook hands with Cheng Zhenyuan heavily and said, "Mr. Cheng, you have worked hard these days!"

Cheng Zhenyuan held Shen Lin's hand and said, "Director Shen, I am in the company and am only responsible for some daily affairs."

"When it comes to hard work, you are the one who really does the hard work!"

"You are the real hard worker!"

As he spoke, there was a hint of solemnity in his expression: "And when you go over this time, you still..."

"Okay, let's talk about this when we get back." Shen Lin interrupted Cheng Zhenyuan and looked at Fat Aunt and the other people greeting him.

"Thank you all for coming to welcome me. I'll treat you all to a good meal at Ermei Restaurant tonight."

"We won't go home until we're drunk!"

Shen Lin's words made the senior managers who came to greet him laugh.

Someone even said more humanely: "Dr. Shen, we listen to you and we will not return until we are drunk!"

After all, the door was not the place to talk. Surrounded by Cheng Zhenyuan and others, Shen Lin strode towards the office building.

But the moment he stepped into the factory door, he heard someone shouting loudly: "Director Shen, welcome home!"

Hearing this sudden shout, Shen Lin was stunned for a moment.

As Shen Lin raised his head, he saw someone waving their arms and shouting at him loudly at the window of the office building.

Just when he was about to respond, he heard someone shouting from all directions: "Dr. Shen, welcome home!"

Accompanied by these shouts one after another, Shen Lin's eyes reflected that the windows of the office building, the operation floor of the workshop, and the door of the workshop were all full of people at this time.

These subordinates were not organized, so they were not organized, but they were all excitedly waving to Shen Lin.

Seeing these people waving excitedly, Shen Lin felt hot in his heart.

He could feel the support of these subordinates gathered here.

"Director Shen, welcome home!"

"Dr. Shen, you've had a hard time traveling!"

Hundreds of people shouted in unison, causing the surrounding area to tremble.

The fat aunt followed Shen Lin and had a clear view of the situation in front of her.She even saw Xiao Li and others waving desperately from the window of her office.

These young people really dare to think and act. The general manager's office did not notify them to come to greet Shen Lin. They actually dared to make their own decisions and came to greet Director Shen...

"Thank you all." Shen Lin waved and said loudly: "I have always believed that Mi Ke will have better development."

“Not only because we have a good management team, but also because of you, each of us has a firm belief that we love our factory as much as we love our home!”

Having said this, Shen Lin waved his arms heavily.

Shen Lin's words reached the ears of most people present, causing another burst of cheers.

Along with these cheers, more and more eyes gathered.

Looking at the employees who came to welcome them, Cheng Zhenyuan was filled with excitement.

As the general manager of the company, he can feel an invisible force that is rapidly spreading and expanding throughout MiKe Electronics.

Although this power is invisible and intangible, he firmly believes that as long as this power exists, even if he goes through thousands of dangers and overcomes all difficulties, it will be enough for the big ship Mi Ke Electronics to ride the wind and waves with overwhelming momentum and move forward indomitably!

"Everyone, Director Shen will call everyone for a meeting after taking a rest." Cheng Zhenyuan coughed and said solemnly: "So please return to work temporarily and wait for notification."

"Now, follow my orders and return to your posts."

As the general manager of MiKe Electronics, Cheng Zhenyuan has a high prestige. Following his instructions, most of the employees who were originally excited to see Shen Lin quickly retreated.

After Shen Lin and others returned to the small conference room, they briefly said some greetings, and everyone else quickly left.

"Director Shen, this is this year's bonus payment form reported by the financial department." Cheng Zhenyuan handed a document to Shen Lin.

Regarding the matter of bonus distribution, Shen Lin flipped through it casually and said to Cheng Zhenyuan: "Mr. Cheng, you can make the decision on this matter yourself."

“Our profits this year are pretty good, so we’ll let everyone have a good year.”

Cheng Zhenyuan smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, everyone has been fat enough this year!"

"I'm afraid you don't know that a few days ago, several factories united and submitted a request to the higher authorities, asking them to appropriately intervene in the bonus payment standards of our MiKe Electronics."

"If our standards are too high, it will be difficult for them to meet them!"

When Shen Lin heard the news, he couldn't help but laugh.

Although MiKe Electronics will not be affected by this incident, the fact that people can use this method shows that MiKe Electronics' bonus really puts a lot of pressure on others.

"What does it say above?" Shen Lin asked casually.

Cheng Zhenyuan smiled and said: "The attitude above was obviously unwilling to offend us on this matter, so they didn't say anything. They just mentioned it to me as a joke."

"But I think they also hope that our bonuses won't be too high."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Just follow this level. We give out bonuses to reflect everyone's hard work, not to see whether others are happy or unhappy."

After chatting with Cheng Zhenyuan for a while, Cheng Zhenyuan said again: "Director Shen, as our factory gets bigger and bigger, I feel more and more that I am a little powerless."

"I suggest that Lian Shaofeng be the general manager to give young people a chance to practice."

Shen Lin also often thinks about the adjustment of the general manager.

Cheng Zhenyuan's management was a bit inadequate, and Shen Lin could feel it.After all, nowadays, the company has too much business.

Not only does Chengyuan also have benefits that are difficult to replace by others.

For example, implementing your own decisions, such as prestige that others cannot match, such as deep connections, such as...

"Lao Cheng, let's talk about this matter after the New Year."

(End of this chapter)

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