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Chapter 2142: No objection, no coming forward

Chapter 2142: No objection, no coming forward

In Li Bin's opinion, Shen Lin should say a few words of humility and then accept the matter readily.

After all, whoever takes the lead in this matter will gain more benefits.

The strength of MiKe Electronics also gives Shen Lin the ability to do his job.

However, what he didn't expect was that after listening to Mr. Wen's words, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Wen, I very much agree with the establishment of a joint-stock commercial bank."

"And we at Mihu Electronics are also willing to contribute to this matter."

"It's just that I have too many things to do, and I'm not too familiar with this aspect. As the saying goes, there is a certain order of learning, and there is a specialization in the art."

"In my opinion, since Mr. Wen is the one who initiated this matter, you should complete it from beginning to end."

"If there is anything that needs support from our MiKe Electronics, we will never be vague."

Shen Lin's words were very sincere, not like evasiveness.

But just when Li Bin was surprised, Mr. Wen had already solemnly said: "Director Shen, I have visited many colleagues for this matter."

"Most of them are very supportive of this matter."

"But when talking about this matter, everyone feels that if MiKe Electronics does not come forward in this matter, no one will have confidence!"

"So, in order to convince everyone, Director Shen, you have to take the lead."

Shen Lin knew that what Mr. Wen said was half true and half false. There may be some companies that hope to follow MiKe Electronics' lead, but everyone is like this, and Shen Lin will not believe it naively.

He had already made up his mind, so he declined resolutely: "Mr. Wen, we at MiKe Electronics can contribute, but it is better for you, Mr. Wen, to take the lead in this matter."

"I can make a promise to Mr. Wen here, that is, we will absolutely support this matter."

At this point, Shen Lin didn't wait for Mr. Wen to refuse, and continued: "Mr. Wen, if you refuse again, I think we will have nothing to talk about."

Mr. Wen pondered for a moment and said: "Director Shen, what do you think of this joint-stock commercial bank?"

If he didn't buy shares, Shen Lin would naturally not say anything.

Now that he has decided to invest in shares, he cannot let Mr. Wen think that he is an outsider. After all, there is a lot of money involved.

"Mr. Wen, I don't have much experience in this area, but I think that if this joint-stock commercial bank is to be established, the first point is to limit the maximum shareholding of a shareholder."

"Everyone is not short of money. If one shareholder has too many shares, it will be detrimental to the healthy and healthy development of our bank."

Since Mr. Wen took the initiative to come to Shen Lin to talk about this matter, it can be said that he knows a lot about this joint-stock commercial bank.

We even went to experts to discuss this matter over and over again.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Shen Lin opened his mouth, he hit the nail on the head and hit the key point of this matter.

In a joint-stock commercial bank, the person with the largest number of shares naturally has the final say. In the end, the bank is likely to become completely controlled by the major shareholders.

In that case, the rights and interests of small shareholders...

"Director Shen, how do you think we can control the problem of too many shares in some companies?" After pondering for a moment, Mr. Wen asked in a deep voice.

Shen Lin said: "I think we can limit it. We don't limit the minimum shareholding of shareholders, but the maximum shareholding must be limited to less than ten percent."

"I think this number is more appropriate."

The more Mr. Wen thought about it, the more he thought about controlling the controlling stake of a company's shareholders to less than ten percent, the more he felt that this plan was feasible.

Firstly, [-]% of the shares are quite a lot; secondly, it can prevent major shareholders from controlling the entire commercial bank through their own equity.

"Director Shen, you also said that you don't understand this aspect. Your proposal can be said to have solved a big problem that has troubled us."

"No more than ten percent is good!"

Mr. Wen clapped his hands and said: "Director Shen, I think you are the best person to promote this matter." Shen Lin said that the ten percent was based on the memory of future generations.

If you want him to promote it, all he needs to do is apply the framework of later generations.

But Shen Lin didn't have time to do this, so he waved his hand and said: "Mr. Wen, I just said it, I just want to make some comments."

"If you insist on letting me take the lead, then I have no choice but to withdraw."

Mr. Wen came here mainly to persuade Shen Lin.

How could he be willing to let Shen Lin quit? After all, once Shen Lin quit, most of his ideas would be in vain.

"Director Shen, since you must be humble, why don't you serve as a consultant on this matter? If we have anything to do, we can ask you for advice."

Shen Lin did not refuse Mr. Wen's proposal. After all, he was kind-hearted, so it would be too disrespectful to refuse.

After talking about his views on commercial banks and having another meal, Mr. Wen said goodbye and left with a smile on his face.

He was quite satisfied with this trip to Dongzhou.

Originally, he thought that the thing he promoted would be used as wedding clothes for Shen Lin.

After all, they are stronger than me, so they will be more powerful in promoting this matter.But I didn't expect that although Shen Lin participated in this matter, he did not take the lead.

This made him extremely happy.

After all, no one wants to see others benefit the most from the good things they promote.

There is also the support of Shen Lin.

In this matter, having the support of rice-shell electrons and not having the support of rice-shell electrons are completely different consequences.

After sending Mr. Wen away, the New Year is getting closer and closer.

Although the production of MiKe Electronics has been non-stop, the Chinese New Year atmosphere has become increasingly intense.

After Shen Lin took Lu Xiaorong and Xiao Guoke home for the Chinese New Year, he felt that nothing would happen to him before the new year.

Unexpectedly, on the 27th of the New Year, an uninvited guest came to Dongzhou again.

Accompanying this uninvited guest was York Hansen.

York Hansen is in high spirits. With the success of the MiKe operating system and the increasing profits of Walnut mobile phones, his life is getting better and better.

"Director Shen, let me introduce you. This is Seans, my former colleague at Grass Flag Bank. But now, he has joined Wall Street and became a member of Mr. Toros' team."

When York Hansen introduced his companions, his expression was solemn.

Hearing this name, Shen Lin frowned.

He naturally knew what this person was doing, and at the same time, he also felt that there might not be anything good that could happen to Shawns when he came to see him.

However, Shen Lin said calmly on the surface: "Mr. Shawns, you are welcome to come."

"You came just in time. It will be the New Year here in a few days. You can have a good New Year here with us."

Shawns looked at the young and excessive Shen Lin, with a hint of smile flashing in his eyes.

He said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, I am here on behalf of Mr. Toros, and the purpose is to discuss a big business with you, Director Shen." '

"I believe that you, Director Shen, will not refuse this big deal."

York Hansen was not surprised that Shawns was so straight to the point. He smiled at Shen Lin and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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