Chapter 2139
"More than 100 patrol cars?" Shen Xingye looked at Shen Lin in surprise.

Shen Lin said with a smile: "In order to build up the brand of the electric vehicles produced by our company and to reflect our strong support for social undertakings, we made this donation."

"It is said to be worth more than 1000 million, but in fact, because it is produced by ourselves, the value is not that high."

Shen Xingye has been the director of a hardware machinery factory for so many years, and he knows a lot about many things.

Hearing what Shen Lin said, he immediately understood Shen Lin's intention, smiled and nodded: "Use money as you should."

"What's more, it is for the vigorous development of social undertakings."

Although he knew that Shen Lin had a lot of money now, Chu Feng still felt a sense of emotion in his heart when he heard Shen Lin's nonchalant words.

Today's Chu Feng is proud of the spring breeze in all aspects.

Although his level has not improved much, as soon as people say that he is Dong Shen's brother-in-law, his whole person seems to become radiant in an instant, and he is immediately looked up to by others.

"Shen Lin, how about having dinner tonight?" Chu Feng asked tentatively.

Although Shen Lin had just woken up from a hangover, he was his brother-in-law after all, and he had to give him face.

So after pondering for a moment, he smiled and said: "Okay, it will be tonight, but I will bring a few more people there."

"Otherwise I can't drink enough of you, and it won't take long for you to knock me out!"

Seeing that his task was solved so happily, Chu Feng's heart was filled with joy.

After picking up his PHS and returning a call, he sat aside and chatted with Shen Lin.

During the chat, Zhao Honglian's egg noodles were also served.

While Shen Lin was eating noodles, he quietly listened to Chu Feng talking about things in Dongzhou.

As the chairman of MiKe Electronics, Shen Lin is almost familiar with the major events happening in Dongzhou, but he doesn't know much about some small things because he is not in Dongzhou.

When he heard that some small companies were planning to join forces and propose to MiKe Electronics to see if the bonuses could be reduced, Shen Lin couldn't help but laugh.

"Brother-in-law, are you kidding?" Shen Lin asked with a smile.

"Shen Lin, this is true, but even though they discussed it, no one dared to send this proposal to you MiKe Electronics, so in the end it was nothing."

Chu Feng said with a smile: "After all, they are making matching products for MiKe Electronics. I am afraid that the big boss will be angry with the thunder."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "It's their right to give opinions. How can I get angry because others give opinions?"

Looking at Shen Lin who was smiling, Chu Feng didn't say much and quickly changed the topic.


Just when they were happily chatting, the phone rang.

Shen Lin picked up his PHS and took a look and found that the caller was Lu Dongsheng. He answered the phone with a smile and said, "Dongsheng, how have you been resting these days?"

"Dr. Shen, it feels so good to be back." Lu Dongsheng said with a smile: "In the past few days, I have eaten all the delicious food in my memory."

"Tsk, tsk, you've gained a lot of weight!"

Hearing Lu Dongsheng's very satisfied words, Shen Lin couldn't help laughing.

After the two chatted for a while, they heard Lu Dongsheng say: "Dr. Shen, President Wen of the Future Group contacted me and said he wanted to come to Dongzhou to visit you."

"I didn't know if you were willing to meet Mr. Wen, so I didn't say anything positive."

"Director Shen, Mr. Wen didn't say why he met you."

Shen Lin is no stranger to Future Group, whether in his past life or in this life.

After all, they are self-made bosses. Although they are not in the same industry, they have met each other.

But there is no deep friendship.

Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said: "It's too polite to come to Dongzhou. Contact Mr. Wen and say that if he is free after the year, I am willing to visit Jinguan City." Lu Dongsheng said: "Director Shen , I heard from Mr. Wen’s tone that he seems to have something very urgent and wants to discuss it with you.”

"And he is already in the provincial capital now."

Mr. Wen has already come to the provincial capital, which shows an attitude.

Shen Lin said: "Dong Sheng, tell Mr. Wen and ask him to stay in the province for a while. I will go and visit you tomorrow."

Listening to Shen Lin's response, Lu Dongsheng said, "Okay, I'll contact you right away."

After Shen Lin put down the phone, Chu Feng asked: "Shen Lin, is the person you talked about on the phone the same as Mr. Wen who is mainly responsible for the feed business?"

"Yes, this President Wen should have something to do. I will go to the provincial capital to meet with him tomorrow."

"Oh, I originally said you would take a good rest during the New Year?"

Chu Feng also understood Shen Lin. After all, with a stall as big as Shen Lin, something might happen at some point.

The two chatted for a while, and Shen Lin's phone rang again.

But this time the caller was from an unfamiliar number.

After the call was connected, a mandarin mixed with Sichuan and Chongqing spoken language came from the phone: "Hello, Director Shen, I am the future Lao Liu!"

"Hello, Mr. Wen." Shen Lin said with a smile, "I didn't know you had arrived in the provincial capital. I have something to do today. Let's go there tomorrow and have a good chat."

"Hahaha, Director Shen, I am an uninvited guest. I am the only one who is rude when I come here rashly."

After a burst of laughter, Mr. Wen continued: "I learned from Mr. Lu that you are in Dongzhou, so I asked the driver to drive and drive to Dongzhou now."

"Dr. Shen, I have always admired your MiKe Electronics."

"This time, in addition to talking about some things with you, I also hope to visit MiKe Electronics and learn from you."

"You won't not give me this chance."

Mr. Wen had already spoken to this point, so Shen Lin naturally couldn't refuse.

He smiled and said: "Mr. Wen, you are too polite. You can only come here to give us guidance."

After the two were polite, they hung up the phone.

Chu Feng looked at Shen Lin who looked peaceful and couldn't help but said: "Shen Lin, I think there must be something wrong with Mr. Wen coming here in such a hurry."

Shen Lin said: "Yeah, if it's just for visiting and studying, when can't we come?"

"I have to come here for the Chinese New Year."

"It's okay, let's listen to what he says first."

Chu Feng hesitated for a moment and said: "Shen Lin, President Wen is here, and you have to receive him. Do you think I should contact the leader of our unit and postpone our meal for a while?"

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "No need."

"What's settled will be carried out as usual."

"Mr. Wen is here today, so I won't see him for now. I'll ask Mr. Cheng to entertain him for a while."

"Let's also test his tone first."

Shen Xingye, who was sitting aside and said little, said, "Shen Lin, will this make others unhappy?"

"Dad, I think President Wen won't be unhappy if President Cheng is hosting you." Shen Lin said confidently.

Seeing Shen Lin's smile, Shen Xingye stopped talking.

But in Chu Feng's mind at this time, he thought of what others said, that is, MiKe Electronics is now the leading company, and ordinary companies simply cannot compare.

(End of this chapter)

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