Chapter 2141
Cheng Zhenyuan is naturally aware of the benefits of this.

But he also understood that it was not easy to promote such a thing.

Not only does it require a lot of capital, but it also requires connections.

Does Director Shen have enough connections?
It seems to be enough, and MiKe Electronics is not lacking in prestige. If Director Shen is willing, it can be said that he can respond to a hundred responses.

As thoughts flashed one by one, Cheng Zhenyuan said in a deep voice: "Mr. Wen, I am very interested in what you are talking about."

"But you also know that I can't make the decision on this matter."

"Well, I will definitely convey your proposal to Director Shen."

Cheng Zhenyuan's answer was within Mr. Wen's expectation.

Although Cheng Zhenyuan's status in the world is similar to his, there is one thing that Cheng Zhenyuan cannot compare with him, that is, he is the top leader of his own company, while Cheng Zhenyuan is not the decision-maker in Mihu Electronics.

The decision-maker of MiKe Electronics is Shen Lin.

For many things, only when Shen Lin decides can he implement them, or in other words, implement them to the letter.

However, as smart as he is, he will not underestimate Cheng Zhenyuan's role. He smiled and said: "Mr. Cheng, I hope you will analyze this matter more with Director Shen."

“After all, it’s a great thing that benefits everyone.”

Cheng Zhenyuan did not deny this, so he agreed.

Since the most important issue has been discussed, the next banquet will naturally be a feast for the guests and the host.

After Cheng Zhenyuan had eaten and sent Mr. Wen back to his room, he wandered back to his home.

This time, he drank three or four ounces of wine. Although it was not his limit, he was still a little dizzy.

However, his head was very clear, and as he was thinking about the bank, a slight feeling of excitement suddenly arose in his heart.

So after returning to his residence, he made a call to Shen Lin's PHS.

Shen Lin quickly connected. Hearing Shen Lin's voice, Cheng Zhenyuan felt that although Shen Lin was a little drunk, he was still sober on the surface.

"Mr. Cheng, how about Mr. Wen?" Shen Lin asked proactively.

"Director Shen, I think that although Mr. Wen is gentle and gentle, his execution and insight are still very strong." Cheng Zhenyuan said: "In some places, I feel that I am much different from him."

"Mr. Cheng, you don't have to belittle yourself. You and he are just good at different fields."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "By the way, he came here just to meet me during the Chinese New Year, right?"

"Mr. Wen came here this time to make a big move. He hopes that you can come forward to promote the construction of a joint-stock commercial bank."

When Cheng Zhenyuan said this, he pondered for a moment and said: "Although he didn't say it, I feel that he should have been instructed in this matter."

The name of a bank instantly appeared in Shen Lin's mind.

It's just that this bank should not be officially established until four or five years later.

"Mr. Cheng, what do you think about this matter?" Although he had already made up his mind, Shen Lin still asked Cheng Zhenyuan.

This is not only to listen to Cheng Zhenyuan's opinion, but also to fully respect Cheng Zhenyuan as his assistant.

Cheng Zhenyuan pondered for a moment and then said: "Director Shen, it is a good thing to establish a joint-stock commercial bank."

"And if we at MiKe Electronics can promote this matter, coupled with our strength, we can definitely become the leader of this bank."

“By that time, both in terms of funding and influence, there will be an improvement that cannot be underestimated.”

"So I am very much in favor of this!"

Shen Lin tapped his fingers on the table and then said: "Old Cheng, I understand this matter. I will discuss it with Mr. Wen tomorrow."

Cheng Zhenyuan said: "Okay." Cheng Zhenyuan was not surprised that Shen Lin did not express his position immediately.

After all, this is a big deal. As the person in charge of MiKe Electronics, it is only normal for Shen Lin to be cautious about this matter.

What's more, if this matter comes to you, you may be cautious.

But tonight, Director Shen may not be able to sleep because he has to think about this issue.

In fact, Cheng Zhenyuan really thought wrong. Shen Lin slept quite peacefully this time. Apart from drinking some wine, more importantly, he didn't take this matter too seriously.

Shen Lin, who had already made up his mind, just had to wait for Mr. Wen to come to visit.

After breakfast the next day, Mr. Wen and others arrived at the office building of MiKe Electronics.

Looking at the MiKe employees coming and going, Mr. Wen's eyes were filled with envy.

Although his company also has good development prospects and he is doing very well, looking at the prosperity of MiKe Electronics, he feels that the gap between himself and MiKe Electronics is not as big as usual.

Apart from anything else, the spirit of the employees of MiKe Electronics cannot be matched by our own company.

Although the young people in our company are all elites, it is difficult to see the pride on the faces of Mike employees and the unshirkable sense of ownership on their faces.

"If we develop for another ten years, I will be satisfied if we can reach the current level of MiKe Electronics." Mr. Wen said with a hint of emotion.

As Mr. Wen's assistant, Li Bin is naturally not a fool.

He can also feel the gap between his company and MiKe Electronics.

Before he entered Mr. Wen's company, he also interned in a foreign company.In his opinion, MiKe Electronics seems to be even more generous than the big companies where he interned.

Even in some aspects, MiKe Electronics is much better than the big companies where I interned.

"Mr. Wen, I believe that under your leadership, we will be able to catch up with MiKe Electronics." Li Bin said in a deep voice.

President Wen smiled and did not dwell on this issue. Instead, he asked Li Bin, "Do you think Director Shen will support what we are doing today?"

"I think Director Shen will be very moved."

"After all, as long as this can be done, MiKe Electronics will not only gain considerable benefits, but Director Shen's reputation will also be even greater."

Mr. Wen nodded, a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

In fact, he prefers to do this himself!
After such a thing is done, the benefit will be his own.

But he understood better that it would be difficult for him to promote this matter by himself.Only when Shen Lin steps forward can this matter be successful quickly.

This is not only his understanding, but also the consensus of many other friends.

"Hahaha, Mr. Wen, welcome." As soon as he got out of the elevator, Mr. Wen saw Shen Lin standing at the entrance of the elevator.

Shen Lin, dressed in formal attire, looked smart, capable and energetic.

Although he was still in his 40s, looking at Shen Lin who was a little too young, Mr. Wen still felt a trace of emotion in his heart.It is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and each generation becomes stronger than the last!
The gap between him and Shen Lin is really too big.

Although he was older than Shen Lin, he did not dare to take advantage of it at this time. Instead, he took two steps quickly and greeted cordially: "Director Shen, please forgive me for intruding, Director Shen!"

Shen Lin and Mr. Wen exchanged polite words and invited Mr. Wen to the small conference room that had been prepared long ago.

After the two chatted for a while, Mr. Wen smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, I believe Mr. Cheng has already reported to you my proposal yesterday."

"I am here this time just hoping that Director Shen can take the initiative to stand up and lead us to get this matter done together."

"Our company is willing to follow Mr. Shen's lead."

(End of this chapter)

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