Chapter 2138

After Shen Lin and Cheng Zhenyuan met, other management personnel began to enter his office one after another.

Although everyone only talked for more than ten minutes, the whole day passed by in a flash.

Through these conversations, Shen Lin also verified the information about the company that he had seen.

Overall, this year is another great harvest for MiKe Electronics.

Whether it is MiKe DVD players or MiKe electric vehicles, there have been huge gains. Both output value and profit are much higher than last year.

and also……

In the evening, Shen Lin, Cheng Zhenyuan and others came to Ermei Hotel.

Today's Ermei Restaurant has been booked due to the arrival of Shen Lin and others.

It's not that Shen Lin and the others made a big show, it was actually that all the management personnel of the company's P5 and above were arranged to come over, so they directly occupied the entire room of Ermei Hotel.

Because it was a private room, Shen Lin didn't go to the private room and simply sat down at a big table in the middle of the hall.

MiKe's management team of several hundred people sat down around Shen Lin according to their respective positions.

Although Shen Lin was ready to get drunk before eating, at this time, looking at the people gathered together, his scalp was numb.

But as the person in charge of MiKe Electronics, Shen Lin must not back down at this time.

He raised his glass and said: "Everyone, thank you for your continued support to me. Especially in the recent period, we have been in the same boat through thick and thin and shared weal and woe. You have worked hard. I would like to toast you all!"

"Director Shen, it's you who have done the hard work. This glass of wine should be given to you by us." The deputy manager of the DVD player division stood up a little emotionally: "When you were trapped on the Europa side, what should we do? I can’t help, and I feel very uncomfortable!”

"Yes, for the first glass of wine, we should pay tribute to Director Shen, for your hard work!"

"Dr. Shen, we toast you this wine."


Listening to everyone's chatter, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, okay, those gathered here today are all our own people."

"Don't come here to salute me."

"Well, let's all drink this glass of wine together! I wish us a good omen in the coming year!"

No one said anything about Shen Lin's proposal. Almost everyone drank the wine in their glasses in one go.

A full meal lasted three hours.

Although Shen Lin tried hard to stay sober, when he drank to the end of the drink, he was completely drunk.

When Shen Lin woke up from alcohol the next day, he still felt a little pain in his head.

After washing briefly, Shen Lin checked the time and found that it was already past nine in the morning.

Shen Lin, who was too lazy to cook, went straight to his parents' house.

Shen Xingye was practicing calligraphy in the study room, while Zhao Honglian was watching TV.Seeing Shen Lin walking in, Zhao Honglian couldn't help but blame him: "Tell me about you. You just drink at the bar, and you insist on drinking so much at once."

"Although you are still young, you should be careful when drinking in the future. Don't drink yourself down in one go."

After listening to his mother's nagging, Shen Lin quickly begged for mercy: "Mom, I understand, don't worry, I will never drink so much in the future."

While talking, he came to the kitchen and said: "Mom, if you have anything to eat, please make me some to fill my stomach!"

Although there was a nanny at home, Zhao Honglian quickly came to the kitchen.

Seeing Shen Lin who was still drunk on his face, she said distressedly: "Okay, you go sit outside for a while and I will make you a bowl of shredded pork noodles."

Shen Lin naturally agreed with his mother's arrangement.

He came to the living room, picked up the remote control and started looking for a station. Shen Xingye, who had just finished writing, came over and said, "Shen Lin, when will Xiao Guoke come back?" "Their school just had a holiday, Xiao Rong said that Guoke is still here I have a hobby class that I have to attend for two days, and I should be able to come back in my junior year.”

"Dad, your handwriting has improved a lot!"

Hearing Shen Lin's compliment, Shen Xingye suddenly became interested.

He smiled and said: "I recently joined the calligraphy association in our city. With the help of several teachers, my handwriting has improved a lot."

"But if you want to catch up with the level of a few teachers, there is still a long way to go!"

Having said this, Shen Xingye showed a trace of hesitation on his face.

Although Shen Lin was drunk and a little uncomfortable, he could still see through his father's expression at a glance.

Seeing his father's hesitant expression, Shen Lin understood that his father seemed to have something he couldn't say.

"Dad, what's the matter? Just tell me. Are you still polite to your son?"

Shen Xingye smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll say it."

"President Liu of the Calligraphy Association came to me two days ago and said that the association was planning to add two vice-presidents, and I was one of the candidates."

Having said this, Shen Xingye showed a hint of embarrassment on his face.

He knew very well what his own handwriting looked like.

Although there has been considerable progress, compared with those old calligraphers, it is far behind.

Be the president!
Shen Lin immediately thought of what was involved here. If nothing else, once Shen Xingye becomes the vice president, he can seek sponsorship from MiKe Electronics for whatever the Calligraphy Association has to do.

What's more, in terms of face, no matter what kind of person comes to the association, as long as Shen Xingye is accompanied, it is a very good choice.

But although he understood in his heart, Shen Lin felt that this was very normal.

And he doesn't reject it either.

After all, Dad is no longer suitable to manage a factory, it is too troublesome.But it’s okay to have nothing to do at home. It’s quite good to write and read.

"This is a good thing, Dad, why don't you agree?"

Shen Lin said with a smile: "When the time comes, I can go out in a graceful manner and introduce myself to others. I say that I am President Shen's son, and my level will rise immediately!"

Shen Xingye still wanted to speak, but Shen Lin already smiled and said: "MiKe Electronics has funds to support cultural undertakings every year. No matter where this fund is invested, it must be invested."

"Dad, if you become the vice president of the Calligraphy Association in the future, I will support you."

Shen Lin's words did not completely dispel Shen Xingye's worries.He hesitated and said, "Shen Lin, I heard that President Liu and others are planning to hand over the daily affairs of the Calligraphy Association to me."

"In other words, as long as there are external matters, let me coordinate them."

"Will this sometimes have some impact on you?"

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "It's okay, Dad, just do it. These are all small things."

"If you have anything that is difficult for you to come forward for, just arrange it for me directly."

Just as the father and son were talking, they saw Chu Feng walking in furiously, holding a coat.

As soon as he entered the door, he said to Shen Lin: "Shen Lin, I came with a mission this time. No matter what big things you have today, you have to free up this time in the evening for me!"

Looking at Chu Feng who was much fatter than before, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Brother-in-law, if you have anything to do, just say it. Don't worry, I will never refuse anything I can agree to."

Chu Feng did not tell Shen Lin, but said to Shen Xingye: "Dad, the boss of our unit has given me a political task. I must treat Director Shen of our family to dinner and thank Director Shen for his work for us." support."

"Tsk, tsk, a hundred electric patrol cars have solved our big problem! Our boss said, if I don't take you there, you will have to question me!"

(End of this chapter)

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